what events are used in symbian c++ to catch the notifications sent by the service provider - events

I know the title isn't that clear so let me try to explain using an example. Say, when we send a message through my phone, we immediately recieve the balance deduction notification from our service provider. My question is that which event is used to catch this notification in symbian C++.
Could we possibly change the way notifications are displayed?? Say for eg., nokia symbian 60 phones show these notifications as a pop-up where some phones use the entire screen to show the deducted amount. Can I catch this event and show it in the form of a new message ?? I mean to say that the balance deduction notification is shown as a message in my phone's inbox but not as a mere pop-up and then lost.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Please try to advice as soon as possible. I would highly appreciate your responses as they will help me in deciding the strategy for my application. Thanks a lot.

If I understand your question correctly, you are asking about the messages that appear on the screen on a phone when used with Pay As You Go SIM showing the balance. This may depend on the service provider but usually, the message notifications are Class 0 SMS messages (also known as Flash SMS).
Class 0 SMS are defined as:
Class 0 SMS: This message is displayed on the mobile phone immediately and a message delivery report is sent back to the SC. The message does not have to be saved in the mobile phone or on the SIM card (unless selected to do so by the mobile user). This type is also referred to as Flash SMS.
Therefore, you can catch these notifications by monitoring for these types of incoming SMS (assuming the SDK allows this).


How messenger works in sync with multiple devices

I am trying to introduce a messenger (chat) feature in my application.
I ma unable to figure out how to make the feature sync on multiple devices.
Let's say I am using the chat on my phone, and then I login to my desktop and start chatting there. How would I get the messages on both devices and how will both be in sync with each other. Additionally, for the sender to get a read confirmation, the message should be read from either one of the device, but the notification of unread should be shown on sender's device on which the message in unread unless he opens and reads it.
For First Part of the question you want to do Like FB Messenger where you loggin you will find your whole messages found not related to a device. To Achieve that you can have at the device app Last Login time which will be posted to the server, and all messages from that time will be retrieved to the user. But imagine the user has read all his messages from the mobile but he didnt open the computer since one Month. IF you didnt mark the message as read, he will find enourmous amount of messages coming as unread but he actually read on his mobile which will cause you huge usability issue.
For your Case I feel you need to do exaclty what FB Messenger does. Retrieve your latest messages from your conv with their actual status. And while scrolling up load by demand.
So Your Message will have only 1 Status(Read or UnRead) And date where you can match with Device Last Sync time.

Windows interactive notifications

So I want to know how a quickreply toast can be sent to the right person and when you click on it, it goes to the specific person.
Example 1:
Person A texts me, I pull down on the interactive notification and type my response and it gets processed by the background process. How does the applications know that my response goes to Person A. is there an attribute in the XML of the toast that can be a variable, like the phone number?
Example 2:
Person A posts a picture on my facebook, I click on the notification and it takes me to the page on facebook. Again is there an XML variable with a URL of it or something?
You can download this Microsoft Windows UWP sample, where you can see what code they use to manage notifications.
I think that you need Toast notifications:
Toast notifications are small pop ups that appear on the screen for few seconds. They convey messages and can be customized to even play different sounds. New to Windows 10 are actionable toasts where a user has a choice to interact with the notifications by use of a button, for example.

Unsuscribe to WP7 notification for uninstalled application

I have a toast notification system that is working on WP7. When I send a notification, all registered devices receive the toast notification.
But, If someone uninstall the application, I will continue to try to send to the registered device (in fact, I will ask Microsoft service to send to the unavailable device).
Is it possible to detect if someone uninstall the app, then I can remove it from my list of device to send.
Or maybe can Ms services tell me if the app as unsuscribe to the toast notification ?
My list of registered device grows infinitely ....
Thanks in advance for any Help,
Best regards
You can't detect if the user deleted the app, but can always check the subscription status return code when you send a notification!
Check here for the return codes, specifically where the SubscriptionStatus != Active

Is there a way to Detect Unread Text Messages on WP7.1

I'm looking to build a method which needs to see if there are any text messages on the device which have not currently been read
Is there a way to expose the phones messages to detect whether there are any unread ones and return a bool/int value?
I know in WinMo, you could use SystemState.MessagingSmsUnread to return an int, but I can't seem to find a wp7 equiv.
Thanks in advance
In Windows Phone there is no way to access the details of any received messages.
This was a deliberate design decision to prevent applications accessing a users personal data without their knowledge.

WP7 SMS delivery report application

In Windows Phone 7 sms delivery reports are present in kernel, however they are not customizable. You get an sms delivery report as another sms message. But everyone knows that sms delivery report is not an sms - it's an attribute of a sent message.
iPhone has an app called iPhoneDelivery which allows to customize the way the delivery reports are presented to a user. It allows the best approach - as an icon of an envelope to an already sent sms message. Same applies to Android.
Is it possible to create such an application for Windows Phone 7 at this time? Does the WP7 SDK allow "messing" with internal sms application?
The current API provides no way to access previously sent SMS messages; so attributes such as delivery reports cannot be queried. The only access to SMS right now is the SmsComposeTask but even this requires the user to hit the send button, so an app cannot automatically send text messages.
