Error - cannot encrypt notesdocument when instantiated by notesuidocument - lotus

I get the error "cannot encrypt notesdocument when instantiated by notesuidocument" at the line cjDoc.Encrypt. Can someone tell me how to fix/why it is happening.
Dim currDb as NotesDatabase
Set currDb=session.CurrentDatabase
Set cjDoc = currDb.GetDocumentByUNID(Trim(Source.Document.CJ_UNID(0)))
If Not cjDoc Is Nothing Then
Dim parleyRtItem As NotesRichTextItem
Set parleyRtItem = New NotesRichTextItem(cjDoc,CJ_PARLEY_LINK)
Call parleyRtItem.AppendDocLink(parleyDoc,"Credit Jacket Parley")
cjDoc.ParleyUNID = Source.Document.parleyUNID
'cjDoc.parleyCreation = "Parley document created " & Cstr(Today) & " : "
cjDoc.parleyCreation = "Parley document created " & Cstr(Today) & " "
Call cjDoc.Save(True,True)
End If

The error suggests that you cannot encrypt it while your uidocument is open.
Dit you try closing the uidocument before encrypting?

I have seen similar issues worked around by closing the UI doc, and putting the encrypt code in the Terminate event on the UI doc. Saves working out how to fire the agent.
by the time Terminate runs, the ui doc handle is dropped from memory (which is exactly what you need to happen, so Notes doenst give you the same error) so you have to do the 'make note of UNID and get the backed document afresh" bit that tvdpol suggests.
In queryClose of UI doc, set a temp var with the UNID ..
Dim s as new notessession
In Terminate event of uidoc, get the UNID and get the original doc, meaning just the backend doc- UI doc is no longer in memory ..
Dim s as new notessession
Dim doc as notesdocument
Dim sUNID as string
sUNID = s.getEnviromnentString"TempUNID"
set doc=ds.currentdatabase.getDocumentByUNID(sUNID)
' do encryption


Get Computer Model witn WMIC

I'm, unable to retrieve the PC model in VB6, the property I request from the query returns empty. I try to emulate the result of this CMD command.
wmic computersystem get model
This is the code I try to use. (I added Microsoft WMI scripting lib 1.2 as a reference in the project).
Function wmiInfo() As String
Dim List
Dim Msg
Dim Object
On Local Error Resume Next
Set List = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_BaseBoard")
For Each Object In List
Msg = Msg & "Motherboard Serial Number: " & Object.Model & vbCrLf
MsgBox Msg
end function
I expect the function to retrieve just a string with the model of the PC something like "Optiplex 790" (it is what the cmd command returns).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
(OS Windows 7)
I found the issue. I was requesting the wrong class.
Win32_computerSystem has the property I'm looking for.
Function wmiProcessorInfo() As String
Dim msg As String
Dim cpuSet As SWbemObjectSet
Dim cpu As SWbemObject
Dim itmx As ListItem
On Local Error Resume Next
Set cpuSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem")
For Each cpu In cpuSet
msg = cpu.Model
MsgBox msg
End Function

User-defined type not defined vb6

I am attempting to 'save' the context of a text box in vb6 to a *.ini file, so that it can be used in a later part of the program. (i.e. the user would enter something into the text box, then later in the program, a label would appear with the user-entered, saved information).
I used the following code which I copied from the source of someone else's program, however it hasn't worked:
Dim fsys As New FileSystemObject
Dim outstream As TextStream
Dim write1 As String
Dim val1 As String
val1 = Text1.Text
inisettings = App.Path & "\Variables.ini"
Set outstream = fsys.OpenTextFile(inisettings, ForWriting, False, TristateFalse)
outstream.WriteLine (val1)
Set outstream = Nothing
This is the result:
Does anyone have any way to save data for later?
FileSystemObject lives inside an external library, to use it click Project then References and tick Microsoft Scripting Runtime.
You don't actually need to do any of that, the code below uses VB's built-in functionality to write a file.
Dim hF As Integer
hF = FreeFile()
Open App.Path & "\Variables.ini" For Output As #hF
Print #hF, val1
Close #hF
You must declare TristateFalse and give it a value like 0, 1 or 2.
You can take a look at this link:
The reason why you are getting this error is because you don't have a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library. Follow the below instructions while in your VB6 project:
From the top menu, click on Project > References.
From the list, check the item entitled "Microsoft Scripting Runtime".
Click OK.
This will resolve your immediate error however your code still has some other issues. First off, you forgot to declare the variable inisettings. I am going to assume that you will want to always overwrite the entire file each time you update the INI file so you want to use the method CreateTextFile instead of OpenTextFile.
Dim fsys As New FileSystemObject
Dim outstream As TextStream
Dim write1 As String
Dim val1 As String
Dim inisettings As String
val1 = Text1.Text
inisettings = App.Path & "\Variables.ini"
Set outstream = fsys.CreateTextFile(inisettings, True, False)
Call outstream.WriteLine(val1)
Set outstream = Nothing
Good luck!

Why does my VBA script not continue after debugging?

Whenever I hit an error with my script, the focus turns to the VBA code and the offending line. I fix it, and hit save. Then I notice that the script is no longer running, even after I make sure that it's not paused.
For example, right now I'm using a Form_Timer() event to do some testing (interval set to 1000ms). To test the script again, I just set it to a minute in the future (e.g. if the current time is 8:54:00 AM I set it to fire at 8:55:00 AM). But this stops working after an error. Does anyone know why this is? I don't want to have to tell my users to close and re-open their copies of the Access DB just to make the script work again.
Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
current_date_time = Now
If current_date_time = #6/28/2016 8:52:00 AM# Then
MsgBox ("the current_date_time variable holds: " & current_date_time)
'Declare objects
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim oApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim mail_body As String
'Set objects
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs("qry_BMBFLoc")
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset
Set oApp = New Outlook.Application
Set oMail = oApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mail_body = "The following jobs do not have the special BF location set in Job Orders: " & vbCrLf
If Not (rst.EOF And rst.BOF) Then
Do Until rst.EOF = True
mail_body = mail_body & rst!job & "-" & rst!suffix & vbCrLf
'Email contents
oMail.Body = mail_body
oMail.Subject = "Blah"
oMail.To = ""
'Close stuff
Set rst = Nothing
Set oMail = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing
End If
End If
Exit Sub
Dim msg As String
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
msg = "email Form Timer Error #" & Str(Err.Number) & " error Line: " & Erl & Chr(13) & Err.Description
MsgBox msg, , "Error", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
In order to reactivate the code, you could close the form when the error is triggered. The user would then have to reload the form to complete the action.
However, without any intervention the error is likely to occur again.
Edit: Or you could write a Function to automatically close, and re-open the offending form. Calling it in the on error command.
When there is an error in access form, the timer will stop working, you don't need to close and reopen the whole database, only the form to start the timer again. Otherwise you can add a button called "refresh" and bind macro to it which will turn the timer on again.
Yeah this sucks. I am writing a vba script for outlook and so the only way to debug is to close and reopen outlook after every error.

Get running instance of application from WMI process?

I'm trying to get hold of running instances of MS Access 2010+ (on Win10) but the usual tip; GetObject(, "Access.Application") ... for works only for hidden instances started by myself with script, but not any instances started from GUI by the user.
And yes, I've read perhaps ten or more google hits on the subject, both on WMI and GetObject, but I seem to have missed something important.
However, I've tried the code below and I can get hold of any process of running Access instances in this way, and I can even .terminate() them, but, that's not what I want to do. Instead I want to grab the process and assign it to a usable (correct type) Access variable (see "OutInstance" in the code below) :
[Edit: Using WHERE clause, and skipped Exit as to retrieve the last instance]
Public Function GetRunningInstance(sAppName sComputer, ByRef OutInstance)
Dim oWMIService
Dim wProcesses
Dim oPrc
GetRunningInstance = False
Set OutInstance = Nothing
if sComputer = "" then sComputer = "."
Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=" & _
"impersonate}!\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set wProcesses = oWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process " & _
"WHERE Name = '" & sAppName & "'")
For Each oPrc in wProcesses
''' oPrc.Terminate() ''' Works, I can shut down Access...
Set OutInstance = oPrc
GetRunningInstance = True
''' By not exiting we get the last instance.
End Function
Now, after trying to get hold of an instance, how do I "cast" the process to a usable Access application variable in this VBScript?
Sub Test_DoStuff()
Dim InstProc
Dim AccessApp
If GetRunningInstance("msaccess.exe", "", InstProc) Then
Set AccessApp = ''' cast 'InstProc' to my "Access.Application" somehow?
Set AccessApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")
End If
''' Doing my stuff
End Sub
I (also) don't understand why GetObject(, "Access.Application") doesn't work in all cases. Permissions? (I understand that it's 'unsafe' to close a database currently being used by a user, but also that can be dealt with).
// Rolf

Winsock downloading files - vb6

I'm trying to use Winsock to download some files and save them.
In my case, I have a MSHFlexGrid with 2 columns: one with URL and the other with the "path+filename" (where the file is going to be saved).
I'm iterating through all rows calling the next function:
Public Function DownloadSock(ArqURL As String, ArqDestino As String) As Boolean
'ArqURL is the file URL
'ArqDestino is where the downloaded file is going to be stored, in my hard disc
Dim arquivo() As Byte
Dim ficheiroID As Integer
ficheiroID = FreeFile
On Error GoTo Trata_erro
Open ArqDestino For Binary Access Write As #ficheiroID
Me.Winsock1.Connect ArqURL, 80
Me.Winsock1.GetData arquivo()
Put #ficheiroID, , arquivo()
Close #ficheiroID
DownloadSock = True
Exit Function
MDIForm1.Text1 = MDIForm1.Text1 & "Error! " & Err.Number & Err.Description & " - " & Err.Source & " - URL: " & ArqURL & " - Destino: " & ArqDestino & vbNewLine
DownloadSock = False
End Function
I'm getting this error
40006: Wrong protocol or connection
state for the requested transaction or
What am I doing wrong?
Have you checked out this Microsoft Support page? It indicates there's a bug in the Winsock control and the hotfix may be helpful.
Another thing to try is to make sure your winsock connection is open before trying to read/send data, and if it is closed, reopen a new connection:
if winsock.state=9 ' error state
while winsock.state<>0 ' closed state
wend ' you need a while loop, because it doesn't close "immediately".
end if
' now you reopen it, or do whatever else you need
You might also consider changing your connection code to something like:
With Winsock1
If .State <> sckClosed Then .Close
.RemoteHost = ArqURL
.RemotePort = 80
End With
One last thing. Check out this post on using the Winsock control.
I think you have overestimated the power of the Winsock control. You can't just use the Winsock's GetData method to reach out and grab a file. There has to be an active connection between your client application and some other application on the server side. After a connection is established, this server application will feed data to your application, the Winsock's DataArrival event will fire, and then you can use the GetData method to retrieve it. Your code should look more like this:
Public Sub DownloadSock(ArqURL As String)
Dim arquivo() As Byte
Dim ficheiroID As Integer
ficheiroID = FreeFile
Me.Winsock1.Connect ArqURL, 80
End Function
Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim ArqDestino As String
Dim arquivo() As Byte
Dim ficheiroID As Integer
ficheiroID = FreeFile
Open ArqDestino For Binary Access Write As #ficheiroID
Me.Winsock1.GetData arquivo()
Put #ficheiroID, , arquivo()
Close #ficheiroID
End Sub
This is far from complete however (nor is it guaranteed to be syntactically correct, consider it pseudo code). After making the connection, you then have to implement some mechanism to tell the server to begin sending the file. If the file is large enough it will take many DataArrival events to get it all, so it will have to be held in an accumulator while the data comes across. There's more to this than you think.
I would take a look at some tutorials and/or sample code (look for a VB6 project that uses the Winsock control on CodeProject, like this one).
