Magento store dependent text - magento

I'm using Magento multi store and a lot of my pages are equal so I'm using these pages for both my stores. There's just one problem: the phonenumber prefix is different and therefor I want to show in store1 prefix 057 and in store1 prefix 0057.
You see it's a minor detail and I don't want to use double pages based on this so is there a way to show store dependent text?

You can use CMS blocks with the different prefixes for each store, or if you can afford to create your own module, you could use a system config field and add this in your CMS pages : {{config path='path/to_your/field'}}


Is it possible to manage the multiple countries with single store?

I want to setup a single store to manage the multiple countries. In this case, EAV (Price, shopping cart rules, reports, language etc.) value can be set on the Country based not on the store view based (As of Magento).
Thank you so much for your thoughts.
It is possible to setup multiple countries in single store.In order to achieve this you will have to write custom extension or use existing extensions.
checkout below extension provides similar functionality to restrict product display for certain country based on users GEO Location
Checkout this Advanced Pricing extension too.
You can use GEO-IP Language & Currency Switcher

Magento - modify search for multiple stores

We've got 2 magento stores configured, A and B:
Store B only shows categories and products below the catgory CAT2.
Now, when searching on store B's front-end, products from categories of store A come up. How can I avoid that? I'd like to cleanly separate products assigned to store A from those assigned to store B as store B is a specialized product segment presented with another company.
Any idea how to do this?
we finally set up the second store as a different website, this way we can assign products to either one or the other in the website section of the product, and search results adapt accordingly.

How to duplicate Magento CMS pages and content blocks for additional language scopes

I neeed to find out if it is possible to duplicate a content block or page in Magento much in the same way that you can with products?
For example, I can create a product in (English) and then select an alternative language scope (Italian) and paste the text in for the Italian version.
That is intuitive.
Is this possible for CMS pages and Blocks? It does not appear to be - but maybe I am missing something?
I navigate to CMS > Pages and select a page to edit, it just looks to offer the ability to change the language allocation (not duplicate it for alternative scopes).
It's not possible to duplicate CMS blocks within the Magento admin.
There are a number of extensions that will add this function or alternatively ones that allow you to export, amend in CSV and then import to create the duplicate pages or static blocks quickly.
The CMS Blocks in Magento 2.x are stored in 2 tables:
You can export the cms_block table directly from the mysql db and change what ever you want with an external editor like open-office calc (in my opinion better than excell for export to csv) delete teh column with the id and import again.
If you are implementing a multiple website/store magento then you will need to also export/import the cms_page_store with the correct id's of the block and the store

Where do you store UPC codes for products?

I am working on an install of AspDotNetStoreFront (version Currently, the company stores their own SKU's from their business system in the provided SKU field. They often use Manufacturer Part Number to store their vendors part number.
The above example is a variant of a product where we would like to store UPC information.
I searched the AspDotNetStoreFront manuals and could not find a recommended strategy for storing UPC codes. Its easy enough to add a field to the database and bulk import the data, however, an admin needs to be able to maintain them from within the stores user interface.
Is there a way to add a UPC field without modifying core ASPDNSF code and still allow users to maintain it from within the UI? Or do I have to use the SKU or MPN fields?
I do see that there are 5 fields for "ExtensionData" that I could possibly use, but I don't see those fields as editable for Variants in the UI the way ExtensionData is for the Products themselves.
I don't think we have had customers who didn't use sku for their UPC code. In the event that you need to modify the table by adding another column, you can modify the admin to show this.
You should be ab able to edit entityEditProducts.aspx and entityEditProducts.aspx.cs to edit this in the admin area. You will just need to modify the sql scripts and the view.
I'm not sure if it's important enough for you to upgrade over, but version 9.4 added fields for UPC. From the 9.4 release notes (
"Added new GTIN field to the product variant information for unique product identification. This new field holds up to 14 characters and can be used for EAN, UPC, ISBN, etc. This new field is included in WSI, Excel & XML Imports, and supported by DotFeed."
The GTIN field works for both variant and size/color.
you can use one of the 5 extension field given by default in the product table to store UPC code. By default it has also UI in edit product under Extension Data tab.

Magento website, store en store view names - can they be changed?

In our magento shop we have about 8 websites, for some websites 3 store views. Some of the website and store view names are not meaningful, and I would like to change them.
So basically my question are:
What happens if I change the website name of an existing website?
What happens if I change the store name of an existing store?
What happens if I change the store view name of an existing store view?
I'm not talking about the codes. I understand that they are used in the vhost/htaccess, and maybe somewhere else, so they should stay as they are.
If by name you mean the label of stores and websites, then nothing will happen. It's a just a human friendly string. It is no used to load a store/website in Magento core. Only id and code are used.
However, I cannot guarantee that your custom modules also respect this rule.
