Ye Olde VB6 project: how to recover it? - vb6

I have to debug an old VB6 project, and I can't manage to open the .vbp file with Visual Studio (even with the help found in some topics)...
My question is simple: how can I do that nowadays?
I'm using VS 2010

You will need to use Visual Studio 2008 to upgrade the VB6 project, and then you can open the upgraded project with 2010.
Be aware that the VB6 project needs to be in a compileable state, and that even so the new project will probably not compile once you are done.
Also be aware that there will likely be some limitations on even a successful upgrade -- ie it almost certainly won't compile for 64 bit systems.


Side-by-Side assembly, windows 7, visual c++

Hey guys so I made a small program in visual c++ 2008 so that other people could use.
I sent the exe that was located in the debug folder of the project to my friends.
When they tried clicking it this is what they got:
The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
Maybe a build/compile option in Microsoft Visual Studios 2008/2010?
Or will they have to download something?
First step is to do a "Release" build. When you do a debug build your are linked to the Debug version of the CRT (C Runtime). Windows definitely does not come with the debug CRT (unless your friends install VS2008 also) and you are not allowed to redistribute the Debug CRT version.
Simply doing a release build may be enough. VS 2008 has been around long enough that your friends computers may already have the release version of the CRT.
If this does not work, point your friends to so they can download and install the files they need.
And if that is not enough, you may need to keep track of which service pack of VS 2008 you built with because that may affect which version of the CRT they must download and install.
Anyways, good luck. Hope this helps.

Building MSVC6 compatible DLL's with Newer Visual Studio

I'm about to begin a project for building a plugin to a large simulation system built with MSVC6, and offering instructions for compiling DLL's using MSVC6.
I have MSVC10 and 2012 available, and I'm wondering if it's even possible to configure these to build "down" to MSVC6 compatibility. Seems last time I dug into this, the answer was a resounding "No". Do I have to find an old MSVC6 install?
Update: There's also a 64-bit Visual Studio 2008 version of this that I could develop against, so same question: Can I configure a "new" visual studio (like 2012 or so) to compile down to VC6 or 2008 compatibility?
You can take an alternative approach, if you create your new project as a COM dll you can interact with it from MSVC6 however you will need to deliver any new linked runtime dlls as well in your resulting setup.

Lowering a Visual C++ 2010 framework target

I've browsed around StackOverflow but couldn't find any pratical solution to something that would seem to have such an easy solution: I had a bunch of .Net projects that were developed back in VS2005 or VS2008 and I imported them into VS2010. One of them is a C++ project, which currently targets framework 4.0 (not by my choice). One of our clients is having a problem running this application, the lack of a MSVCP100D.dll. I checked this thread what is MSVCP100D.dll? and the most accepted answer is simple: having the client install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package. However, the client is stubborn enough not to install it and I know for a fact that they have Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable installed. So, if I'm correct in my conclusions and MSVCP100D.dll is new to VS2010, I could just target a previous framework version, rebuild the project in VS2010 and I'd be good to go. The problem is: how do I chance a VC++ target framework? I could find several guidelines to change C# and VB projects, but none about VC++. Any pointers?
Edit: To you guys who suggested that I compile it in Release mode: I am! It's been pointed out that the "D" stands for debug, which is rather strange.
Actually, you are using the debug version of the runtime (That's the "D"). Did you try compiling with a non-debug version?
Another possibility to consider would be to statically link with the runtime library. Your program will be larger, but will not have the DLL dependency.
Go into the project's properties.
On the lefthand side, go into Configuration Properties > General.
Look at the Platform Toolset value. Select v90 from the drop down list to target 2008.
See here for further details:
Visual C++ 2010 compatibility with VC 2008
See here for yet even more details:
Also as Dark Falcon mentions, that's the debug version of the runtime.

Any addins for VS2010 to support VS2005 projects?

Some of the old projects in our company are left to be built with VS2005 in autobuild system (making them build correctly in 2010 cost time). Is it any addins for VS2010 that will allow to open VS2005 project and edit it's files without converting project file itself to VS2010 format (converting will kill autobuild)? Of course i can create a separate project named "xxx_vs2010.vcproj" for each of such products, but that will be a mess :(.
An alternative to consider is to target the VS2005 C++ toolchain from within VS2010. See Native Multi-Targeting and the Project Upgrade Guide. That way, no need to modify source code to appease the VS2010 C++ compiler.

Importing WinSCP source files into Microsoft Visual Studio 2008?

I am pretty new to programming. I would like to download an open source project and build it in my Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. In fact, I tried to import and build the application WinSCP:
But I didn’t work. Please can somebody help me and tell me which files do I have to download (from sourceforge) and how to import these into Microsoft Visual Studio in order to build the application. Thank you a lot. David
WinSCP seems to be written in Borland C++ Builder or whatever it's called today. It's not a standard C++ program and wouldn't compile in any other compiler because it uses special features only present in BCB. (It uses Delphi-style components, VCL and thus the __property keyword.)
Unfortunately, a lot of Open Source projects have very poor support for Microsoft's development tools. One project that comes to mind as being not too big and having workable MSVC project files is FreeType2, but that's a library and not an application, which probably makes it not very interesting for toying around with.
In support forum of winscp, they say, that you can't compile this project in Visual Studio.
Winscp appears to be a CPP project using a makefile instead of a sln file. VS uses SLN and *proj files to control builds and such. A good way to start would be to open VS, create a new console project (and solution) and go through some tutorials online.
If you really want to just see how a large project works in VS, grab something like IronRuby or IronPython or even something like the Witty twitter client.
In the general case, it is not possible to pour the C++ sources of a program into Visual Studio and expect it to work. C++ programming environments are far too different between operating systems for that. If you have a open-source program which builds and runs fine on Linux (for example), it may need several weeks (or months) or programming effort to make it run on Windows.
