Zoom out in Xcode Storyboard Preview Mode with Keyboard - xcode

While applying AutoLayout I have switched to Preview Mode On so Preview window is showing my design in iPhone 8,iPhone SE and iPad devices like this
now I want to zoom out so that no need to scroll Preview window Left and Right.
Pinch Zoom In/Out is available in MacBooks but i need it for mac mini
Any help would be Appreciated.

You have to double click in the white space area.


How to rotate from portrait to landscape in Xcode Assistant Editor Preview Mode

I am using the Preview Mode in Interface builder in Xcode 10 and cannot see how to rotate from portrait to landscape.
In previous versions you just moved the mouse pointer over the preview outline and got a rotation button. This isn't happening for me.
It is impossible to see in dark mode, but click right where the arrow is and you will be good to go.

Zoom in/out Xcode Storyboards

Zooming in/out on a macOS storyboard in Xcode does not seem to be possible:
Editor -> Zoom menu is greyed out
No + or - buttons on storyboard
I want to zoom out of the storyboards to see more of a view controller, as I can only see a portion.
This is Xcode 9.4.1
Screenshot of Main.storyboard:
screen shot of main.storyboard
Zoom Menu:Zoom menu greyed out
Thanks in advance!😉
You can't (in macOS app projects).
You could change the zoom level by:
keep pushing the option button.
and then scroll the mouse wheel.
The benefit that you will get by following this approach is that you would be able to change the level with the desired percentage, instead of being sticked with the provided zoom percentages by clicking the +/- buttons.

Mac OSX fullscreen on multiple displays swiping moves all screens

This worked up until yesterday.
Before and after updating to MacOS Sierra 10.12.5 did not solve problem.
Config / Specs:
Macbook pro OSX
Dell monitor
iPad using Duet app
Previous functionality
I could expand fullscreen any app/program in Mac (the green button top right) and use 3 fingers on the trackpad to toggle between 'screens' on that individual physical screen.
Current bug
When I fullscreen an app on one display and swipe with three fingers, swiping controls all 3 physical displays. The display in question swipes to the app, but the other two displays also swipe to the right showing blank black or white backgrounds and are mouseover-able.
Desired functionality -- the Previous Functionality
Swiping on a screen only controls that display.
Had the same issue, there is a setting in Mission Control -> Displays have separate Spaces, checking this solves the problem for me.

How can you scroll in the Assistant Editor horizontally or vertically?

Is there a scrollbar to allow horizontal/vertical scrolling in the Assistant Editor preview in Xcode 6?
I know you can zoom in and zoom out but when zoomed out you can only view no more than one device at a time.
As i know theres no scroll bar
Horizontal srcolling:
but you can try
horizontal scrolling:
(shift + scrollMouseWheel up\downslide)
Vertical scrolling:
(scrollMouseWheel up\downslide)
Set active window on preview. (tested on Xcode 6.3)
Not sure about the scrolling, but if you want to view multiple devices in preview best way is to open preview up in a separate window, works very nicely and beats running on your project on 3 different simulators evertime you make a change....see a great tutorial here

Xcode iPad simulator keyboard opens in middle of screen

I am running xcode 4.3.2 and just started having the following problem.
All projects running in the simulator are positioning the popup keyboard in the center of the IPAD simulator. The IPHONE simulator is fine with the normal keyboard positioned at the bottom of the screen. Even a simple new project with a single text field shows the keyboard in the middle of the screen with equal amounts of white space above and bellow. This occurs in all orientations.
Interestingly, UIPickerViews also exhibit the same behavior.
This is driving me nuts, as it has been fine for many months and now all the objects (text fields etc.) are hidden when the keyboard plops down smack in the middle of the screen.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
This is a feature of the iPad. You can "drag" the keyboard with the drag handle in the lower-right hand corner of the keyboard. The image from this blog post by Rob Rogers indicates how to use it. My guess is you inadvertently moved your keyboard.
