iPhone retina simulator window not able to move above screen - xcode

When I run the iPhone retina simulator in Xcode it stops if from moving above the top of the screen, but the simulator window is bigger than my monitor, so I can't see what's at the bottom of the simulator window, how can I change things so I can move it upwards off the top of the monitor screen?

You can always use cmd+2 or cmd+3 to fit simulator to your screen.

You can scroll the Display of the Simulator with the two-finger scroll.
Can look like this on a 15" retina


Full screen screenshot in ios simulator on macosx

I am programming in mac OSX using VSCode and XCode. I am using a iPhone 14 pro MAX to emulate my app on a device. I have some screens that they dont fit in the screen so the user have to scroll to see the whole screen. Now, I want to take a printscreen of this screen but not just the part of the screen that the user can see, but the whole screen, so when I see the print screen I am able to see the whole screen. Is this possible?

Delays and laggy behaviour with Iphone X simulator

Im currently testing my Ionic app on the Xcode simulator. It works super fine on every ios device except for the Iphone X. When you slide on the ion-ranges, the animations are strongly delayed, the scrolling is laggy and not smooth. The transitions with click or swipe events are also very laggy and delayed. Have you also expererienced similar things with the IphoneX simulator or do you know how to solve this problem?
I noticed that if I click and try to scroll while holding down the mouse button on the iPhone X simulator, the scroll is very laggy and sometimes won't update until I release the mouse button. Yet on the other simulators, the scroll is smooth as butter, even if I hold down the mouse button (rather than click and flick).
If I change the iPhone X to 'physical size' using the simulator menu (window -> physical size), the scrolling is still laggy. But if I manually resize the window of the iPhone X to anything other than 'physical size', the scrolling becomes smooth like all the other device simulators.
I don't know why, and it's not always consistent, but it seems to work most of the time. Hopefully this helps someone with this annoying problem.

Zoom out in Xcode Storyboard Preview Mode with Keyboard

While applying AutoLayout I have switched to Preview Mode On so Preview window is showing my design in iPhone 8,iPhone SE and iPad devices like this
now I want to zoom out so that no need to scroll Preview window Left and Right.
Pinch Zoom In/Out is available in MacBooks but i need it for mac mini
Any help would be Appreciated.
You have to double click in the white space area.

XCode Simulator view (not display) is cut off

I just started using XCode and my simulator is acting weird. On launch, it only displays lower half of the screen while the upper half is cut off. And on resizing simulator window, simulator view doesn't readjusts itself instead its cut off.
I set the project properties to universal devices.
With the Simulator opens, go to Window -> Scale -> 50%.
You can change the simulator scale based on the resolution of your screen.

In Xcode 6.1, iPhone 6 plus, iPad slider black screen

In Xcode 6.1 when i load the iPhone 6plus simulator along with the huge iPad simulators that all take up the full screen there is a scroll slider in the simulator. When i scroll the simulator a little to the right there is about a quarter of an inch black screen that covers the part that slides. When i did work in Xcode 5.1.1 for this app and iPad simulator loaded full screen it didn't have a scroll slider and it didn't have a black screen for that little part. However, now when i load the same iPad simulator in Xcode 6.1 there is that slider and the quarter of an inch black screen. Inside the storyboard the UIImageView is placed 414 width by 736 height covering the full storyboard so that's why I don't understand.Is that 1/4 inch black screen after scroll supposed to be there or does it mean my background UIImageView is not big enough to fit the entire simulator even though my UIImageView fits the entire storyboard?
Horizontal scrolling not working is a bug in the iOS Simulator in Xcode 6.1. The only workaround is to decrease your window zoom such that the contents fit in the entire window (thus making it so you don't need to scroll).
