Magento website, store en store view names - can they be changed? - magento

In our magento shop we have about 8 websites, for some websites 3 store views. Some of the website and store view names are not meaningful, and I would like to change them.
So basically my question are:
What happens if I change the website name of an existing website?
What happens if I change the store name of an existing store?
What happens if I change the store view name of an existing store view?
I'm not talking about the codes. I understand that they are used in the vhost/htaccess, and maybe somewhere else, so they should stay as they are.

If by name you mean the label of stores and websites, then nothing will happen. It's a just a human friendly string. It is no used to load a store/website in Magento core. Only id and code are used.
However, I cannot guarantee that your custom modules also respect this rule.


Amazon Seller Inventory File – Where to get main image URLs?

I'm trying to update the inventory with more information on clothing sizes, material composition etc. by uploading the appropriate inventory file. Now, the template table that I got from here has loads and loads of required columns such as country_of_origin and target_gender that I need to fill out, as well as main_image_url. I'm not sure what to enter there, as the existing images are just fine.
After researching (see below), I'd like to know if I need to go through the trouble of somehow downloading and uploading all of the product images just for the sake of the inventory table, or if there is any other way to create an inventory file that will not mess up the product information.
Or am I maybe misguided in the way that I am trying to do the product updates?
Thanks for any help!
My Research
Can I just leave the field blank even though it is a required field?
On this Amazon help page, it says to include every piece of information for existing products into the table even it might seem redundant. Whether that is a recommendation or an absolute requirement, I cannot tell.
Is there an efficient way to retrieve all of the main image URLs for existing products?
Apparently, it is not possible to download the main_image_url in a inventory report like I did with most other required product data columns.
As our products are imported to Amazon by a Shopify app, we do not have all of the product images saved on a server by product ID or anything like that.
According to this StackOverflow answer, there are API calls for retrieving product images by ASIN, but those are scaled down, I cannot use those.

Magento store dependent text

I'm using Magento multi store and a lot of my pages are equal so I'm using these pages for both my stores. There's just one problem: the phonenumber prefix is different and therefor I want to show in store1 prefix 057 and in store1 prefix 0057.
You see it's a minor detail and I don't want to use double pages based on this so is there a way to show store dependent text?
You can use CMS blocks with the different prefixes for each store, or if you can afford to create your own module, you could use a system config field and add this in your CMS pages : {{config path='path/to_your/field'}}

404 error when switching between stores when in a category on magento

My magento website has 5 store views. When we are in a product in English and select French, it redirects correctly and show the product in French. But when it comes to categories, it doesn't work at all.
I'm on a category with the url, if I change to the Spanish view, it doesn't redirect to the url "../cuidado-del-cuerpo" it just goes to to and shows a 404 error (it changes the 'en' for 'es', but doesn't change the last part of the url).
The rewrite is not defined on the URL Rewrite Management section. I have 5 categories and 5 store views, so it's not a good idea to create the rewrites rules manually.
How can I solve this? Why the rewrite rules were not written when we created/modified the url of each category?
1) Can you check if the urlkey is definable on store view level, or if it is set to website level? That way, you can only create 1 url key for EN and ES. You need it to be at store view level, do define 2 separate values.
2) Is there something in your error log? (and is your error log turned on?) Normally url rewrites are created automatically for each store view. If not, you may need to manually reindex.
It's hard to give further advice, since the problem could be anywhere (conflicting module? bad code?)

Complex Localization with MVC ASP.NET

We currently have a Web Forms set up for our website and are looking to slowly convert this to MVC. Currently we store translations in a database. our translation table contains columns for each language and a sort of title. which we can identify the translation with(The primary key)
But it gets more complex when we actually may have different clients wanting different words for the same bit of text.
E.g. one will want it to read - Delivery Costs
And the next may want it as - Delivery Prices
So we then have a second CustomTranslation datatable which will be the same as the translation but also have a client ID number in it. If the user logged in and it looking for the Identify of the translation as "DeliveryCost" it will check to see if there is a record in the CustomTranslation table it will use that OVER the standard Translation table.
After which it will then pick the appropriate language the users wants.
Basically I need to be able to have our website translate depending on the users settings. And as well as the company they work for (our client)
The general method of localization uses resource files but we need to really keep them in the database. This produces a second problem which is when you try to declare Propertry Display Names and Validation Messages these also need to ability to have different text and/or translations but generally it expects a Static field which we would not have.
Whats the best way to go about solving this complex localization issue?
Thanks in advance. Steve
Problem 1 - Having the resources in the database
Use the approach used in this article for extending the standard resources into the database.
Problem 2 - Having custom localization per customer
No problem, the standard .net approach supports localization including a region or customer, just use i.e. en-US, en-US-Customer1, en-US-Customer2, etc.

How to allow duplicate SKU in Magento

I have a customer who retails third party batteries, and some batteries can replace several OEM models.
For instance, 3rd party SKU 12345 may replace Toshiba N23 and HP 53214, thus my customer would like to create two products with the same SKU in front end (they are essentially the same product). However, Magento by default does not allow duplicated SKU.
My current solution is to set SKU to not required from the backend, and add another attribute called Model that allows duplicated values, and display the Model in front end.
Is there a better way to do this? Or is it possible to allow duplicated SKU?
Tian Bo
Noble Technologies
It sounds to me like you've found a good solution. I'm not so sure you should try to have duplicate values for SKU for two reasons.
First the whole point of SKU is that it is a unique identifier. That's its only reason for existing. If you're going to have duplicate values, then it's not a unique identifier; it's just another attribute. But of course Magento still needs a unique identifier to work, which means that this is an extra field, which takes us exactly where you are now.
That said we come to my second point which is this... I'm not exactly a Magento guru, but I've built my share of e-commerce sites and one thing I've learned is that they depend on certain unbreakable rules to work properly. One of them is that unique identifiers are unique, both on the database and application level. As such, a large part of the website depends on this to function correctly. Which I'm pretty sure goes for Magento too.
So trying to change such a basic premise in something so complicated will only lead to horrors and a slow descent into madness.
This sounds like a good solution that I extended a bit further, however what I did with multiple store was to create a visible attribute ITEM_SKU (Item SKU) - make it visible and searchable and then concatenate the store_id to Magneto SKU to make it unique.
So SKU becomes (Store_id "-" SKU).
It surprises me how often people are willing to break who-knows-what parts of Magento, just to get a specific piece working how they expect.
The proper way to allow for duplicate skus is NOT to (unless you'd like to re-write large parts of the framework). You CAN, however, add a custom attribute to products that shares all the same settings as "sku" minus the setting that requires values to be unique.
Changing product pages, emails, etc to show this value instead will require a little extra work but will save you headaches later.
Why don't you create 1 product (SKU 12345) and list this product in multiple categories. So your multiple categories will be Toshiba and HP. The same product (SKU 12345) will be listed in Toshiba and HP.
