Windows Universal app crashes after Associating identity with Store - windows

I'm creating a cordova app for Windows.
Now when I build this normally (with my own identity of which I have no clue where he gets it from) everything works fine and my app launches with success.
Although when I then associate my app with the Store, and have my actual app name + package name etc filled in for me, I get a blank screen when trying to run my app.
The head and body tags stay empty and no error is thrown in my JavaScript console.
Any idea of why this happens? The problem definitely is that I associate my app with the Store and then something happens which makes my app crash or fail to start.
But why does it do this? And how can I resolve it?
(currently building with VS2017)
Alright, so I figured out that because the package name changed, I had to edit that as well in the manifest. Now My main root component is loaded, but it isn't setting the app root to any page, just a blank screen. (with a menu that can open on swipe).

Alright, so my Microsoft assigned package name was different than my own. This caused the app to look for my own package name instead of the Microsoft one I associated with.
The solution was quite simple, just set your widget-id in your config.xml to the Microsoft assigned package name and rebuild your solution.
(I was using Ionic framework so re-execute ionic build windows --release --prod --arch="arm")


Cannot run exported application

I've developed a simple MacOS application (i.e. a product consisting of main application and launch helper application) with Xcode 9.4. Application runs fine in Xcode. I've archived and exported the app (either "Export without re-signing" or "Development" using "Automatic signing"). The export process runs without errors.
However, it is not possible to the application. Upon starting outside of Xcode, nothing happens; no error message etc.
How can this be further diagnosed?
Finally found it thanks to #clemens. Embedded libraries have their place inside the generated package in /Contents/Frameworks. Since I had previously embedded a login item I had set a /Contents/Library/LoginItems target path that was used below Frameworks which is clearly not the expected place. Removing the library, cleaning the path and re-adding fixed it for me.

How to build a Cordova app to windows 10 (universal)

I'm currently developing a Cordova application with jQuery Mobile by using sublime text 3 and using Ripple to emulate my devices (I'll reference this project as SublimeProject).
I can build apps for IOS, Android and Win8. But now I need to build it for Windows 10. Apparently this doesn't work with my setup.
A colleague of mine told me to import the project in Visual Studio (I'll reference this as VSProject), add the plugins in the config.xml, copy over the files to the www folder and run it. Problem here is that it just doesn't work.
When I try to run it on Android with the Ripple - Nexus (Galaxy) emulator, it'll give me a warning like this:
I Haz CHeeseburger?!?!
We seem to be missing some stuff :(
What is kinda cool though you can fill in the textarea to pass a json object to the callback you want to execute
Success! Fail!
But when I press Fail! the program will just work, somehow.
My console shows me the following for ripple.js:
ripple.js:37 Ripple :: Environment Warming Up (Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.)
ripple.js:51 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check
ripple.js:51 GET http://localhost:4400/config.xml 404 (Not Found)(anonymous function) # ripple.js:51module.exports.initialize # ripple.js:51_baton.pass # ripple.js:13xhr.onreadystatechange # ripple.js:39
ripple.js:37 cordova :: Initialization Finished (Make it so.)
ripple.js:37 cordova :: Native back button handler was detached.
ripple.js:41 missing exec:PushPlugin.register
ripple.js:48 PushPlugin
ripple.js:48 register
Makes sense that something is wrong with pushplugin, but can't figure out what.
Additional, when I try to run the application on Windows-AnyCPU (which my actual intent is), the application will just show me the default cordova splash screen and hang there:
So that's where I'm at. I need to figure out a way to get the app to run on Windows 10. Prefered to use Visual Studio because I know it has an option to build me an .xap file.
Update 1
I'm tracing where the PushPlugin error comes from.
try {
pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification;
pushNotification seems to be undefined, yet in my config.xml I have the following line:
<gap:plugin name="com.phonegap.plugins.pushplugin" version="2.4.0" />
Update 2
The pushplugin doesn't seem to be relevant, because when debugging in Visual Studio, I'll find the pushNotification to be not undefined.
Currently there is nothing pointing to a good reason why I only see the splash screen instead of my application.
I had the same problem and it turned out it was due to duplicate url in the $stateProvider.

Running AntlrWorks2 stand-alone on Windows 7

I must be missing something. After downloading AntlrWorks2 I found the executable bin/antlrworks2.exe and bin/antlrworks264.exe. Aren't these supposed to be the standalone version of the tool? Neither works for me; after a NetBeans splash screen, the first times around I got an error message on missing packages; after a couple of times I chose to go on regardless, but now (still after the initial spash screen) there is simply nothing happening at all.
I can't find any tutorial or manual detailing how to run AntlrWorks stand-alone, so any help is much appreciated.
This is due to a bug in the NetBeans platform. I filed a report but it hasn't received a reply yet:
Cannot launch platform application after moving installation folder
Here is a workaround that does not delete any preferences you have customized:
I found that deleting just the var folder under the user's generated
.antlrworks2 settings folder resolves the issue...
Still an issue as of date of this post. Deleting the .antlrworks2 folder from \users\username\AppData\Roaming does work - you can find this folder by putting %APPDATA% into your file explorer address bar (exactly as shown) - that will go to the app data folder for your current user login session. Delete the .antlrworks2 folder and then re-run the app.

Using OSX Security-Scoped Bookmarks in a Firemonkey app

I have been developing an OSX app with Delphi XE3 and running into various problems. The latest one is with the sanboxed version built for the Apple Appstore.
The user has to select an arbitrary folder and the app needs to get access to it. Since there is a problem with the OpenDialog, I had to turn to drag-drop functionality instead.
The user drags a folder to the app, the sandbox gives the app temporary access to it and all works properly.
To preserve the access to this folder when the app is restarted I have to use the so-called "security-scoped bookmarks"
I am having two issues with them:
1) How to add the "" entitlement to an XE3 firemonkey app? It is not available in the Project Options->Entitlements. If I add it manually in the ".entitlements" file it gets overwritten when the app is built.
So is there a way to add a custom entitlement that is not in the list in the project options?
2) To create the bookmark I should use the NSURL.bookmarkDataWithOptions method. I think it should be used like this, but I am not sure of the exact syntax:
Err: NSError;
Data: NSData;
URL := TNSURL.Create;
Data := URL.bookmarkDataWithOptions(NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope, nil, #Err);
Maybe there should be a call to Wrap(...) instead of Create.
I have not yet experimented with it, because it is pointless without the answer to issue 1).
It seems no one has written anything about these problems for Delphi, but I hope someone here has experience with that.
Thanks in advance.
For problem 1) I tried to add edit manually the ".entitlements" file in the OSX32 folder and set it to read-only to prevent it from being overwritten. It was too easy to be true of course, because the linker complained that the file can not be modified...
OK, I finally found the way to manually add entitlements that are not available in the Project Options > Entitlements.
Instead of selecting the "App Store" build in the Project Manager you have to select a Normal release build and deploy the application as usual.
The application gets deployed in the PAServer scratch-dir as APP package. Inside this package there is an "Entitlements.plist" file, which is in XML format and can be edited with a text editor. It is quite obvious how to add new entitlements once you open the file.
After it is edited, the app has to be code-signed manually and a package has to be prepared. It is slightly more complicated than using the Delphi IDE, but there are instructions about it on the Embarcadero and Apple websites and it actually went without problems.
Still haven't tried the bookmarkDataWithOptions functions.
An alternative could be to deactivate the checkbox for the entitlements-file in the deployment page.
But attention: Evry time you change between Build/Release or App Store/Normal, delphi activates the checkbox. That means you have to deactivate it again in the deplayment-page, to avoid the transfer of this file to the mac PC.
By the way: Do you have tryed meanwhile the StartAccessingSecurityScopedResource function?
In the MacApi.Foundation unit the function is not declared in the NSURL interface.
Do you have found a way to use this function?

What makes a WP7 app unique

I have one app, I copied the whole folder and proceeded to edit it out, turning it into a new app.
Now, during testing, if I debug the first app (let's call it parent app), and then proceed to debug the second app (child app), the parent app is no longer there. It has been replaced by the child app and vice versa.
Digging deeper into this, I proceed to change out some of the Properties. I changed the Assembly Information to fit it properly, changed the GUID and all.
The only piece of data that stays the same is the Assembly name. The Assembly name is the same for both of the apps because changing it is a bit trickier since I get an debugger error if I do that.
My question is what makes an app unique and how could I achieve to have both the apps installed at the same time ?
Apparently, an app is considered unique based on the
ProductID="{XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}" line found in the WPManifest.xml.
This line can't be found in the Properties, and can only be found in the mentioned xml.
