Magento VAT not being included in price on product page (and, yes, shipping origin IS set correctly) - magento

I have a puzzling problem. I have set up my catalog to include VAT in the prices but for some reason (although VAT is being calculated correctly) it is NOT being displayed correctly including VAT on the product pages. The products' prices include VAT, I have configured Magento so that prices include VAT, etc. but nonetheless VAT is actually being backed out of the prices on the product page.
I HAVE SET the shipping origin correctly and VAT is being calculated correctly. Obviously, I'm missing something.
Prices shown correctly in backend (includes VAT)
Prices shown incorrectly in frontend (does not include VAT)
Tax calculation based on shipping address
Shipping origin set properly
Catalog prices including tax
Shipping prices including tax
VAT calculated correctly

have you checked below setting :-
System configuration >> tax >> Price Display Setting >> Display Product Prices In Catalog


Magento: Catalog and product view price incl tax (VAT) is incorrect

I have looked online to find a solution to my problem but can’t see an answer to that specific issue.
I’m using Magento CE 1.8.0
The prices in the catalogue are excluding VAT
VAT is set at 20%
The system is set as Prices exclude Tax
The front end catalog list and product page are set to show both prices excluding VAT and including VAT.
My issue is that the price including VAT on some products is out by 1p on the catalog list and product view, although it is correct at checkout.
For example a product priced at £34.49 ex VAT shows a price inc VAT of £41.38 in the list view and product page (which is incorrect) and £41.39 in the checkout page (which is correct).
The issue is that I have a Google merchant feed that is sending the correct price inc VAT (£41.39) to Google and they’re complaining that the price on the website is different (even if it’s just 1p).
I have seen plenty of people with the ckeckout totals being incorrect while the catalog price is correct but not the other way around.
Has anyone got any idea what the problem could be?
We had a similar problem and in researching it found out that certain settings in System > Configuration > SALES > Tax > Calculation Settings can cause rounding errors.
This may have the solution for you:

Magento: show shipping price checkout including tax

We have a problem with the tax settings in Magento for the shipping method. If we are correct we have everything set up right. We want 21% of tax to the shipping methods and this is set up correct. In the image below you will see in the the totals a shipping amount of 3.95 euro and this is correct. In red you will only see that the shipping amount at the part of "verzendwijzen" shows 3.26, so without tax.
Does anyone know how to change this?
From the Admin panel, select System > Configuration.
In the Configuration panel on the left, under Sales, select Tax
Click to expand the calculation settings, and in the dropdown of shipping prices select Including Tax.
Also on the same page expand price display setting.
In display shipping Prices select including tax.
Hope these will do the thing if you haven't changed and core file of magento

Magento Tax Prices Display

Currently my site displays product prices both including and excluding VAT (tax). i.e. exc Vat £100, inc Vat £120.
I find on non taxable products, it is a bit unnecessary to have, exc VAT £100, inc VAT £100, displayed, so my question is. How do I configure my store to display just one price if the non taxable and taxable prices are the same?
In admin->System->configuration->sales->tax/vat
Try changing each setting for
Display Full Tax Summary : NO

Magento entering included prices

I have a problem with included tax prices. Example like this
I have a product included tax price $100
I want to enter this price from admin as $100.
But if shipping adress location is X country, it must be 5.26% tax.
If location is Y country, there is no tax.
I want to display price $100 for all of them in catalog pages.
But when user select X country then order, invoice and review must be displayed like this.
Subtotal $95
Tax $5
Grandtotal $100
When the second case i mean in Y country selected then
Subtotal $100
Grandtotal $100
If it's possible please help me. I burned out already.
I think the closest solution to your problem that magento can offer is
1. set price in admin including tax which means the price you enter while creating the product is price including tax. To do this Goto System->Configuration page. Click on the Tax section and under the "Calculation Settings" tab, set "catalog price " to "Including tax". Now price entered for the products are assumed to be including tax.
In the same tax setting page, set the "Display Product Prices In Catalog" as "Including tax".
Now set up tax rates and rules as your requirement in Sales->Tax -> Tax rules and Tax rates pages.
And there you have it.
Product prices in catalog listing will show product including tax, ie $100
And when you add product to cart. The cart will show
Subtotal = $100
Tax = $xx
Grand Total = $100
The easiest way to do this is to just set the price to 95 and setup tax rules using Magento's already built in tax rules. Login admin and go to Sales>Tax>Manage Tax Rules and Manage Tax Zones & Rates.
That will allow you to set tax for one country, and a different tax for another.
There is no pre-built way that I know of that allows you to have tax included in the price for some places and not others (if at all)
Maybe consider using the tax rules with Catalog Price Rules and do something similar.

How do I configure magento to display prices including the TAX?

I'm struggling to configure my Magento store to do the following with TAX.
I want to give a product a price which includes the tax amount specified i.e 20% so when I add it to the cart the TAX and grand total are displayed correctly.
For example:
My product has a price of £20. 20% TAX of £3.33 is built into the price. When this product is added to the cart I'd like the cart to display the TAX amount of £3.33 and the grand total of £20.
Right now all I can get is the grand total to add the TAX on top totalling £23.33. Also the display price is £23.33 not £20.
I'd love some help!
Look under System/Configuration/Sales/Tax/Calculation
There are two important choices here
Catalog prices include tax
Shipping prices include tax
See magento prices inclusive of tax
Add this code in your phtml file where you getting the product price.
$_priceIncludingTax = Mage::helper('tax')->getPrice($_product, $_product->getFinalPrice());
If you want to display price on frontend with tax, go to:
System -> Configuration -> SALES -> Tax -> Price Display Settings -> Display Product Prices in Catalog
You have three options there. To show product price:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Including and Excluding Tax
