Adding SDK to VS 2005 - visual-studio

This may be trip down memory lane. I have been asked to fix some code that was written 8 years ago. That in itself is OK. I have a Win 7 64 bit PC. As I now use VS2012 I had to install 2005 luckily had a copy still. Then all the updates from MS so that it will work with Win 7 64 bit. Create a dummy MFC app to make sure it all works. So far so good. Next I get the SDK to target the code to it is running on a Moxa UC7124 ARM4i. I get UC712XCE_SDK_V2.0.msi and install it.
Now the problem starts. I cannot see the Moxa platform inside VS2005. If I load the solution it comes up with the platform but skips compile. My guess is that VS cannot find the SDK. I have tried many things but obviously not the correct thing yet, I checked for environment variables and find none, registry has no entries.
I look inside Tools | Options under Projects and Solutions VC++ directories but cannot find the platform I only get Win32. So for the first time in a while at the moment I am lost. Has anyone got any ideas why I cannot get the Moxa SDK visible inside VS2005?

After several days progress has been made ....... but not yet fully working. My view was that there must be some permissions issue in Win 7 when trying to load older SDK's, so I uninstalled the SDK first. Next I right click on the SDK's msi and in security tick "run as compatibility" and choose "Previous version of Windows". I can now target my solution correctly. So this part appears to be working now and next I have to fix all the compile/linking issues. Still got a big hill to climb but fingers crossed when I get to deploy this that it is all going to work OK.


Cannot add MSCOMCTL.OCX to VB6, no issues with Office

I know, there are countless threads about this control already and I've been reading them for hours. I can't add get this ocx to load into VB6, running 64 bit Win 7.
Things I have already tried:
1. unregistering and re-registering (used regsvr32 from syswow64)
2. Did the regtlib msdatsrc.tlb thing I've found
3. Reinstalled sp6
4. Installed the cumulative update everyone is saying is the latest version
I haven't reinstalled VB6, I don't have the media at work or I would have, but this has shown to never be the solution to this problem on the successful fixes I've read about these past few days I've been working on this.
Things to note that people aren't talking about in the other threads: I can add the ocx to Office without issue, then add controls (treeview, imagelist, etc) and use them fine. I can't add the OCX to a new, empty VB6 project. Most users are trying to open existing project, which fails for me as well, but never say whether they can add the OCX to a new project. I can't.
I hate to create another one of these threads to further muddy the water, but the solutions in other threads haven't been working for me and no one is mentioning where they can add it to Office or a new project.
This used to work fine months ago, too many things have happened since then to be able to pinpoint one that may have caused this. My main focus is to be able to add it to a new project again.
VB is being run in elevated XP SP3 compatibility mode.
Found the solution. I don't know how it came to be, but I had 3 different versions registered in my registry. Maybe the version that was trying to be used by VB wasn't compatible but was compatible with Office? I don't know.
Here's what I did.
I opened up the registry (regedit.exe) and searched for the key 831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1 and found the three different versions were listed. I made a backup of the sections I was going to change, of course, and then just deleted all of the version entries. After that, I went back and registered what I had in my syswow64 directory and now it's back to normal. Rechecking the registry shows I now only have version 2.2 installed.

ReportViewer's Print Button Incompatible with IE 10?

I have been searching for the answer for this for 2 days. We have an application that uses ReportViewer 9. However, clicking on the print button in IE10 causes the browser to stop working (with the "Debug" or "Close Program" buttons). Everything else seems to work fine.
We tried using ReportViewer 10 but we get the same issue.
We are using Visual Studio 2010, Windows 7, IE 10, and targeting .NET 4.0. The crashes happen in the IDE and through IIS.
EDIT: Things I Have Tried:
I have tried adding my website to Trusted Sites, lowered the security setting, and I think I've tried every possible combination of checkboxes in the "custom" security box.
I've tried enabling Protected Mode and Enhanced Protected Mode, with a variety of check box combinations from Custom security level that sounded promising.
I've tried forcing IE10 to run in 64-bit mode (including the tabs), but our app forces the tab to run in 32-bit anyway.
Someone suggested that it might be a Kill Bit issue, so I tried editing the registry to ignore kill bits just to see if it would work (it didn't).
Also, I'm pretty sure I've tried just about every permutation of all the variables I've already mentioned. (I'm a little burnt out at this point, so I might have missed 1 :S)
This thread seemed promising but I could not get it to work. It is talking about Win8 but I thought I might be able to apply them to my situation.
I found a suggestion changing the BuildProvider assembly to type="Microsoft.Reporting.RdlBuildProvider, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WEBFORMS ..." (instead of Common), but so far that is not working either.
Tried installing Report Viewer 11, and installing a very old version of our application. Both give me the same result.
Aha! OK, so it turns out that my issue is NOT with ReportViewer, but rather with RSClientPrint. Once I did a google search for that I quickly found that the answer is: Upgrade to Sql Server 2008 R2 SERVICE PACK 2.
The version of RsClientPrint you get with R2/SP2 is 10.50.4000, while the version I had was 10.50.1600.
In conclusion, it appears that RSClientPrint 10.50.1600 is NOT COMPATIBLE with IE10, but version 10.50.4000 IS.
I REALLY hope this helps someone else!!

The procedure entry point _except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll

I am using "Microsoft Visual Studio" to work with an "MFC application".
I am using "Installshield" to create the setup file for this application.
I get a "setup.exe" file.
If I run this setup on a "Windows XP 32 bit" machine, the installation ends properly.
Yet, when I try to start the installed program, I get the message:
"The procedure entry point _except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll."
In debug mode, I can't find the moment the error occurs because whatever the breakpoint I put in the code, the message appears before reaching the breakpoint, I guess at the very beginning of the program execution...
Note: It works for Vista 32 bit and Seven 64 bit.
It appears lots of people do have the same problem but I couldn't find a solution for myself.
Can you help?
Thank you.
Welcome to the world of DLL hell and application dependency analysis.
I found that DLL on my Win8 machine in the SYSWOW64 (32bit System32 folder ) with version 7.0.9200.16384. Looking at it using Dependency Walker I can see it in fact exports the function you are looking for.
I also see on my InstallShield machine a merge module called MSVCRT.MSM that redistributes version 6.00.8797.0 of this file. However when I look it using Dependency Walker, I see it has the exported functions _except_handler2 and _except_handler_3 but not _except_handler_4_common.
So therefore you need a newer DLL and that merge module won't help you. Microsoft used to have this cool website called DLL Help Database that told you all the versions of a file and what shipped them but sadly they killed it.
BTW, I can also see that this DLL is installed with Windows these days. Windows XP? I'm not so sure as I'd have to fire up a VM and look.
A couple possible resolutions:
Find out what SP or Hotfix of Windows fixes this and make it a dependency of your MSI.
Grab the DLL from a Win 8 machine and add it to your INSTALLDIR and deploy it privately.
One final note. This is either caused by the version of Windows XP comes with an old version of the DLL ( A related KB Article says it does ) or that a third party application whacked the DLL causing the problem. Some more study is required here.
I recommend you first try installing the MSVC Redist version 2008. That one does include the implementation of the missing function.
This post is old but I wanted to leave my solution since this problem was hell to me. My python app was working for Linux, Win7, 8 and 10 but WinXP refused to work with that message.
I was using py2exe to get an executable and it will put some DLLs along with the exe file.
Deleting some dlls from the exe's directory was the only thing that make the app work in XP and continue working in the other systems:
Also distributing "Microsoft.VC90.CRT" directory along with the exe file, with it's manifest and DLL files.
I hope this will be useful for someone, since it took me weeks to figure it out.
(i know the OP wasn't working with python, but the error is just the same)
Your program has a dependency which is not being satisfied on Windows XP. You might try using Dependency Walker to identify it, or you might check for known limitations. For example, Visual Studio 2012 doesn't support Windows XP until update 1 and a build option change - is that what you're using?
The problem was probably because you might used a corrupted DirectX version on your Win XP. It happened to me as well because I randomly downloaded a DirectX setup which was corrupted and caused these. The solution I did was is I deleted all the files that has anything to do with directX from C:Windows/System32, deleted the directX from add/remove program as well and completely removed the whole registry key from regedit. Local_machine/software/microsoft/DirectX... What I did then was found a original values and keys for DirectX 9 on the net and made a new registry key.
The DirectX folder was once completely and originally back on regedit and it showed in dxdiag that the directX is installed.
In case you encounter crashes in the game, I suggest you to download .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and then make a backup on your PC (If you're not using nVIDIA graphic cards like I do, I use ATI Radeon) and download nVIDIA PhysX system software driver and see if it works. (You need nVIDIA phydX drivers to run this game without crashes only if you use Win XP, the problem shouldnt encounter on Win 7) In case the drivers screw up your PC (The nVIDIA PhysX one) you will be able to restore your old PC function before those drivers (If you made a backup of your PC, I suggest using Acronis Boot for backups) it means you're totally out of luck if you're not able to get the nVIDIA PhysX on ur for example, ATI graphics on Windows XP, because without nvidia physx, on Win XP, Metro wont run, while on Win 7 / Vista / 8 it should.
I just installed the latest VS 2017 and was running into the same problem. I googled everything but couldn't find any solution, so I just defined it myself:
extern "C" int _except_handler4_common() {
return 0; // whatever, I don't know what this is
I've spent the last 8 hours picking my code apart with this exact same error and it turned out to be a line of code in my application, specifically a check for IPv6 support in the OS:
conf.IPv6Disabled = !(Socket.OSSupportsIPv6);
I commented that line out and voila, error disappeared.
This problem persists to every software or game that requires windows 7 or 8 or vista but is made run into windows xp. So if you want to resume or start your program you need to upgrade your windows to 7 or 8 or vista as per the system requirements of the program.

VS2010 Express + Silverlight - Strangest thing

Bit of a random one here, and I've exhausted my knowledge on how to try and remedy this.
Basically I've just switched out my hard-drive over to an SSD (best move I ever did), and along with this I've had to reinstall everything from the ground up. When I've done so however VS2010 Express for Windows Phone keeps giving me this error with my existing projects(Silverlight 4 SDK is not installed + bunch of warnings).
But I have made sure it is installed
I have gone through reinstalling the Silverlight 4 SDK, uninstalling all of Silverlight + VS (and all it's many, many components in Control Panel) and performed updates via Windows Update, rebooting etc. Nothing seems to work.
Strange thing is though, if I create a new project it works just fine, no warnings, no errors, nothing. I'm completely stumped.
Any ideas guys?
My usual install process is:
Silverlight SDK > VS2010 Express for WP7 > Begin Developing
I have deleted the .suo/.user files, also the obj and Bin directories too. No avail :(
The only thing really that has changed since my last install was the directory I am loading the actual projects from (but I don't see how this could affect it?).
I wasn't able to solve this one without performing a full reinstall. I did discover some other elements of Win32 applications having issues as well, seems my Windows install was simply broken.

Break points are not active in VS2005

I have a windows mobile project in VS2005. Initially I could not get any breakpoints to enable on windows mobile 6 device but they worked on PocketPC2003 Emulator. It's a new computer at work and after a while I realised I had no installed any SDK's beyond 2003. Having now installed SDK's for windows mobile 5.0 6.0 and 6.5.3 I now have SOME of my breakpoints active.
My solution consists of a main application under which there are a few screens and associated code. There are also a series of other classes each of which compiles to a separate DLL. It seems the issue I have is that any breakpoints in these separate classes
work perfectly now. However any breakpoints in the main application class give an error "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document." I've tried a number of things including deleting the bin\debug and obj folders to clear old debug information. The PBD files appear to be created ok for the exe files as well as the class DLL's but only the Dll's work correctly in debug.
Any ideas guys. I really have to get this working as it needs to work on a device not just an emulator. I have an external DLL I need to use as part of testing that is very specific to a brand and model range of hardware. I wont explain why here, just suffice it to say I really need to get this sorted.
I'm still learning VS2005 So please be specific with suggestions as I might not yet know where to locate certain functionality.
I should probably add it works fine in windows mobile 5.0 emulator but I don't have a windows mobile 5 device to test with
Thanks in anticipation.
Well I don't know exactly what I did but it is now working. I read an article on here about enabling the module tab in the debug menu and after doing that it worked however I had done a couple of other things prior to doing that and hadn't tested it so not sure which it was that fixed it.
