How can you create a media player playlist in code in Windows Phone 8? I have done some research but I couldn't find a way, yet. Is that even possible?
There is no built-in feature for manipulating Playlist in Windows Phone 8. However,
You can create a list of songs you want to play:
Collection<string> songs = new Collection<string>();
Then you have to control your "playlist" manually:
foreach(var song in songs)
MediaPlayer.Play(Song.FromUri("Song name", new Uri(song)));
No, it is not possible to create playlists on Windows Phone.
You can vote for it on user voice.
I tired to googling that how share videos form camera roll in windows phone 8 like in Nokia video upload and facebook app. I used to try this
Only share picture but I want to share only videos for my app e.g. when my app show in list when share a video by camera roll of windows phone in sharing
To quote the link you included in your question:
Note that this extensibility is only available when the photo is a JPG
And from my experience, I can confirm that it is not possible to register your app as a share target for a video file.
In other words, if a user tries to share a video from the camera roll or another app, there is no way to make your app appear as one of the options in that list.
Did you try using the share media task function?
Check this article out from the msdn :
You can use MediaLibrary and there is already an answer for your question in this link. As said, there is no way to select existing sound media and video files through default choosers. Thank you.
My app downloads video from server and saves it in IsolatedStorage.
Can i add this video to phone collection?
No, it's not possible in Windows Phone 7. You can use MediaLibrary that will give you access to metadata related to existing songs and pictures, but that's about it. You cannot currently read or write videos stored on the phone.
I want to display the list of songs in current playing lists, If users play music in my app, I could know what playlist is playing but if they were playing in zune app then switch to my app, my song list will be empty, even though the playlists is still running.
For example: if users's playing a playlists in windows phone 7 by Zune app, then they navigate to my App, how do I get that current play lists?
The current Windows Phone 7 APIs only integrate with phone media via the MediaPlayerLauncher, which allows you to launch media from your application.
The Mango (7.1) APIs allow you to integrate with the media + video hub, however, the APIs are still pretty simple. You can determine the currently playing media via MediaHistory.NowPlaying.
MediaHistory.NowPlaying is of Type MediaHistoryItem which has the Properties Title and ImageStream. You could add the Title and Image to your collection.
You can use MediaPlayer.Queue property of static class MediaPlayer from Microsoft.Xna.Framework library
I would like to launch directly to the YouTube player on Windows Phone 7.
I tried using WebBrowserTask and giving a YouTube URL, it opens up the browser and brings me to a page with a thumbnail of the YouTube video, I need to click on the thumbnail before the video plays.
I like to skip the extra click. I like the user to click a button in my app, and it should play the video directly. Is there a way to do it?
Once you have the Youtube app installed, from within you application you can start the WebBrowserTask and do the follwing:
Regex Youtube = new Regex("youtu(?:\\.be|be\\.com)/(?:.*v(?:/|=)|(?:.*/)?)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)");
Match youtubeMatch = Youtube.Match(YOUTUBE_VIDEO_URL);
string id = string.Empty;
if (youtubeMatch.Success)
id = youtubeMatch.Groups[1].Value;
WebBrowserTask webBrowserTask = new WebBrowserTask();
webBrowserTask.URL = ""+ id +"?vndapp=youtube_mobile";
That should launch the browser, then automatically launch the Youtube App. Cheers!
Finally I've worked out a clean solution (without browser task, and no "double back key pressing"):
Try to use following sample;
WebBrowserTask webBrowserTask = new WebBrowserTask();
webBrowserTask.Uri = new Uri("");
this should open video directly, but I think you will have to still double click to go back.
There is a solution for that now. You can use protocol to launch the YouTube application from Microsoft and play.
new System.Uri("")
Unfortunately Launcher.LaunchUriAsync method only works with Windows Phone 8 devices and beyond.
No. Mabe in next version of OS will be custom choosers and lunchers.
To display a video from YouTube, you will need the Video Player for YouTube. Otherwise, you will need to write a custom decoder that will receive the YouTube stream and display it in a MediaElement.
As you've discovered this isn't currently possible.
There is currently no way to launch another application, other than by using a Launcher or Chooser.
On the YouTube site, individual videos can be configured to autoplay or not. I'm not aware of a way to override this.
However, on the phone this is different. YouTube uses flash to play videos but Flash is not currently supported on the phone. YouTube videos can only be played if the YouTube application is installed. When you open the youtube site with the webbrowsertask the user must click on the image to launch the player.
If web pages were able to launch applications without first requiring user action this could be a huge security issue.
N.B. The YouTube app has special elevated privileges, not generally available, to be able to be launched in the way it is.
I am currently building an application for Windows Phone 7 which has to play music with the MediaPlayer.
However, I would like to know whether the phone is already playing some music, to ask the user if he want to play also my app's.
How could I get this information?
MediaPlayer.Queue.ActiveSong should do the trick.
MediaPlayer doco here for your reference.