I'm trying to import a SVG using <img/>. Seems like it's not working. Any workaround for this issue?<img src="./assets/icon.svg" alt="Icon">.
There’s not currently a direct workaround for this. Lack of SVG support in the UI APIs is noted as a known issue in the docs.
For now, you’ll need to use another image format.
We are developing clickable prototype using Adobe XD. We know that the prototype can be exported as SVG file using the export option. We wanted to know if it is possible to have the clickable prototype which is shared via URL contain SVG instead of a single image. If not directly through XD , does any plugins help in this?
The XD prototype view can't be expressed as plain SVG because it includes animation, interaction, and rendering features that SVG doesn't support. And since XD is tech-stack agnostic, it doesn't try to generate complete production code for you.
There are a number of XD plugins that can export code for several different web frameworks – with varying degrees of fidelity and varying degrees of turnkey production-readiness. You might be interested in plugins like Yotako, Flutter Export, Generate Flutter Code, Fireblade, Component to Vue, or Export as React Component.
I'm making iOS and Android app using with Xamarin.forms. (PCL project)
I need to resize my image file from 'MediaFile class' that is returned from 'CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync ()'.
What's your best way to do it?
and I have searched long time and noticed that many people uses 'writeableBitmap'.
But this 'writeableBitmap' nuget package can not be added because Xamarin platform is updated?
I got great answer from here.
It's using DependencyService and it works beautifully.
After applied DependencyService, I got a question.
In my thinking, image file is not dependent so why don't we process it just in 'forms' using with SOME image process library in .net? (I'm not a .net developer but I believe that there is many library to process image file)
I suspect that we should have done because we want to use built-in image processing library(like UIKit) so that we could avoid adding new one?
Am I correct?
I need access to the image of the default clear button that apple provides because I want to use it somewhere else in my app, where can I find the image file? If apple doesn't allow access to them, does anyone have a link to this image, i've been searching for a while now and haven't found a proper .png image i can use (I don't have photoshop, so I can't edit them myself).
The image I'm talking about is the one that shows up if i add this line of code:
textfield.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing;
I suggest you to use this. http://www.teehanlax.com/tools/iphone/
It's a psd, but you should be able to extract the ressource using a tool like acorn.
Ok, I was feeling nice:
Is there a plugin or built-in functionality for CKEditor 4.x that would act like HTML5 input/textarea placeholder?
Only thing I found is http://ckeditor.com/addon/placeholder, but that seems to be something a lot different.
You can use the configHelper plugin.
Demo: http://alfonsoml.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/placeholder-text-in-ckeditor.html
Firefox has native support for SVG. However, I have a web page where the SVG graphig is <embed>ed, and a plugin is requested to show it.
When I click on the plugin icon, no plugin is proposed by FF.
Is there such a plugin?
Is there a way to make FF display embedded SVGs using its native support without installing a plugin?
The same happens with TIFF files.
<td align="left">
alt="SVG"> Image SVG
I've had a few issues with this recently. The way that I managed to make it work was using the embed function (I was initially using html5, which firefox 3.6 doesnt support inline svg, yet)
The syntax used was, where workspace contains just SVG code:
<embed src="workspace.svg" width="500" height="500" />
The above code shouldn't need a plugin, and didn't when I used it. The advantage of using <embed> rather than <object> is because it allows you to run scripts. If your syntax is slightly different then that could be your issue. If your syntax is the same, post your code as a whole so we can have a look.
Adobe used to supply a plugin but they no longer give support for it so it is wise not to use it.
Edit in response to code posting by OP:
There are only two reasons I can think of, as to why your code isnt working, but not sure if they would actually make a difference:
a) Closing the embed tag (almost definetly not the problem, but is good practice to do so anyway).
b) As I cant see your servlet I cant assume that you have not set the content type to be image/svg+. That could be an issue.