HTML5 like placeholder - ckeditor

Is there a plugin or built-in functionality for CKEditor 4.x that would act like HTML5 input/textarea placeholder?
Only thing I found is, but that seems to be something a lot different.

You can use the configHelper plugin.


Sphinx docs without JavaScript

I'd like to build docs using Sphinx, but without any JavaScript. Is there a straight forward way to configure Sphinx not to include any JavaScript? Setting an empty html_js_files in the doesn't do the trick.
Obviously there will be some functionality missing, like the search box. However it seems that no core functionality that I care about is impacted when manually removing the scripts.
Modify your theme's template where the JavaScript is included, removing that HTML tag.

Is there way to use SVG element inside Adobe XD plugin Dialog?

I'm trying to import a SVG using <img/>. Seems like it's not working. Any workaround for this issue?<img src="./assets/icon.svg" alt="Icon">.
There’s not currently a direct workaround for this. Lack of SVG support in the UI APIs is noted as a known issue in the docs.
For now, you’ll need to use another image format.

ckeditor source view formatting lost?

I've just upgraded from CKEditor 4.4.4 to CKEditor 4.5.2 and it seems that the source code formatting is lost. This is also the case with all demos on the official case eg. main demo page.
It used to look like this (nice formatting, coloring):
And now it looks like this:
Does anybody know if I need a plugin or if it's a bug?
CKEditor has never provided syntax coloring in source mode.
Previously you have used some third party plugin, so you must add it again.

AngularUI - Compatible browsers

I tried to open the AngularUI website ( in IE8. UI was not rendered properly in IE8(working fine in latest version of chrome/firefox). This led me to search browser compatability of AngularUI modules.
A discussion in the groups pointed me that AngularUI-bootstrap module does not support IE8(!topic/angular-ui/8L0739rxdes)
But could find the info for other modules listed below.
So the question is, Are these modules compatible with ie8. If yes, is there a desire to continue support in the future.
Many of the AngularUI directives do work correctly in IE8 provided you don't configure them using the custom element option. The problem is that IE8 ignores any elements that aren't standard HTML, which obviously blows that approach out of the water.
Use attribute approach instead. For example, instead of:
<tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs" heading="{{}}"></tab>
<ul tabset>
<li tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs" heading="{{}}"></li>
Alternatively you can tell IE8 to use elements which are not known per default by using a script like this:
This lets IE8 know that <tabset>, <tab> and <tab-heading> are valid elements.
In addition to #Paul's correct answer, which by the way should be marked as the answer, here is the Angular teams explanations and how to correct them to work in IE8 Angular IE8 development guide. Also, it should be noted that the Angular team is officially dropping support for IE8 in Angular 1.3 and later, blog. So, if you need to support IE8, don't use Angular 1.3+, nor use any angular UI that uses 1.3+.

jQuery TinyMCE advimage Missing

advimage is missing from the jQuery package for TinyMCE 4. I tried to use the one from an older version but that didn't work. Where can I get the plugin that will work with TinyMCE 4?
You cannot. These plugins were for 3.x series of TinyMCE, in 4x series the below mentioned plugins have been removed.
advhr, advimage, advlink, iespell, inlinepopups, style, emotions and xhtmlxtras
See this for complete details:
