How to use windows Phone app for many resellers - windows-phone-7

I want to have an app which i can use for many resellers.
so for example my projectname / namespace etc. is myApp and now i want to copy all the stuff in a searate svn branch and rename some strings, change some pictures etc.
The problem is that if i install the copy (via visual Studio) my original app get uninstalled.
Does this also happen if the app comes via Store download?
how to prevent Windows Phone from uninstalling the first app when the second one is installed?
Thank you...

A Windows Phone application is identified by its product ID, specified in the manifest. So, to answer your questions:
The issue won't happen on the store, because a new product ID will automatically be generated when you submit your app
To prevent the issue you're facing, just change the product ID in the WMAppManifest.xml file


Refresh Teams Bot icon + name

I updated the name + icon of my Bot Framework Bot. In Teams I don't see a way to get it updated.. I remember having to remove some cache folders in program files manually but wonder whether there's an easier way (+ bot in Teams from Web has little to do with my local cach and also that one doesnt refresh).
How do I refresh my bot name + icon in Teams deskop + web?
Unfortunately, MS Teams does not provide an easy way to 'refresh' a bot icon, but it is doable. The first thing is to realize that there are two sources for the icon that come into play: 1) From your bot settings in Azure, and 2) the app manifest used for loading a custom app. (I'm not able to test installing via the Teams App store, however I would guess it would yield similar results to loading a custom app.)
In testing, each source appears to effect a different part of the Teams app. If you update your bot icon in the bot settings in Azure, this updates the conversation bot icon and the bot icon that displays when you type in a contact name. The does not update the bot's 'profile' and/or app image. These must be updated from a new manifest.
The user can uninstall and reinstall the custom loaded app (bot), however simply installing the updated manifest on top of the current bot without uninstalling appears to work just fine.
Lastly, in both cases, the user will need to clear out their Team's cache files. The following instructions explain how this can easily be done on a Windows 10 machine (original posting located here). Please forgive the formatting...markdown isn't playing nice with my letters and bullets.
If you want to clear MS Teams cache, you could refer to the following ways:
1. Fully exit the Microsoft Teams desktop client. To do this, either right click Teams from the Icon Tray and select ‘Quit’, or run Task Manager and fully kill the process.
2. Go to File Explorer, and type in %appdata%\Microsoft\teams.
3. Once in the directory, you’ll see a few of the following folders:
a. From within ‘Application Cache’, go to Cache and delete any of the files in the Cache location.
* %appdata%\Microsoft\teams\application cache\cache
b. From within ‘Blob_storage’, delete any files that are located in here if any.
* %appdata%\Microsoft\teams\blob_storage
c. From within ‘Cache’, delete all files.
* %appdata%\Microsoft\teams\Cache
d. From within ‘databases’, delete all files.
* %appdata%\Microsoft\teams\databases
e. From within ‘GPUCache’, delete all files.
* %appdata%\Microsoft\teams\GPUcache
f. From within ‘IndexedDB’, delete the .db file
* %appdata%\Microsoft\teams\IndexedDB
g. From within ‘Local Storage’, delete all files.
* %appdata%\Microsoft\teams\Local Storage
h. Lastly, from within ‘tmp’, delete any file.
* %appdata%\Microsoft\teams\tmp
4. Once finally done clearing, you can now restart Teams from your local desktop and all cache will be cleared from the desktop app.
In this way, I have been able to update the bot icon. Not a terrible process, but certainly not a friendly user experience.
Hope of help!

Windows Universal app crashes after Associating identity with Store

I'm creating a cordova app for Windows.
Now when I build this normally (with my own identity of which I have no clue where he gets it from) everything works fine and my app launches with success.
Although when I then associate my app with the Store, and have my actual app name + package name etc filled in for me, I get a blank screen when trying to run my app.
The head and body tags stay empty and no error is thrown in my JavaScript console.
Any idea of why this happens? The problem definitely is that I associate my app with the Store and then something happens which makes my app crash or fail to start.
But why does it do this? And how can I resolve it?
(currently building with VS2017)
Alright, so I figured out that because the package name changed, I had to edit that as well in the manifest. Now My main root component is loaded, but it isn't setting the app root to any page, just a blank screen. (with a menu that can open on swipe).
Alright, so my Microsoft assigned package name was different than my own. This caused the app to look for my own package name instead of the Microsoft one I associated with.
The solution was quite simple, just set your widget-id in your config.xml to the Microsoft assigned package name and rebuild your solution.
(I was using Ionic framework so re-execute ionic build windows --release --prod --arch="arm")

Windows 10 UWP Application - Error whilst creating package

I currently have a windows phone 8.1 application in the store and have decided to upgrade it to windows 10 UWP. I've created a new version of the app from scratch using VS 2015 3 RC and used the options in the project menu to associate the app with one already on my account.
When I do this the appxmanifest file is updated with the wrong PublisherDisplayName - instead of my name it's coming up with Microsoft account. If I build the package with this name it all completes without error however if I change to to what is on my developer account then I get the following error
The PublisherDisplayName element of the Properties element in the app manifest must have the value of the Publisher display name value from your developer account: Microsoft account
I've tried logging out/in on my developer account, repairing VS, reinstalling VS etc. confirmed my developer account has the correct name but still the problem occurs.
Any suggestions right now would be most welcome!
I was having the same issue, I believe it's because the Package.StoreAssociation.xml doesn't download/build correctly, and then if you change your publisher name in the Package.appmanifest then the two don't align.
To fix this, make sure that the
element in the Package.StoreAssociation.xml file (usually found in the root of your project) is set to the same as the
Dev centre -> Account Settings -> Public info -> Publisher display name
which is also set to the same as your "publisher display name" in your
package.appmanifest -> Packaging tab.
This should resolve your problem.

How do you publish so it works on other computers?

how do i publish my game so i can use it on other computers? When i tried publishing it, it worked on my computer ( the application) but not on another computer.
Click create in VS.
Select Publish Yourprojectname
Follow the steps in the helper
After the creation is finished, a folder is opening. Don't launch the setup but the .application file which ic checking if the XNA-Framework is installed and, if not, automatically lanch setup.exe.
[I translated these steps form German to English so if a button is namend a bit diferent you now know why]

Using OSX Security-Scoped Bookmarks in a Firemonkey app

I have been developing an OSX app with Delphi XE3 and running into various problems. The latest one is with the sanboxed version built for the Apple Appstore.
The user has to select an arbitrary folder and the app needs to get access to it. Since there is a problem with the OpenDialog, I had to turn to drag-drop functionality instead.
The user drags a folder to the app, the sandbox gives the app temporary access to it and all works properly.
To preserve the access to this folder when the app is restarted I have to use the so-called "security-scoped bookmarks"
I am having two issues with them:
1) How to add the "" entitlement to an XE3 firemonkey app? It is not available in the Project Options->Entitlements. If I add it manually in the ".entitlements" file it gets overwritten when the app is built.
So is there a way to add a custom entitlement that is not in the list in the project options?
2) To create the bookmark I should use the NSURL.bookmarkDataWithOptions method. I think it should be used like this, but I am not sure of the exact syntax:
Err: NSError;
Data: NSData;
URL := TNSURL.Create;
Data := URL.bookmarkDataWithOptions(NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope, nil, #Err);
Maybe there should be a call to Wrap(...) instead of Create.
I have not yet experimented with it, because it is pointless without the answer to issue 1).
It seems no one has written anything about these problems for Delphi, but I hope someone here has experience with that.
Thanks in advance.
For problem 1) I tried to add edit manually the ".entitlements" file in the OSX32 folder and set it to read-only to prevent it from being overwritten. It was too easy to be true of course, because the linker complained that the file can not be modified...
OK, I finally found the way to manually add entitlements that are not available in the Project Options > Entitlements.
Instead of selecting the "App Store" build in the Project Manager you have to select a Normal release build and deploy the application as usual.
The application gets deployed in the PAServer scratch-dir as APP package. Inside this package there is an "Entitlements.plist" file, which is in XML format and can be edited with a text editor. It is quite obvious how to add new entitlements once you open the file.
After it is edited, the app has to be code-signed manually and a package has to be prepared. It is slightly more complicated than using the Delphi IDE, but there are instructions about it on the Embarcadero and Apple websites and it actually went without problems.
Still haven't tried the bookmarkDataWithOptions functions.
An alternative could be to deactivate the checkbox for the entitlements-file in the deployment page.
But attention: Evry time you change between Build/Release or App Store/Normal, delphi activates the checkbox. That means you have to deactivate it again in the deplayment-page, to avoid the transfer of this file to the mac PC.
By the way: Do you have tryed meanwhile the StartAccessingSecurityScopedResource function?
In the MacApi.Foundation unit the function is not declared in the NSURL interface.
Do you have found a way to use this function?
