ckeditor source view formatting lost? - ckeditor

I've just upgraded from CKEditor 4.4.4 to CKEditor 4.5.2 and it seems that the source code formatting is lost. This is also the case with all demos on the official case eg. main demo page.
It used to look like this (nice formatting, coloring):
And now it looks like this:
Does anybody know if I need a plugin or if it's a bug?

CKEditor has never provided syntax coloring in source mode.
Previously you have used some third party plugin, so you must add it again.


Preview of math formulars in ASCiiDoc (VS Code)

I am using VS Code to write a document in ASCiiDoc. Part of this document are math formulas.
My problem is that preview of this formulars does not work. For example: If I write
the preview is
In Git intepretation of this works, but not locally in preview. How do I fix this?
This problem was discussed in the following GitHub issues:
The solution appears to be to change the Asciidoc: Change Preview Security Settings to Disable to allow the remote content for the images to load.

Syncfusion RTE duplicates image on paste

The problem is when I copy and paste an image from "Paint" to the Syncfusion RTE it duplicates that image for some reason.
Using ej1 Version=18.3450.0.35 in Asp Net Web Forms
I've tried to update Syncfusion to the latest version but it didn't help.
Checked the clipboard and it has only one file, as expected.
Replicated that in the official Synfusion Demo:
Works well in another Syncfusion demo:
I've tried to put the same RTE as in the second (working) demo but it doesn't work for me.
Any ideas will be appreciated!!!
.aspx file
c# RTE initialization and tools
Fixed by removing 'html' from the 'style' section in the RTE innerHTML.
The reported issue is fixed in your mentioned version “” in RTE, so kindly ensure this after clearing NuGet and browser cache in your sample.
Please refer to the following release notes.
We have also attached a simple sample in this version for your reference where pasting images from paint is working fine.

Tiny MCE v2.1 code editor

Call me old fashioned, but there is nothing I can do but only to use the old version of Tiny MCE, which is 2.1.
So, what I'm trying to do is to add a "download" attribute to tag, after I open HTML editor I type this attribute, when saving it simply disappears. There is no official documentation to this old version on the official site. The new ones doesn't mention anything about this feature at all. overall editor look. code editor look
Also, I tried to add "download" in the extended valid elements configuration:
extended_valid_elements: "code[class|dir ,however no success as well.
Did anyone by any chance faced the same problem?
Could use a little bit of help.
Well, if anyone ever encounters the same problem, which I highly doubt, you would need to open tiny_mce.js file, and on the line 1928 there will be "A : "id|class|style|title|download" ", this is the place, where I added "download". Afterwards I was able to add this attribute in the HTML code editor.

What buttons have changed labels from fckeditor to ckeditor 4?

It appears that some of the button names have been changed in ckeditor version 4.
Is there a complete list of these changes?
There is a partial list here.
I'm pretty sure that names haven't been changed. If something is not working check if plugin you need is included in your build (most likely it is a standard preset) and if not:
download a full preset (which in fact does not include all plugins too, but most of them) or
add required plugins to your custom CKEditor build.
[EDIT] another useful resource is the toolbar sample shipped with CKEditor package. E.g. here's one for a standard package.

Liferay ckeditor upgrade

I'm working with Liferay version 6.1.20 but sadly in this version the ckeditor 4.0 isn't implemented yet.
Is there a way to manualy upgrade CKEditor? or is it a job that i shouldn't start because it's to much work?
I would like to manualy update the CKEditor because the plugin that i'm hooking on isn't compatible with older versions of CKEditor.
I have been looking around on the web. But there isn't any information present as far as i know. I would be nice to know if it's word trying?
Ckeditor 4.0 is included in the trunk (6.2 M4) (this can be seen in the post from Juan Fernández in the liferay forum. Don't know if it will be part of 6.1 GA3 due shortly. I'm not sure how complex it is to upgrade CKEditor. You may want to see the github pull request mentioned in Juan's post.
It looks like that Replacing the ckeditor.js file and adding all the new required files is the first step of replacing the ckeditor. Besides that it's important to change the CKeconfig.jsp and remove all the old configurations. Toolbar settings can be made. These don't seem to cause any problems.
If your working with the .on method please notice that the contentDom event is fired 2 times. Once on loaded and once when the editor is ready. I checked editor.status === "ready" to prevent this. Because it is attaching the listeners when it's not ready.. Because of this the won't work.
=== Edit ===
Still having problems. But now with the save as draft action. It's saving the data but without the Html changes i have made.. I'm making span's with special attributes. but the editor won't save them..
== Edit 2 ==
The problem was a missing CKEDITOR config tag. config.allowedContent = true; (See edit for the problem)
