Any addins for VS2010 to support VS2005 projects? - visual-studio-2010

Some of the old projects in our company are left to be built with VS2005 in autobuild system (making them build correctly in 2010 cost time). Is it any addins for VS2010 that will allow to open VS2005 project and edit it's files without converting project file itself to VS2010 format (converting will kill autobuild)? Of course i can create a separate project named "xxx_vs2010.vcproj" for each of such products, but that will be a mess :(.


An alternative to consider is to target the VS2005 C++ toolchain from within VS2010. See Native Multi-Targeting and the Project Upgrade Guide. That way, no need to modify source code to appease the VS2010 C++ compiler.


How do I use Qt in my Visual Studio 2015 projects?

We have large project that used .NET Framework for showing forms/windows. Recently I decided to deprecate CLR dependency and move to Qt.
While learning Qt, we've migrated from Visual studio 2013 to 2015 and then I noticed that there is no qt support for MSVC 14 version which vs2015 use.
Additionally, Qt vs addin was not working jn visual studio express/community edition we use. Is there any chance for me to use Qt and qt addin in our projects?
Searching web did not help, and it looks like no one use Qt with latest Visual Studio?
You can use Qt in Visual Studio 2015 without any problems. As already stated in the comments, you have to build it from source but Qt is pretty straightforward to build. You can download the current (5.5) sources here and then follow this step by step example on building it.
I would also suggest reading more about the configure options, this might save you a lot of time. It might possibly save you some external dependencies as well if you skip components you do not need. My configuration for instance contains -skip qtwebkit -skip qtwebchannel so I do not need ruby or python.
I could totally omit step 3 from the link. Just be sure to open the Visual Studio Command Prompt (32/64 is important here) for configure and nmake.
For Visual Studio 2015, the Qt Add-In is not available anymore. But there is an Extension (Tools > Extensions & Updates) called Qt5Package or QtPackage which has the same functionality. After installing it, you have the Qt entry on your main toolbar where you have to specify a version and the path to the directory where you built it. This version will also be associated with the current project via the same menu.
If you load an existing project, you also have to convert it so the whole Qt functionality is used automatically. You can do this by opening the solution and right click on it; there should be an entry for the conversion to a QtAddin generated project.
I am using Qt 5.5 on Visual Studio 2015 with an old project and it is working without any issues.
As of now, you can just download Qt for Visual Studio 2015. Here.
Qt have finally added support for Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 although it's only in beta right now. See QTVSADDINBUG-404 for progress and read the blog post From Visual Studio Add-In To Qt VS Tools (Beta).
The Qt Windows could be added to the current project by copying all relating necessary files from the Qt stand-alone project to the current project. Specifically, the following steps must be conducted carefully.
Create an example project of Qt inside a Visual C++ project by using a Qt Plugin Program. The windows must be designed inside this project carefully before adding to the existing project.
Inside the existing project, add carefully the file heloqt.cpp, helloqt.h, ui_helloqt.h, qrc_helloqt.cpp, moc_helloqt.cpp in case of the Qt Project having the name of helloqt.
Add some configurations of Additional include directories and Additional library directories and Additional Dependencies into the existing project.
Compile and add some required *.dll files for running the program.
I have to do that because I want to use a graphic user interface in my big project, and this project is too big to be added into the Qt project inside the Visual C++ Studio.

Ye Olde VB6 project: how to recover it?

I have to debug an old VB6 project, and I can't manage to open the .vbp file with Visual Studio (even with the help found in some topics)...
My question is simple: how can I do that nowadays?
I'm using VS 2010
You will need to use Visual Studio 2008 to upgrade the VB6 project, and then you can open the upgraded project with 2010.
Be aware that the VB6 project needs to be in a compileable state, and that even so the new project will probably not compile once you are done.
Also be aware that there will likely be some limitations on even a successful upgrade -- ie it almost certainly won't compile for 64 bit systems.

VS2010 Native Multi-Targeting

I have VS2005, VS2008, and VS2010 installed on my Win7 development machine. I have one particular project that uses a 3rd party DLL that gets an exception during the LoadLibrary() call when the EXE project is built by VS2010 (when targeting either the v100 or v90 toolset.) It works perfectly when built by directly VS2005 or VS2008.
According to Li Shao's (of Microsoft) 2009 blog entry:
I should be able to open the VS2010 project and change the Platform Toolset from v100 to v90 and then VS2010 will actually use the VS2008 compiler, headers and libraries to build the program. If it is, then it isn't doing it "right" because the DLL will not load when the project is built this way. I tried looking at the build log to verify which compiler is used, but there are no paths or version numbers in my logs, so that was a bust.
This is a plain C (not C++, not MFC, not .NET) project written directly to the Win32Apis. Is there any way for this to work, or am I just stuck using a different compiler for a single project (out of over 100 that comprise the whole system)?
Have a look at Daffodil:
After installing Daffodil, you'll be able to use VS 2010 to build projects using older versions of the libraries.
I think I've solved it. It seems that, while VS2010 will happily run the VS2008 compiler, linker, etc. VS2010 will NOT leave the project alone. When the project is imported to VS2010 there are some new default settings added to the command line and, apparently, at least one of them is different enough from VS2008 to make the DLL I'm using fail to load.
When I changed the Advanced Linker setting for Data Execution Prevention (DEP) from Yes (the default) to NO, my program started working again! In fact, I no longer even need to compile using the v90 toolset -- the ENTIRE problem was caused by the new default for the /NXCOMPAT linker command line switch. The /NXCOMPAT switch isn't even referenced in the project settings in the VS2005 IDE (where the project was created), but running "link /?" in the VC8 bin folder shows that the switch was known and the default was NO.
Too bad the Visual Studio IDE doesn't include a list of default settings that were in use by a project that have CHANGED in the new version. If that is too difficult, the importer should specify the changed settings using the old default values, otherwise the project was imported incorrectly, wasn't it?

Lowering a Visual C++ 2010 framework target

I've browsed around StackOverflow but couldn't find any pratical solution to something that would seem to have such an easy solution: I had a bunch of .Net projects that were developed back in VS2005 or VS2008 and I imported them into VS2010. One of them is a C++ project, which currently targets framework 4.0 (not by my choice). One of our clients is having a problem running this application, the lack of a MSVCP100D.dll. I checked this thread what is MSVCP100D.dll? and the most accepted answer is simple: having the client install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package. However, the client is stubborn enough not to install it and I know for a fact that they have Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable installed. So, if I'm correct in my conclusions and MSVCP100D.dll is new to VS2010, I could just target a previous framework version, rebuild the project in VS2010 and I'd be good to go. The problem is: how do I chance a VC++ target framework? I could find several guidelines to change C# and VB projects, but none about VC++. Any pointers?
Edit: To you guys who suggested that I compile it in Release mode: I am! It's been pointed out that the "D" stands for debug, which is rather strange.
Actually, you are using the debug version of the runtime (That's the "D"). Did you try compiling with a non-debug version?
Another possibility to consider would be to statically link with the runtime library. Your program will be larger, but will not have the DLL dependency.
Go into the project's properties.
On the lefthand side, go into Configuration Properties > General.
Look at the Platform Toolset value. Select v90 from the drop down list to target 2008.
See here for further details:
Visual C++ 2010 compatibility with VC 2008
See here for yet even more details:
Also as Dark Falcon mentions, that's the debug version of the runtime.

Creating a custom project type for Visual Studio to build Borland C++ Builder projects into Visual Studio

I want to start the develop of a custom project type for Visual Studio that builds a BPR project with Visual Studio.
I need some hints to beginning with this project. Where can I find a template for this type of projects?
My target is to remove the Borland C++Builder's ugly and unstable interface from the development process and work enterely from Visual Studio.
Edit: Oops, I didn't really see that you're about to create a new project type for C++ Builder files. In that case, you have to build a language package. The Visual Studio Extensibility site should get you started. Also have a look at this more specific link.
I'll leave my old answer here for reference, because it might help people who just want to build C++Builder projects without creating a whole new project type :)
You didn't specify the version of Visual Studio, but I'll assume a recent one. In Visual Studio 8 and 9, most project files (all popular ones except Visual C++) are actually MSBuild files and can therefore be built by MSBuild. You can add a simple command line task (Exec) to build your bpr on the command line, or you can create a custom task for this (if you don't find one already available - the search terms should be MSBuild and custom task). This way, both Visual Studio and MSBuild can build anything you like. If you don't have an MSBuild file to start with or want to dive into developing a task, the MSBuild project template for Visual Studio will help you.
Oh, and other than that, if you don't actually need C++Builder things, you might as well export the BPR as a solution (or create a new solution and add the files).
Integrating C++Builder projects into a build process should be a lot easier with C++Builder 2007 or 2009 as both use MSBuild as build system. But then, I think that upgrading to a recent version of C++Builder solves your problem the other way :)
