Magento currency switcher not working - magento

I have a Magento site but the currency switcher does not calculate the price of the products correctly in the cart. It doesn't seem to change from the base currency. The tax calculated is correct in the case of the base currency, but the subtotal and grandtotal are not correct when changed from it. What could cause this?


magento cart price issue

I am using Magento
I have defined no catalog price rule.But i am applying special price on some selected products. On product catalog page the price and special price and the discount percent as sale is shown on that product. But when i add these products to the cart it doesn't shows the price of product as it is but it shows the price after applying ((price*specialprice)/100) rule in unit price and subtotal and grand total.
for example:
price is $79
specialprice is $71
sale discount is 10 %
the result wanted in cart (for quantity one) is as
unit price is $71
subtotal is $71
grand total is $71
but it is showing as
unit price is $56.09
subtotal is $56.09
grand total is $56.09
i am new on Magento so please help me soon.
Thanks in advance.....
Don't worry guys....
I have solved this problem myself..
The problem was in (the calculation as i have mentioned) inthe file price.php located in Mage/Bundle/Model/Product...
It is calculating the specialPrice as (finalprice*SpecialPrice)/100.. I just changed it and now everything is going welll....

Magento VAT not being included in price on product page (and, yes, shipping origin IS set correctly)

I have a puzzling problem. I have set up my catalog to include VAT in the prices but for some reason (although VAT is being calculated correctly) it is NOT being displayed correctly including VAT on the product pages. The products' prices include VAT, I have configured Magento so that prices include VAT, etc. but nonetheless VAT is actually being backed out of the prices on the product page.
I HAVE SET the shipping origin correctly and VAT is being calculated correctly. Obviously, I'm missing something.
Prices shown correctly in backend (includes VAT)
Prices shown incorrectly in frontend (does not include VAT)
Tax calculation based on shipping address
Shipping origin set properly
Catalog prices including tax
Shipping prices including tax
VAT calculated correctly
have you checked below setting :-
System configuration >> tax >> Price Display Setting >> Display Product Prices In Catalog

Magento How to change the base currency without effecting the cart total calulations

I changed the base currency of my store from Singapore dollar to Pound sterling. Had to manually change all the product prices as magento doesn't do that automatically. I dont know but after changing the base currency the cart total is correct but the displayed calculation is incorrect.
I have added the cart image for reference, the calculated total is correct but the breakdown is incorrect and doesn't make any sense. Can anyone help please????

Show Product Price including tax at product view page

I have made the settings to display product price, at product view page ,inclusive of tax.
I made the changes in admin like:
Display Product Prices In Catalog : including Tax
But the prices are still showing exclusive of tax at product view page.
Go to System->Configuration->Sales(left side)->Tax. Then in Calculation settings-> Catalog Prices Make it to INCLUDING TAX. Now save the configuration and go to the Catalog->Manage Products. Edit the required product. In the PRICES tab, it has to show the tax value below to the field where we enter price for the product. For eg: See image below.
Here my product price is $550. Down to it is shows the value that included of TAX also(If you enable option as explained above, then the tax value shows as in the image). So TAX value is also included in $550 only.

Magento: show shipping price checkout including tax

We have a problem with the tax settings in Magento for the shipping method. If we are correct we have everything set up right. We want 21% of tax to the shipping methods and this is set up correct. In the image below you will see in the the totals a shipping amount of 3.95 euro and this is correct. In red you will only see that the shipping amount at the part of "verzendwijzen" shows 3.26, so without tax.
Does anyone know how to change this?
From the Admin panel, select System > Configuration.
In the Configuration panel on the left, under Sales, select Tax
Click to expand the calculation settings, and in the dropdown of shipping prices select Including Tax.
Also on the same page expand price display setting.
In display shipping Prices select including tax.
Hope these will do the thing if you haven't changed and core file of magento
