ReportViewer's Print Button Incompatible with IE 10? - windows-7

I have been searching for the answer for this for 2 days. We have an application that uses ReportViewer 9. However, clicking on the print button in IE10 causes the browser to stop working (with the "Debug" or "Close Program" buttons). Everything else seems to work fine.
We tried using ReportViewer 10 but we get the same issue.
We are using Visual Studio 2010, Windows 7, IE 10, and targeting .NET 4.0. The crashes happen in the IDE and through IIS.
EDIT: Things I Have Tried:
I have tried adding my website to Trusted Sites, lowered the security setting, and I think I've tried every possible combination of checkboxes in the "custom" security box.
I've tried enabling Protected Mode and Enhanced Protected Mode, with a variety of check box combinations from Custom security level that sounded promising.
I've tried forcing IE10 to run in 64-bit mode (including the tabs), but our app forces the tab to run in 32-bit anyway.
Someone suggested that it might be a Kill Bit issue, so I tried editing the registry to ignore kill bits just to see if it would work (it didn't).
Also, I'm pretty sure I've tried just about every permutation of all the variables I've already mentioned. (I'm a little burnt out at this point, so I might have missed 1 :S)
This thread seemed promising but I could not get it to work. It is talking about Win8 but I thought I might be able to apply them to my situation.
I found a suggestion changing the BuildProvider assembly to type="Microsoft.Reporting.RdlBuildProvider, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WEBFORMS ..." (instead of Common), but so far that is not working either.
Tried installing Report Viewer 11, and installing a very old version of our application. Both give me the same result.

Aha! OK, so it turns out that my issue is NOT with ReportViewer, but rather with RSClientPrint. Once I did a google search for that I quickly found that the answer is: Upgrade to Sql Server 2008 R2 SERVICE PACK 2.
The version of RsClientPrint you get with R2/SP2 is 10.50.4000, while the version I had was 10.50.1600.
In conclusion, it appears that RSClientPrint 10.50.1600 is NOT COMPATIBLE with IE10, but version 10.50.4000 IS.
I REALLY hope this helps someone else!!


Cannot add MSCOMCTL.OCX to VB6, no issues with Office

I know, there are countless threads about this control already and I've been reading them for hours. I can't add get this ocx to load into VB6, running 64 bit Win 7.
Things I have already tried:
1. unregistering and re-registering (used regsvr32 from syswow64)
2. Did the regtlib msdatsrc.tlb thing I've found
3. Reinstalled sp6
4. Installed the cumulative update everyone is saying is the latest version
I haven't reinstalled VB6, I don't have the media at work or I would have, but this has shown to never be the solution to this problem on the successful fixes I've read about these past few days I've been working on this.
Things to note that people aren't talking about in the other threads: I can add the ocx to Office without issue, then add controls (treeview, imagelist, etc) and use them fine. I can't add the OCX to a new, empty VB6 project. Most users are trying to open existing project, which fails for me as well, but never say whether they can add the OCX to a new project. I can't.
I hate to create another one of these threads to further muddy the water, but the solutions in other threads haven't been working for me and no one is mentioning where they can add it to Office or a new project.
This used to work fine months ago, too many things have happened since then to be able to pinpoint one that may have caused this. My main focus is to be able to add it to a new project again.
VB is being run in elevated XP SP3 compatibility mode.
Found the solution. I don't know how it came to be, but I had 3 different versions registered in my registry. Maybe the version that was trying to be used by VB wasn't compatible but was compatible with Office? I don't know.
Here's what I did.
I opened up the registry (regedit.exe) and searched for the key 831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1 and found the three different versions were listed. I made a backup of the sections I was going to change, of course, and then just deleted all of the version entries. After that, I went back and registered what I had in my syswow64 directory and now it's back to normal. Rechecking the registry shows I now only have version 2.2 installed.

Adding SDK to VS 2005

This may be trip down memory lane. I have been asked to fix some code that was written 8 years ago. That in itself is OK. I have a Win 7 64 bit PC. As I now use VS2012 I had to install 2005 luckily had a copy still. Then all the updates from MS so that it will work with Win 7 64 bit. Create a dummy MFC app to make sure it all works. So far so good. Next I get the SDK to target the code to it is running on a Moxa UC7124 ARM4i. I get UC712XCE_SDK_V2.0.msi and install it.
Now the problem starts. I cannot see the Moxa platform inside VS2005. If I load the solution it comes up with the platform but skips compile. My guess is that VS cannot find the SDK. I have tried many things but obviously not the correct thing yet, I checked for environment variables and find none, registry has no entries.
I look inside Tools | Options under Projects and Solutions VC++ directories but cannot find the platform I only get Win32. So for the first time in a while at the moment I am lost. Has anyone got any ideas why I cannot get the Moxa SDK visible inside VS2005?
After several days progress has been made ....... but not yet fully working. My view was that there must be some permissions issue in Win 7 when trying to load older SDK's, so I uninstalled the SDK first. Next I right click on the SDK's msi and in security tick "run as compatibility" and choose "Previous version of Windows". I can now target my solution correctly. So this part appears to be working now and next I have to fix all the compile/linking issues. Still got a big hill to climb but fingers crossed when I get to deploy this that it is all going to work OK.

Flash MX projection works on XP but not on windows 7

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, seeing as I don't currently have any code to share, but perhaps someone has an insight.
I have a very old Flash MX projection (.exe file) that was written and compiled in flash MX 2004. It's a simple interactive app - a test where a user picks an answer to a question and pushes ENTER to move to the next question.
The projection works fine on WinXP SP3 but doesn't work in win7, failing with a "class not registered" error.
It does work after I install flash player activex (I tried installing the latest, and also legacy version 6 r71), but then it doesn't register any keyboard commands and crashes a short while after a key is pressed.
Any idea what can be causing this?
So far I've tried fiddling with IE security settings, disabling DWM and windows themes, compatibility settings, etc., with no luck.
Also, despite the fact that the compiled projection is supposed to have all necessary components to run inside, it doesn't run if flash.ocx isn't registered. Isn't that weird?
Any help will be appreciated. I know this is old stuff and no one promises compatibility etc. And I don't even have the code as of now (not sure I can find it; assume I can't) - but this app is somewhat important to my company and this really seems like a "small" issue - if I could just find it...
Update - it kinda works if install the latest flash player and run it in compatibility mode - but it hangs after about a minute, regardless of what i do.
if i run it without compatibility mode, it doesn't run with a "library not registered" error.
You might want to repackage it.
Extract SWF from projector executable, for example, using this tool.
Get the newest standalone Flash Player and check if your .swf-file works with it.
Now export new projector file.
If this doesn't work for you, the only other way to do this is to recompile your .swf from source.
I agree with Ale's solution.
Have you tried Window's compatibility options to run the .exe as it would in an older compatibility mode ? This may work.

Visual Studio 2012 Designer throws exception 0x80270257

TLDR; VS2012 throws an exception like below when trying to edit XAML in the Designer running VS2012 as a RemoteApp.
Right, I may be asking this in the wrong place, but I'm at my wits end with this.
Basically what I'm trying to achieve is to run VS2012 on my Surface RT for quick edits of Windows Store apps. The way to do this is to run it as a RemoteApp which actually works great considering you can just hit F5 to build and launch for debug directly on the Surface, the problem is that the VS Designer bombs and throws the exception below.
For initial lab tests I was running VDI as a Session mode setup - i.e. VS2012 was running on WS2012, this gave the exact same exception as described herein. But after discussing it with some people way more into VDI than me we came to the conclusion that it was because it was running on WS2012 and not Windows 8. So I went ahead and changed things around running VDI in virtualization mode.
Said and done I spent a day installing and tailoring a Windows 8 Pro image with VS2012, various SDKs and whatnot. When it came to sysprepping this I ran into a different issue in that sysprep would bomb out with a "fatal error", after another day of trawling through the web and speaking to support it was decided this was because the pre-installed Windows Store apps had been updated. So another day gone reinstalling everything, this time sysprep worked fine and I was able to commission the virtual desktop, however when it came to publishing Visual Studio (among others) as a RemoteApp again I ran into issues. After another day and a half googling, binging, tweeting and finally calling support it transpired this was because only Windows 8 Enterprise edition could be used for RemoteApp publishing ... thanks MS, you couldn't have made this clear in your "best practices"? Anyway, spending another day reinstalling windows and all apps, SDKs and documentation. This time I am finally able to both sysprep, commission and publish RemoteApps. Yey, I'm a happy camper seeing as I should finally be able to do what I set out to do - quick XAML edits and debugging directly on my Surface RT.
Not so.. as the exception is, some five hundred reinstalls later still rearing it's ugly head. The "gurus" I initially spoke to are as stumped as me and can only offer that "it should work" and "it worked fine for the person I configured it for".
So, any ideas greatly appreciated here. While I can use the text editor to edit the XAML and Bob's my uncle in terms of quickfixes and debugging sessions I would much prefer to have it working properly and to be able to use the visual designer (or Blend - as the same exception is thrown there) for certain changes.
This is the actual exception;
I had the same problem and I just found a solution.
I had the Windows 'explorer' shell deactivated because I am using BBlean (an alternate shell for Windows, based on BlackBox). Apparently this was blocking the app manager. Disabling BBlean and starting Windows normally fixed the error.
So if you happen to be using a replacement shell, try disabling it.

Visual Studio 2010 Debug Server Not Recognizing My Changes

Using Visual Studio 2010 on Window 7 64bit. I'm trying to test a website project (not a web application project) using the built in dev server (cassini). The problem I'm having is that when I make a change, I now have to actually stop debugging, kill cassini, and restart before I can actually see my changes in the browser. I used to be able to edit and refresh. One of my fellow developers here is able to do this just fine with an identical setup (same project/vs version/os - and settings near as I can tell). I'm beginning to suspect some sort of permissions issue. I've been all over google trying to find an answer to no avail. Any ideas?
As it turns out, this was my fault... I had experienced the dreaded "network BIOS command limit has been reached" issue. I found a post that recommended doing a regedit hack "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET\FCNMode = 1", well this basically turns off File Change Notifications. Changing this value to 2, and applying the changes recommended in knowledge base 810886 fixed both problems.
