How add video from app to collection? - windows-phone-7

My app downloads video from server and saves it in IsolatedStorage.
Can i add this video to phone collection?

No, it's not possible in Windows Phone 7. You can use MediaLibrary that will give you access to metadata related to existing songs and pictures, but that's about it. You cannot currently read or write videos stored on the phone.


Share videos camera roll wp 8

I tired to googling that how share videos form camera roll in windows phone 8 like in Nokia video upload and facebook app. I used to try this
Only share picture but I want to share only videos for my app e.g. when my app show in list when share a video by camera roll of windows phone in sharing
To quote the link you included in your question:
Note that this extensibility is only available when the photo is a JPG
And from my experience, I can confirm that it is not possible to register your app as a share target for a video file.
In other words, if a user tries to share a video from the camera roll or another app, there is no way to make your app appear as one of the options in that list.
Did you try using the share media task function?
Check this article out from the msdn :
You can use MediaLibrary and there is already an answer for your question in this link. As said, there is no way to select existing sound media and video files through default choosers. Thank you.

Save pictures to custom folder in media library

WhatsApp now saves pictures to a custom folder named "WhatsApp" in the media library.
Is WhatsApp using a undocumented API or is this possible for every developer?
Right now I am only aware of the possibility to save pictures to the "Camera Roll" or to the "Saved Pictures".
It appears WhatsApp has special permission to do that as no current APIs for Windows Phone 8 (with GDR3) allow you to specify a folder name.
The hope is that Windows Phone 8.1 will introduce new APIs for both saving pictures and video.

How to download and save audio and video in wp7 mediaLiabrary?

Can you please tell me how to save or store sample audio and vidio into mediaLibrary.From my application if i long press on a picture i get a save picture option that saves the picture under saved pictures category in MediaLibrary. Similarly how do i save a mp3 and mp4 file.
I am able to downloadcontent and play the audio on emulator directly but not able to save any mp3 file from the web onto the MediaLibrary. Is there any other way to add songs to MediaLibrary?
Please Help me.
The Windows Phone 7 API does not allow saving audio and video to the Media library, only on the isolated storage of the application itself.
This is in contrast to Pictures, which like you said you can save to the Media library.

Stream YouTube videos in a Windows Phone app

How do I stream YouTube videos in a Windows Phone app? I've tried using the MediaElement control and setting its Source property with the URL to a video and called the Play() method on the media element, but it didn't work. I want to create a simple video player that plays a video as it is being streamed. What kind of .NET classes do I need to work with?
YouTube does not expose its videos in a format which you can use to play them within Windows Phone applications, or any other kind of application for that matter. This is why services such as KeepVid, which provide 'hacks' for downloading YouTube videos, exist.
Please see my answer to this identical question from a few months ago over # Possible to play Youtube video in a wp7 app?

Store and Retrieve mp3 files in windows phone?

I'm new to windows phone development. I need to save and play audio files in my project. for that i need to store mp3 files into the database. I got idea from net, either we can store mp3 files directly to DB or store mp3 files to Isolatedstorage and store only URL in the database.
Now i was confused, we could be an easy way to achieve me expectation ? Suggest me which is one best? Also pls share some sample code....
Store the mp3's in Isolated Storage in the App/Shared/Media folder, then tell the Zune player to play them.
How to: Play Background Audio for Windows Phone
