Where do you store UPC codes for products? - barcode

I am working on an install of AspDotNetStoreFront (version Currently, the company stores their own SKU's from their business system in the provided SKU field. They often use Manufacturer Part Number to store their vendors part number.
The above example is a variant of a product where we would like to store UPC information.
I searched the AspDotNetStoreFront manuals and could not find a recommended strategy for storing UPC codes. Its easy enough to add a field to the database and bulk import the data, however, an admin needs to be able to maintain them from within the stores user interface.
Is there a way to add a UPC field without modifying core ASPDNSF code and still allow users to maintain it from within the UI? Or do I have to use the SKU or MPN fields?
I do see that there are 5 fields for "ExtensionData" that I could possibly use, but I don't see those fields as editable for Variants in the UI the way ExtensionData is for the Products themselves.

I don't think we have had customers who didn't use sku for their UPC code. In the event that you need to modify the table by adding another column, you can modify the admin to show this.
You should be ab able to edit entityEditProducts.aspx and entityEditProducts.aspx.cs to edit this in the admin area. You will just need to modify the sql scripts and the view.

I'm not sure if it's important enough for you to upgrade over, but version 9.4 added fields for UPC. From the 9.4 release notes (http://partners.vortx.com/t-summer2013releasenotes.aspx):
"Added new GTIN field to the product variant information for unique product identification. This new field holds up to 14 characters and can be used for EAN, UPC, ISBN, etc. This new field is included in WSI, Excel & XML Imports, and supported by DotFeed."
The GTIN field works for both variant and size/color.

you can use one of the 5 extension field given by default in the product table to store UPC code. By default it has also UI in edit product under Extension Data tab.


Include Order information in MailChimp Campaign?

We already have our customer's Order Information in MailChimp. It shows on the "E-Commerce" tab of each Contact in the List.
Is it possible to send out a campaign in MailChimp that includes this information?
For example, the customer's most recent Order Number?
Unfortunately, they don't yet have pre-built tool capable of pulling customer/order attributes into a Campaign's content, and at least currently adding any data like this you'd like to dynamically populate in Campaign would require adding any data directly to the list fields and using their merge tags.
They do offer Product centric dynamic content options, if that'd be in any way helpful.
Use Product Recommendation Content Blocks: http://kb.mailchimp.com/campaigns/content-blocks/use-product-recommendation-content-blocks?utm_source=mc-kb&utm_medium=kb-site&utm_campaign=eepurl
Merge tags for products: http://kb.mailchimp.com/merge-tags/all-the-merge-tags-cheat-sheet#Merge-Tags-for-Product-Recommendations
You can optionally store merge fields associated with each list recipient:
You could create a custom merge field for "MOSTRECENTORDER" for each customer, and then reference it within templates using |MOSTRECENTORDER|

Is it possible to manage the multiple countries with single store?

I want to setup a single store to manage the multiple countries. In this case, EAV (Price, shopping cart rules, reports, language etc.) value can be set on the Country based not on the store view based (As of Magento).
Thank you so much for your thoughts.
It is possible to setup multiple countries in single store.In order to achieve this you will have to write custom extension or use existing extensions.
checkout below extension provides similar functionality to restrict product display for certain country based on users GEO Location
Checkout this Advanced Pricing extension too.
You can use GEO-IP Language & Currency Switcher

Magento coupon entities in database

I'm trying to develop a Magento plugin which involves using coupons. Apparently after looking around I found a source that mentions use of a 'salesrule' table for coupons. However when I looked at my database i couldn't find it. However I did find 3 tables that had mention 'coupon' called 'coupon_aggregated', 'coupon_aggregated_order', and 'coupon_aggregated_updated'.
I just wanted to know what is the difference between the 3 tables so I can start using them? I am on the latest version of Magento.
The table you're looking for is indeed named
There's also a table named salesrule_coupon, which contains specific coupon codes linked back to the main salesrule definition.
If your database is missing this table, something bad has happened to your system. Go to
Promotions -> Shopping Cart Price Rules
and create a new coupon code with a distinct title. Then dump your database content and search for the text of your distinct title. That will let you know which table your system is storing salesrules in.
The tables you mentioned above are aggregate data tables used for reporting only.

Problem with importing Quote Products in CRM 2011

Hi I am having a problem with importing Quote products in CRM 2011.
When I downloaded the template for import, the columns require that I state whether the product is a 'Write-in' or an 'Existing' product. Then there are an additional 2 columns: Write In, Existing.
On filling in the template with sample data for import, I wrote something like this:
Write-in | | New product |......
Existing | Existing Product 1 | |.......
(The | is a new column )
I am assuming that when the product is a write-in product, you must enter a new product and when the product is an existing product, you write the name of an existing product in the system. The other columns are then left blank.
However, I am getting errors on import and I have no clue why :/ I am giving it the wrong data?
Also... the company does not make use of a Product List. Is there a way in which I can bypass its use since every time I enter a new product, I am asked to give the price list and this is not viable for the company since there are hundreds of products and the items and their prices change constantly so we cannot make use of a Product List especially when I am asked to enter a New Product List every time :/
Does anyone have a clue of what can be done? Thanks :)
IMHO, I can suggest the following.
Have a default price list, Onload of such forms, autofill that field with that PriceList.
Also, when quote is created, use JScript to say there is always going to be a write In product. (Then, you dont require the Product Lookup filled in).
Also, I dont know what kind of errors you get here, but when you specify an existing product, you also have to specify the UniOfMeasure or something. Make sure you have one supplied in your CSV.

How to allow duplicate SKU in Magento

I have a customer who retails third party batteries, and some batteries can replace several OEM models.
For instance, 3rd party SKU 12345 may replace Toshiba N23 and HP 53214, thus my customer would like to create two products with the same SKU in front end (they are essentially the same product). However, Magento by default does not allow duplicated SKU.
My current solution is to set SKU to not required from the backend, and add another attribute called Model that allows duplicated values, and display the Model in front end.
Is there a better way to do this? Or is it possible to allow duplicated SKU?
Tian Bo
Noble Technologies
It sounds to me like you've found a good solution. I'm not so sure you should try to have duplicate values for SKU for two reasons.
First the whole point of SKU is that it is a unique identifier. That's its only reason for existing. If you're going to have duplicate values, then it's not a unique identifier; it's just another attribute. But of course Magento still needs a unique identifier to work, which means that this is an extra field, which takes us exactly where you are now.
That said we come to my second point which is this... I'm not exactly a Magento guru, but I've built my share of e-commerce sites and one thing I've learned is that they depend on certain unbreakable rules to work properly. One of them is that unique identifiers are unique, both on the database and application level. As such, a large part of the website depends on this to function correctly. Which I'm pretty sure goes for Magento too.
So trying to change such a basic premise in something so complicated will only lead to horrors and a slow descent into madness.
This sounds like a good solution that I extended a bit further, however what I did with multiple store was to create a visible attribute ITEM_SKU (Item SKU) - make it visible and searchable and then concatenate the store_id to Magneto SKU to make it unique.
So SKU becomes (Store_id "-" SKU).
It surprises me how often people are willing to break who-knows-what parts of Magento, just to get a specific piece working how they expect.
The proper way to allow for duplicate skus is NOT to (unless you'd like to re-write large parts of the framework). You CAN, however, add a custom attribute to products that shares all the same settings as "sku" minus the setting that requires values to be unique.
Changing product pages, emails, etc to show this value instead will require a little extra work but will save you headaches later.
Why don't you create 1 product (SKU 12345) and list this product in multiple categories. So your multiple categories will be Toshiba and HP. The same product (SKU 12345) will be listed in Toshiba and HP.
