Get running instance of application from WMI process? - vbscript

I'm trying to get hold of running instances of MS Access 2010+ (on Win10) but the usual tip; GetObject(, "Access.Application") ... for works only for hidden instances started by myself with script, but not any instances started from GUI by the user.
And yes, I've read perhaps ten or more google hits on the subject, both on WMI and GetObject, but I seem to have missed something important.
However, I've tried the code below and I can get hold of any process of running Access instances in this way, and I can even .terminate() them, but, that's not what I want to do. Instead I want to grab the process and assign it to a usable (correct type) Access variable (see "OutInstance" in the code below) :
[Edit: Using WHERE clause, and skipped Exit as to retrieve the last instance]
Public Function GetRunningInstance(sAppName sComputer, ByRef OutInstance)
Dim oWMIService
Dim wProcesses
Dim oPrc
GetRunningInstance = False
Set OutInstance = Nothing
if sComputer = "" then sComputer = "."
Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=" & _
"impersonate}!\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set wProcesses = oWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process " & _
"WHERE Name = '" & sAppName & "'")
For Each oPrc in wProcesses
''' oPrc.Terminate() ''' Works, I can shut down Access...
Set OutInstance = oPrc
GetRunningInstance = True
''' By not exiting we get the last instance.
End Function
Now, after trying to get hold of an instance, how do I "cast" the process to a usable Access application variable in this VBScript?
Sub Test_DoStuff()
Dim InstProc
Dim AccessApp
If GetRunningInstance("msaccess.exe", "", InstProc) Then
Set AccessApp = ''' cast 'InstProc' to my "Access.Application" somehow?
Set AccessApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")
End If
''' Doing my stuff
End Sub
I (also) don't understand why GetObject(, "Access.Application") doesn't work in all cases. Permissions? (I understand that it's 'unsafe' to close a database currently being used by a user, but also that can be dealt with).
// Rolf


Select from Object with multiple attributes "Invalid query" Error

I have a Server with multiple Sessions on it, which all have to have a process running.
My Program should start up that process as soon as it stopped and the Session is online.
I checked for the process, and if I didn't find it I just started it. The problem is, I see the same process over all Sessions. How can I just get the processes of my Session and not the whole Server's?
This was my try, but it throws me an Error:
option explicit
DIM strComputer
DIM strProcessName
DIM WshShell
DIM strWMIQuery
DIM strSessionID
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strSessionID= wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SESSIONID%")
strComputer = "."
strProcessName = "FortiSwitch-Replacer.exe"
strWMIQuery = "Select * from Win32_Process where name like '" & strProcessName & "' AND SessionId like '" & strSessionID & "'"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
if objWMIService.ExecQuery(strWMIQuery).Count > 0 then
'Dont do anything
'start process
end if
The Error is at the "ExecQuery()" Part (line 18) saying "Invalid query"
Lankymart found out the Answer:
The SessionId needs to be an Integer while mine was a String. By Changing the Value into an Integer the program would've worked.
What I want to add:
The ExpandEnvironmentStrings don't offer the SessionId. Right now I've used a small script from an Answer of this Question: Is it possible to run Powershell code from VBScript?
It Runs the simple Powershell command to get the SessionId in VBS.
If anyone else has some different Ideas on how to get the SessionId another way I'm interested to learn and see them :)

Access VBA to Close a Chrome window opened via Shell

I am attempting to close a shell Chrome window via a VBA function. My function runs a URL query that returns a .csv file. The thing is I would like to close the window so that it is not always showing (This process runs every 3 minutes). I haven't been able to find a solution that I can get to work as of yet. I tried adding SendKeys "%{F4}" after as one site suggested. This merely minimizes the window, not close it. I also attempted to try adding DoCmd.Close Shell, "Untitled" after, yet this also did not work. I have spent several hours attempting to do, what I imagine is a simple task, and felt another set of eyes could point me in the right direction. Below is my code that opens Chrome. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Public Function RunYahooAPI()
Dim chromePath As String
chromePath = """C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"""
Shell (chromePath & " -url")
End Function
this VBA code will launch (as in your question) chrome, save the Process handle in the variable pHandle, loop all processes with this Handle and then stop the process (after checking user and domain of the process owner) .
Sub LaunchandStopProcess()
' As in your Question
Dim chromePath As String
Dim pHandle As Variant
chromePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
' Note: Shell pass the Process Handle to the PID variable
PHandle = Shell(chromePath & " -url")
Dim objWMIcimv2 As Object
Dim objProcess As Object
Dim objList As Object
Dim ProcToTerminate As String
Dim intError As Integer
Set objWMIcimv2 = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set objList = objWMIcimv2.ExecQuery("select * from win32_process where Handle='" & CStr(pHandle) & "'")
' ObjList contains the list of all process matching the Handle (normally your chrome App, if running)
If objList.Count = 0 Then
' No matching Process
' Set all objects to nothing
Set objWMIcimv2 = Nothing
Set objList = Nothing
Set objProcess = Nothing
Exit Sub
' Parse all matching Processes
For Each objProcess In objList
' additionally check with actual user
colProperties = objProcess.getowner(strNameofUser, strUserdomain)
If strUserdomain + "\" + strNameofUser = Environ$("userdomain") + "\" + Environ$("username") Then
intError = objProcess.Terminate
If intError <> 0 Then
' Trap Error or do nothing if code run unattended
' Confirm that process is killed or nothing if code run unattended
End If
End If
Set objWMIcimv2 = Nothing
Set objList = Nothing
Set objProcess = Nothing
End If
End Sub

Query to Select All Non-Essential Temporary Files

I am trying to write a script to delete unneeded temporary files. I am wanting to specifically target .tmp's, though. At least for now. So I am trying to write a WQL query to return a collection with which I can use a FOR EACH statement to delete all of the .tmp's in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp. I've only recently started learning VBScript. But I have experience writing programs in C/C++ (mainly "math-y" programs).
Cscript seems to have no problem with the query itself. But when I try to use the Count method on the resulting collection, cscript returns an error: (17,1) Microsoft VBVScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method: 'colTempFiles.Count'.
I've read up on WQL a little bit, thinking that maybe I'm not getting a collection returned for some reason. But I can't seem to find anything wrong with the query. I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't be selecting from FileSystemObject. But I've read what I can find about it, and it seems to be the right thing to do (although there really isn't a lot of helpful info on MSDN).
Anyway, here's the script I currently have, without comments. The second line is something I am not currently using, but am going to try to use later, so that I can define a variable as the local computer's username and not have to point to the local Temp folder's path specifically. Any help would be greatly appreciated:
strComputer = "."
Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colTempFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM FileSystemObject WHERE Name = '*.tmp' AND "_
& "NOT Name LIKE 'Prf%' AND Path LIKE 'C:\Users\adam\AppData\Local\Temp\%'")
For Each objFile in colTempFiles
Wscript.Echo objFile.Name
'Set objF=objFSO.GetFile("objFile.Path")
I think you're confusing two different technologies. A FileSystemObject is a COM class that needs to be instantiated using CreateObject() in VBScript. For WQL, you need to use a WMI class in your query. Here is a core list of WMI classes. For your purposes, you'll want to use the CIM_DataFile class to work with files.
You can use either technology. The FileSystemObject is the preferred method if you're working with the local file system. If you need to work with files on a remote machine, use WMI and WQL.
Here's an example using a FileSystemObject:
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\Users\adam\AppData\Local\Temp")
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
If StrComp(objFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.Path), "tmp", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
objFile.Delete ' This is the Delete() method of the FSO's "File" class
End If
And here's an example using WQL:
strComputer = "."
' Connect to the WMI service on the specified computer...
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
' Build our WQL query...
strQuery = "select * from CIM_DataFile "
strQuery = strQuery & "where Drive='C:' "
strQuery = strQuery & "and Path='\\Users\\adam\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\' "
strQuery = strQuery & "and Name like '%.tmp'"
' Run the query...
Set colTempFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
' Delete each file...
For Each objFile In colTempFiles
objFile.Delete ' This is the Delete() method of the WMI "CIM_DataFile" class

For each loop syntax error

There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor
Hey I wrote this script delete shares of a computer but when I run my script it repeats the same wscript.echo statating the share being deleted. Why does my code never end when run How do I fix that.
My fumction:
'The function that is called to run the command Line that deletes a specific share from a pc
Function DeleteThisShare(Share)
Dim objShell
'Logging The deleted Approved Shares
objDeletedFile.WriteLine (Now & " - Removed share " & Trim(Share))
DeleteThisShare = "net share " & chr(34) & Share & chr(34) &" /DELETE"
Wscript.echo DeleteThisShare
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run DeleteThisShare
End Function
My loops:
'Compares The UnApproved Shares to the Current Shares
For Each objItem In colItems
Dim StrNonUnapprovedShares, Item
StrCurrentShares =
if instr(AdminShares,lcase( > 0 or mid(,2,1) = "$" or left(lcase(,10) = "pkgsvrhost" then
'Skipping known admin share
For each Item in arrUnApprovedLines
If Lcase(Item) = Lcase(strCurrentShares) Then
StrNonUnapprovedShares = (StrNonUnapprovedShares & strCurrentShares & vbCrLf)
End If
End If
Dim notUnapprovedShares, notUnapprovedLines
notUnapprovedLines = StrNonUnapprovedShares
notUnapprovedLines = Split(notUnapprovedLines, vbCrLf)
Dim y, Line2
For y = 0 to uBound(notUnapprovedLines)
Line2 = Trim(notUnapprovedLines(y))
If len(Line2) > 0 Then
End If
I think the problem is caused by using the function name as a variable. That's okay with VB that you're compiling, but I don't think VBScript recognizes it in the same way. Use a separate variable name in place of DeleteThisShare, e.g. strDeleteThisShare.
If I had to guess it's because you're creating a recursive loop by having your script echo the DeleteThisShare function. The function gets to that line and is called again before it's able to carry on.
Try to only assign values to the result of the function and use local variables to store any other debugging / temporary values.

Need a VB Script to check if service exist

I want to write a VBS script which will check if specific service is installed/exist or not locally.
If it is not installed/exist, script will display message (any text) and disabled the network interface i.e. NIC.
If service exist and running, NO Action. Just exit.
If service exist but not running, same action, script will display message (any text) and disabled the network interface i.e. NIC.
i have below given code which is displaying a message in case one service is stop but it is not -
Checking if service exist or not
Disabling the NIC
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = Getobject("winmgmts:"_
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colRunningServices = onjWMIService.ExecQuery _
("select State from Win32_Service where Name = 'dhcp'")
For Each objService in colRunningServices
If objService.State <> "Running" Then
errReturn = msgbox ("Stopped")
End If
Please help. Thanks in advance.
To know if service is installed, check colRunningServices.Count . It will be 0 if no service match the wmi query.
To disable NIC, use a wmi query SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter, iterate de returned collection of NICs, find the one you are interested and use the Disable/Enable method of it. BUT this only will work if OS is Vista or later.
It would look something like this but I cannot test this!
Option Explicit
Const TITLE = "Title"
Const SERVICE = "dhcp"
Dim wmi
Dim svcs,svc
Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set svcs = wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service where Name = '" & SERVICE & "'")
If svcs.Count = 0 Then
Call MsgBox(SERVICE & " service does not exist",vbCritical,TITLE)
Call disableNIC(wmi)
For Each svc In svcs
If svc.State <> "Running" Then
Call MsgBox(SERVICE & " service is not running",vbCritical,TITLE)
Call disableNIC(wmi)
End If
End If
Set wmi = Nothing
Sub disableNIC(ByRef wmi)
Dim nics,nic
Set nics = wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter")
For Each nic In nics
End Sub
Beware that this disables every NIC. If you want to specify one you'd have to add a where clause in disableNIC. Also I imagine you would have to run this as an administrator.
Seems like a weird thing to want to do though...
