Testing to see if a window is maximized - windows

I noticed that in Windows, if you maximize a window you can not resize it until you un-maximized it again. This appears to be a normal behaviour, so I would like to remove my resize gripper when the window is maximised.
At the moment I can't find a property to detect if a window is maximized, and although I could add a boolean in my controller, it wouldn't necessarily catch requests to maximize from the OS.
So if you know of a reliable way to test if a window is maximized please let me know.
On a related note, I am using custom chrome, and when I maximize a window it overlaps the windows task bar. I can think of hacks to detect available screen size (using a transparent system chrome window), but it would be good to know of a better method.

In your application (MXML) on the in the init method you ussually call on creationComplete:
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"
creationComplete="init()" >
Add the following code:
this.addEventListener(NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent.DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGE, trackState);
the method looks like this:
public function trackState(event:NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent):void
if (event.afterDisplayState == NativeWindowDisplayState.MAXIMIZED)
isMaximised = true;
} else {
isMaximised = false;

I have figured out how this can best be done thanks to some pointers from TheBrain.
Firstly you need to watch for resize events to the window your want to control:
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow.addEventListener(NativeWindowBoundsEvent.RESIZE, onWindowResize);
Then handle that event to decide if the window is maximised or not:
public function onWindowResize(event:NativeWindowBoundsEvent):void
if (event.afterBounds.height >= Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds.height && event.afterBounds.width >= Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds.width)
isMaximised = true;
isMaximised = false;
You then need to catch or create your own maximize button, and when clicked perform the following code:
if (isMaximised)
var bounds:Rectangle = Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds;
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow.bounds = bounds;
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow.bounds = new Rectangle(100, 100, 500, 600);
You can modify the bounds to over maximize (which is handy for custom chrome windows with shadows), and you can also set the application to reset to a default size if the maximize button is clicked when it's already maximized (or do nothing).
I had issues about when to assign the window resize listner, and ended up removing and adding it every time the maximize button was clicked. It's a bit of overkill, but not too bad.

There is Win32 API Call that will do this for you:
BOOL IsZoomed( HWND hWnd );

to get the actual usable space from the screen, use the flash.display.Screen class, or you can use the systemMaxSize() which returns the largest window size allowed by the OS. For maximization you have some events that the window is dispaching when maximized/minimized/restored. You can find more info on the adobe pages (the link under systemMaxSize).
To detect if window is maximized...I don't think there is such a function (I might be wrong) but you can test if the app size is equal with the available screen size which means it's maximized. Or hook on the resize event which is triggered when the app is maximized/minimized/resized

Here is an easier way of checking if a window is maximized:
if(stage.nativeWindow.displayState == NativeWindowDisplayState.MAXIMIZED)
//do something

The following worked for me. No need to set event listeners, this code can be used to check the real-time state of the native window:
if (nativeWindow.displayState == 'maximized')

Can you use something like this to hook the maximize() event?


Dialog window positioning

I'm creating a small non-modal dialog in TornadoFX like this:
find<Grib>(scope).apply { openModal(block = true,
owner = FX.primaryStage,
stageStyle = StageStyle.UTILITY,
modality = Modality.NONE) }
How do I go about setting (and retrieving) it's window position for later? That is, I have a preferences object for the window location and I want to update it so that the next time the user opens the window, it opens in the same place they last closed it.
I was able to mostly solve my problem by digging through some of the TornadoFX source code.
I added this to my init{} function:
Platform.runLater {
root.scene.window.x = Main.preferences.getDouble(GRIB_WINDOW_X, 400.0)
root.scene.window.y = Main.preferences.getDouble(GRIB_WINDOW_Y, 400.0)
And then adding this to my close() function:
Main.preferences.putDouble(GRIB_WINDOW_X, root.scene.window.x)
Main.preferences.putDouble(GRIB_WINDOW_Y, root.scene.window.y)
This "mostly" solves the problem in that it does save/restore the window position, however the window flickers when it is created as it moves from some default position to the newly set position.

How can I get a borderless child window to re-scale to current screen in multi-monitor setup?

My app has a main window which creates and opens an instance of a subclass of a QML Window {} using createObject(). This window has its flags: set to be a borderless window (I've added code so that it can be grabbed and dragged around).
When I attach a monitor to my laptop and set its font scale factor to 125% (or 150%), when I drag my main window over to the second monitor, you can see it suddenly "snap" to the larger size when it reaches the halfway point. Likewise, when I drag it back to my laptop screen it again "snaps" to the smaller size when I get halfway over (this behavior is what I want, so no problems here).
My problem is that when I drag my created borderless window over into the monitor, it keeps the original 100% scale factor and does not "snap" to a larger size. If I drag my main window over to the monitor, it gets larger but the borderless window remains at the smaller scale; only when I grab the borderless window and move it slightly does it suddenly "snap" to the larger scale size. The same thing happens in reverse - if I then drag the borderless window back onto the laptop, it remains at the larger size until I drag the main window back over and then move the borderless window slightly (at which point it suddenly "snaps" to the smaller size).
So it appears that this created Window uses the scale factor of the screen that the parent window window that created it is currently in, even if it is in a different screen itself.
Is this happening because the Window is borderless? (I'm about to test this but my build process is incredibly slow) Or is there any way to set this borderless Window up so that it detects that it is crossing into a new screen and re-scales itself (in the same way that my main window does)?
Update: I just ran a test giving my Window a native titlebar, and with a titlebar the window instantly adopts ("snaps to") the scale factor of whichever screen it happens to be in, just like my main window (and independent of the main window's scale factor).
So is there any way to duplicate this auto-scaling window behavior with a borderless window? Some flag I need to call, or some method(s) I need to call to get the OS to rescale the window?
Update 2: I tried out Felix's SetWindowPos solution. It does move the window, but this does not fix the scaling problem - the behavior of the frameless window is the same and it still does not correctly pick up the scaling factor of the screen it is in.
I am running a test using MoveWindow instead of SetWindowPos to see if that affects anything [edit: MoveWindow does not work, either - same problem]. Then I'm going to try SendMessage or PostMessage along with NoBugz' suggestion of the WM_DPICHANGED message.
Any other suggestions are welcome.
Update 3: I just created a quick C# app (winforms) to see if the same problem occurs with that, and it doesn't - when a borderless form in the C# app is dragged over into the other monitor, it immediately picks up the scale factor change. So it appears this is a Qt problem.
Update 4: See my answer below for a working solution to this problem (if a bit of a hack).
So as far as I understand, your current goal is to move the window via the WIN-API.
You will have to do so via C++. The approach would be:
Pass the QML Window to a C++-Method exposed to QML as a QQuickWindow (The QML window instanciates that type, as seen in the documentation)
Use QWindow::winId to get the native HWND
Call the SetWindowPos WIN-API method to move it
Code sample (C++-part):
// the method
void moveWindow(QQuickWindow *window, int x, int y) {
HWND handle = (HWND)window->winId();
::SetWindowPos(handle, HWND_TOP,
x, y, 0, 0,
// assuming "moveWindow" is a member of "MyClass"
qmlEngine->rootContext()->setContextProperty("mover", new MyClass(qmlEngine));
Code sample (QML-part):
// call this method as soon as the drag has finished, with the new positions
mover.moveWindow(idOfWindow, xPos, yPos);
Note: I would recommend you try out calling this only after the drag was finished (and move the window as you do right now until then). If that works, you can try out what happens if you call this during the drag instead of changing the x/y of the window.
I figured out a relatively simple way to fix this problem. Since a frameless window in Qt gets its scaling factor from the window that created it, the trick is to create another window (that has a titlebar but is not visible to the user) and create the frameless window there, and then add code to the frameless window to keep the hidden window positioned underneath it as the user drags it. When the frameless window is dragged into another screen, the hidden window goes with it, picks up the new scale factor (since it has a titlebar) and then the frameless window immediately gets the new screen's scale factor as well.
Here is sample solution code:
// HiddenWindow.qml
Window {
id: hiddenWindow
// note: just making window visible: false does not work.
opacity: 0
visible: true
flags: Qt.Tool | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.WindowTransparentForInput |
Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint // Qt.Tool keeps this window out of the
// taskbar
function createVisibleWindow() {
var component = Qt.createComponent("VisibleWindow.qml")
if (component.status === Component.Ready) {
var win = component.createObject(hiddenWindow)
return win
// VisibleWindow.qml
Window {
id: visibleWindow
property var creatorWindow: undefined
flags: Qt.FramelessWindowHint
onXChanged: {
creatorWindow.x = x
onYChanged: {
creatorWindow.y = y
onWidthChanged: {
creatorWindow.width = width
onHeightChanged: {
creatorWindow.height = height
And then to use these classes from your main window QML:
property var hiddenWindow: undefined
property var visibleWindow: undefined
Component.onCompleted: {
var component = Qt.createComponent("HiddenWindow.qml")
if (component.status === Component.Ready) {
hiddenWindow = component.createObject(null)
visibleWindow = hiddenWindow.createVisibleWindow()
visibleWindow.creatorWindow = hiddenWindow
You need to resize window when window move to other screen
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
onPressed: {
movePos = Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y)
isDoubleClicked = false
lastWindowWidth = mainWindow.width
lastWindowHeight = mainWindow.height
onPositionChanged: {
if (!isDoubleClicked) {
const delta = Qt.point(mouse.x - movePos.x, mouse.y - movePos.y)
if (mainWindow.visibility !== Window.Maximized) {
mainWindow.x = mainWindow.x + delta.x
mainWindow.y = mainWindow.y + delta.y
mainWindow.width = lastWindowWidth
mainWindow.height = lastWindowHeight

IUP, menu, webbrowser, tree, tabs

I have such menu situation:
int menu_create(Ihandle *menu)
hamburger = IupItem("&Hamburger", "hamburger");
IupSetAttributes(hamburger, "AUTOTOGGLE=YES, RADIO=YES");
char* ce = "Ćev&apčići";
cevapcici = IupItem(utf8_to_cp1250(ce), "cevapcici");
IupSetAttributes(cevapcici, "AUTOTOGGLE=YES, RADIO=YES");
exit = IupItem("Exit\tAlt+F4", "exit");
img4 = IupLoadImage("icons\\delete_16x16.ico");
IupSetAttributeHandle(exit, "TITLEIMAGE", img4);
menu = IupMenu(
IupItem("Carro&t", "carrot"),
IupSetFunction("exit", (Icallback)mnu_exit);
... etc...
IupSetHandle("menu", menu);
How to get "radio toggle group" functionality with items hamburger and cevapcici so first turns off a second checkmark and opposite. This is my try but it don't work.
2) I try webbrowser example from IUP suite on my windows 7. Problem is that bad black flickering appear's during resize (increase). Also, background of webbrowser flicker black during showing.
I try a same example on Ubuntu and there flickering appear's too but it is not so much visible since background is there white.
Is here any way to get rid of those flickering or if not to get white background of webbrowser window on windows?
3) Since webbrowser is ole object (on windows) is it possible to use say "print preview" or "zoom" function by reference from IUP handle or at any other way like we used to do from MS programming tools?
4) How can I get key_up event fired from IupTree?
5) Interesting situation with IupTabs:
frame3 = IupHbox(mat, val, NULL);
vboxt1 = IupVbox(frame3, NULL);
vboxt2 = IupVbox(frame3, NULL);
IupSetAttribute(vboxt1, "TABTITLE", "First documents... ");
IupSetAttribute(vboxt2, "TABTITLE", "Second documents... ");
tabs = IupTabs(vboxt1, vboxt2, NULL);
hbox1 = IupHbox(tabs, IupVbox(frame, tree, frame2, NULL), NULL);
dlg = IupDialog(hbox1);
When I set frame3 which should be a same for both tabs my GUI frozes.
However, I have to got same "mat" (IupMatrix) in both tabs because by changing tabs other data load in matrix but similar enough to use same matrix and related functions.
What to do here?
1) The RADIO attribute belongs to the IupMenu, not to the IupItem. This also means that all the IupItems inside that menu will be part of the radio.
A workaround would be to manually unset the other toggle inside the action callback.
2) That flicker is not caused by IUP. Don't know why the native controls are doing it.
3) Yes, but you will have to program that using the OLE API. If you take a look at the IupOleControl and IupWebBrower source code and send me the code to do it, I will be happy to add it to IUP.
4) You don't. Use the K_ANY callbacks.
5) You can not reuse a control in different places in any dialog. So you must have two different frames, with two different matrices. What you can do is to encapsulate your matrix, so the same function will create a matrix with the same attributes and callbacks any time you want one.

How can I programmatically close the story editor in InDesign using ExtendScript?

I use a script which opens the story editor like this:
How can I close it programmatically? How can I detect whether it's opened or closed?
A story editor window may be closed with its close method.
Here is a function which closes the story editor window if it's open. It tests for the presence of a zoom property on the window to determine whether the window is a story editor or not (Thanks Loic Aigon for this idea)... There must be a better way of doing this but I haven't found it.
function closeStoryEditor() {
var windows = app.activeDocument.windows,
nbWindows = windows.length,
closedWindow = false;
for (i = 0; !closedWindow && i < nbWindows; i += 1) {
if (!windows[i].hasOwnProperty("zoom")) {
// Let us presume that a window without a zoom method is a story editor window...
closedWindow = true;
To close it, it's…the same call ! if you want to check if the editor is already opened, you can loop through all open windows like this :
and see for matches.

Edit Control not updating with Spin Control MFC

I am trying to use an edit control along with a spin control using MFC visual studio .net 2003. I have carried out the basic settings for the spin control like setting the "AutoBuddy" property and "SetBuddyInteger" property to True so that the Spin control works in coordination with the edit control next to it. In my Spin control's event handler, I am facing a problem when I am trying to call my Invalidate() function. The float value in my edit control does not update and stays zero. If I remove the Invalidate(), then the value increments but my paint function is not updated obviously. A code of the following is given below:
void CMyDlg::OnSpinA(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
LPNMUPDOWN pNMUpDown = reinterpret_cast<LPNMUPDOWN>(pNMHDR);
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
m_A = m_ASpinCtrl.GetPos(); // m_A is my edit control float value variable
Invalidate(); // Invalidate is to be called to update my paint function to redraw the drawing
*pResult = 0;
I have carried out the tab order correctly as well for the two controls.
Any suggestions on where I am going wrong?
Thanks in advance.
If you just want to have a spinning integer, you don't have to override anything.
The spin control has to be right next to the edit control in the tab order. With AutoBuddy that's all you have to do.
m_A when getting the position back would do something weird and would not return you the correct value. Try using the pointer to get your position and value and then carry out the invalidate().
LPNMUPDOWN pNMUpDown = reinterpret_cast<LPNMUPDOWN>(pNMHDR);
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CString tempStr;
m_A += pNMUpDown->iDelta;
m_ACtrl.SetWindowText(tempStr); // Like a CEdit m_ACtrl to display your string
*pResult = 0;
This should work perfectly well. Let me know if you still get any problems.
