Visual Studio 2012 Designer throws exception 0x80270257 - visual-studio

TLDR; VS2012 throws an exception like below when trying to edit XAML in the Designer running VS2012 as a RemoteApp.
Right, I may be asking this in the wrong place, but I'm at my wits end with this.
Basically what I'm trying to achieve is to run VS2012 on my Surface RT for quick edits of Windows Store apps. The way to do this is to run it as a RemoteApp which actually works great considering you can just hit F5 to build and launch for debug directly on the Surface, the problem is that the VS Designer bombs and throws the exception below.
For initial lab tests I was running VDI as a Session mode setup - i.e. VS2012 was running on WS2012, this gave the exact same exception as described herein. But after discussing it with some people way more into VDI than me we came to the conclusion that it was because it was running on WS2012 and not Windows 8. So I went ahead and changed things around running VDI in virtualization mode.
Said and done I spent a day installing and tailoring a Windows 8 Pro image with VS2012, various SDKs and whatnot. When it came to sysprepping this I ran into a different issue in that sysprep would bomb out with a "fatal error", after another day of trawling through the web and speaking to support it was decided this was because the pre-installed Windows Store apps had been updated. So another day gone reinstalling everything, this time sysprep worked fine and I was able to commission the virtual desktop, however when it came to publishing Visual Studio (among others) as a RemoteApp again I ran into issues. After another day and a half googling, binging, tweeting and finally calling support it transpired this was because only Windows 8 Enterprise edition could be used for RemoteApp publishing ... thanks MS, you couldn't have made this clear in your "best practices"? Anyway, spending another day reinstalling windows and all apps, SDKs and documentation. This time I am finally able to both sysprep, commission and publish RemoteApps. Yey, I'm a happy camper seeing as I should finally be able to do what I set out to do - quick XAML edits and debugging directly on my Surface RT.
Not so.. as the exception is, some five hundred reinstalls later still rearing it's ugly head. The "gurus" I initially spoke to are as stumped as me and can only offer that "it should work" and "it worked fine for the person I configured it for".
So, any ideas greatly appreciated here. While I can use the text editor to edit the XAML and Bob's my uncle in terms of quickfixes and debugging sessions I would much prefer to have it working properly and to be able to use the visual designer (or Blend - as the same exception is thrown there) for certain changes.
This is the actual exception;

I had the same problem and I just found a solution.
I had the Windows 'explorer' shell deactivated because I am using BBlean (an alternate shell for Windows, based on BlackBox). Apparently this was blocking the app manager. Disabling BBlean and starting Windows normally fixed the error.
So if you happen to be using a replacement shell, try disabling it.


Clickonce App Doesn't start with Windows 1803

I have a Clickonce app from Visual Studio 2015 SP3 that is published to the network server and used in-house only. The program works just fine when launched from Visual Studio. It runs just fine on a Windows machine that does not have the 1803 update. But once a machine updates to 1803, the application no longer starts. I get the "Checking for updates..." window then nothing. On a fresh install, I usually get the Smartscreen telling me the program may be dangerous. It doesn't get that far.
I've created the Clickonce from a computer with the 1803 update and the problem still exists.
I've disconnected the machine from the network. The application starts but then has no database access and it needs the database. It's also written to hide buttons that would use the database to prevent users from trying to do things that require it.
I found a workaround (third paragraph) at When I start the application from the directory mentioned, I get the Smartscreen and can tell it to run anyway. Every time I click the desktop icon, it works just fine.
If a new release is published, the new release is downloaded and the program updated, but the Smartscreen no longer appears and the application never starts.
So somewhere between installing the latest update and the Smartscreen, this is failing. Anyone else experiencing this and have an idea as to why?
Yes, frustratingly I also experienced this today. Presumably a security update that they'll release another patch for given this is quite a pain for developers and users of small business apps.
Rather than disable Defender or SmartScreen I chose to add my deployment website to the Trusted Sites in Internet Explorer and that then re-instated the warning dialog and my app updated and ran as before.
Really annoying given the nature of the issue and how long it took to figure out, but at the same time I had to use IE today, which is a rare event nowadays.
This works for me...Warn doesnt warn anymore...
After running in the same problem, I just found that my application was going to halt after a stupid uncaught exception.
Despite the fact that the image below is in Portuguese, Event Viewer shows the right error cause.
In my case, was a corrupted settings file!
It appears as though some subsequent Windows Updates have fixed the issue on several of our PC's that were previously experiencing the issue.
Check for the updates listed here.
Running winver.exe will show you which build you have.

What is this 'Waiting for Background operation' in Visual Studio 2012?

Occassionaly, but fairly often, for no apparent reason, VS 2012 will lock up with a dialogue that says, "Waiting for a background operation to finish". E.g. this may happen during a plain old code edit, not on explicitly invoking any IDE command.
What causes this, and is there anything I can do about this?
I am running ReSharper 7, and I am not the only one I know experiencing this.
I was having the same problem, especially in cshtml pages. I found this page: that suggests changing the indent option in Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > Tab to Smart instead of Block. In my case it was already set to Smart and changing it back to Block fixed the problem.
Update: I was wrong, that didn't fix the dialogue, it just delayed it until I copied or pasted. What finally worked for me was to go to Tools > Import and Export Settings... > Reset all settings.
Possibly related question: Visual Studios 2010 - MVC 4 Beta - long delays on paste and frequent crashing
It is a very generic diagnostic. It is triggered by COM, heavily used in Visual Studio to implement extensibility. The underlying trigger is the IMessageFilter interface. The trigger occurs when COM marshals a method call to another thread and that call doesn't complete for 60 seconds.
There's little value in the actual notification, it is telling you something you already know. By the time 60 seconds have passed, you typically already have noticed things are not working well. Short from the wee bit of useful knowledge that Visual Studio isn't actually completely dead. The call however has to complete before VS gets usable again. There's little you can do but tap your foot and wait.
This problem is almost always caused by an add-in. Resharper is certainly a good candidate. You find the trouble-maker by disabling the add-ins one-by-one until the problem disappears. It is the kind of problem that's common with new versions of Visual Studio, it takes the add-in vendors a while to get the bugs and hangups ironed out. Contact the vendor for support and in general look for updates that may solve the issue.
Deleting the Solutions "suo" file worked for me.
I was having the same problem and in my case it was DevExpress.
It seemed to hang Visual Studio everytime I did a copy or cut operation, bringing up the message:
"Waiting for a background operation to finish".
Turns out it was actually doing a one off task in the background and it really was taking a while to do it (over 5 minutes).
Perhaps if I had waited normally, it could have gone away, but what finally fixed it was to bring up the Toolbox into view (was hidden/collapsed), which in turn brought up a window saying:
"adding [SomeDevExpressAssemblyNameHere].dll"
this kept updating itself with the name of every dll required by DevExpress to populate the toolbar.
This way I could see the operation progress and after it finished I could use copy/cut paste again as usual.
Hope this helps.
For me the fix was to update the Web Essentials 2012 to version 1.8.
The problematic version was 1.6
Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > Tabs -> Identing -> None settings solved this problem for me.
This fixed it for me:
Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > Miscellaneous
Uncheck the option "Auto ID elements on paste in Source View"
I will post an update if the problem comes back.
I had this problem for a couple of days, tried uninstalling and reinstalling my visual studio 2012 ultimate edtion SP3...
Still didn't work.
So I deleted all my extensions (git tools for VS 2012 and Nuget Package downloader),
restarted my VS and it worked liked a charm again!
Hope it works !
Good luck!
I experienced this problem while running visual studio in a virtual machine - Virtual Box 4.2 running on Mac OS X Mountain Lion, hosting a fresh Windows 7 install with nothing else installed but Visual Studio. I found that the problem was caused by 2 separate issues.
Firstly, my project was on a folder shared from the host OS. In other words, on the Windows Guest, my project appeared on a network drive. So opening the project in Visual Studio from a network drive seemed to cause this problem because the problem went away when I copied the project onto the C drive of the Windows VM and opened it in Visual Studio from the copy on the C drive.
Secondly, I began to experience the problem again when the hard drive on the virtual machine was getting full. I had about 1GB free space available on the hard drive. When I increased the size of the hard drive on the virtual machine, this issue went away.
Just reproduced similar problem with Codemaid add-on. Found this conversation:
There's a lot of details in this issue, but to try and recap the issue
is that the VS2012 C++ API introduced a deadlock issue when the API is
accessed from a UI thread (e.g. a WPF context like Spade). It wasn't
an issue in VS2010, and Microsoft has fixed it going forwards for
VS2013 but they will not be patching it for VS2012.
Seems to indicate that a fix (for Codemaid) should be coming:
Please keep an eye on this thread for the ongoing resolution of the
issue. It ties in to that larger rewrite so I've been building towards
it by adding a lot of unit tests first to help ensure functionality
remains consistent after the changes.
For me it seemed to be related with the razor syntax, since I only had it on one particular file.
For example if I put the following code in one line I had the described issue.
#section BodyClassName {note}
But when putting the closing parenthesis on the next line the issue went away
#section BodyClassName {note
Kind regards
Far from an ideal solution, but please trying running visual studio in administrator mode
i tried virtually everything, and this was the only thing that worked for me
Open Visual Studio, create a new MVC application, close the new application, open the old application and it works!
Check if IIS or another process (BizTalk maybe) is locking your DLLs/references
Kill/stop IIS or the other process if it is
RUN> iisreset
Now it is working fine with VS 2012
i think i have found a clue! Every thing is ended to dcomcnfg.exe!
Open it and go under following path:
Component services>computers>my computer>dcom config
after click on dcom you'll see many warnings depend on amount of components on your pc.
Click yes on each message box in order to add correct record for dcom.
I found that VS also loads packages during the "background operation". You can remove unneeded extensions to make the operation faster.
I have it fixed weeks ago after I turn TeamViewer 8 Clipboard Sync off! now it appears back with no reason so I tried reset all settings and it worked for me.
I was having the same problem and running VS as an administrator seems to have done the trick for me (I had posted a similar question at Visual Studio 2012 Express Hangs with Message "Waiting for Background Operation to Complete" on Format Document Command that was marked as a duplicate for this one so I figured I would share here as well).
For me, it was Resharper addon opening a dialog which didn't show. I only found the dialog icon in the hidden icons menu on the task bar. When i got rid of the dialog, Visual Studio returned to normal immediately.

Visual Studio 2010 Debug Server Not Recognizing My Changes

Using Visual Studio 2010 on Window 7 64bit. I'm trying to test a website project (not a web application project) using the built in dev server (cassini). The problem I'm having is that when I make a change, I now have to actually stop debugging, kill cassini, and restart before I can actually see my changes in the browser. I used to be able to edit and refresh. One of my fellow developers here is able to do this just fine with an identical setup (same project/vs version/os - and settings near as I can tell). I'm beginning to suspect some sort of permissions issue. I've been all over google trying to find an answer to no avail. Any ideas?
As it turns out, this was my fault... I had experienced the dreaded "network BIOS command limit has been reached" issue. I found a post that recommended doing a regedit hack "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET\FCNMode = 1", well this basically turns off File Change Notifications. Changing this value to 2, and applying the changes recommended in knowledge base 810886 fixed both problems.

Visual Studio crashes consistently on web-related projects

I have a brand new VS2010 installed on a Win2008R2 machine.
I started getting this error when debugging a WCF service project:
"Attempted to read or write protected
memory. This is often an indication
that other memory is corrupt."
When I started developing a web site a week later, this became consistent - I can't debug it.
The stack dump reads:
conn) at
acceptedSocket) at
state) at
executionContext, ContextCallback
callback, Object state, Boolean
ignoreSyncCtx) at
I tried searching online, and some recommend turning off the "Suppress JIT Optimizations" in the Debugging options - this dos not seem to make a difference.
Clearly the problem is with the built in web server. But am I doing something wrong? Is there something I can do? Or is this a known bug?
Thanks for your time,
Update 12/31: Today I tried using CassiniDev as a replacement to the original VS2010 WebServer - exact same result. My suspicion is that there's some internal conflict between VS2010, Windows Server 2008R2 and maybe the fact that it's a 64 bit OS. I switched to using IIS as my debug server - and that seems to work, with some annoying side effects.
My conclusion: do not use a 64 bit server system as your dev machine. Develop on 32bit - deploy to 64bit.
Side conclusion: there are some scenarios Microsoft's QA doesn't test.
Well, here's the sad truth, and I verified it with someone who works for Microsoft, with these very same technologies. I just triggered some sort of Cassini bug. He suggested I try installing VS2010 SP1 beta (which I cannot do since my code is due in production). His other suggestion was to try IIS Express. MS is trying to move people over to IIS Express and provides it as part of their web platform installer - so it stands to reason they will not be spending too much time plugging Cassini bugs.
Since I was using a 2008 server, I just added IIS (takes less than a minute), created a virtual directory (the VS project page allows you to do it with one button click) and I'm now successfully debugging on IIS. Not the result I wanted, but you can't always get what you want :)
Installing .Net Framework 3.5 fixed this exact problem for me.
Hope that helps! Sorry I can't offer any additional insight as to what exactly was going wrong with cassini, but I suspect it was missing a library or two.
Seems to have helped (no longer crashes on the first request), but upon further use I've come across another place where the same error crops up.)
And now I can't recreated it anymore. Best of luck, and if you discover any more please post!
The thing that gets my attention is Win2008R2 and Cassini.
I'm just guessing, but it makes me think that it could be a permission issue.
Is it possible that your Win2008R2 machine is locked down more than your average developer machine (the average developer machine being XP / Vista / Win7 etc).
Perhaps Cassini when launched under your user account on Win2008R2 does not have enough permission to do its thing. Perhaps it cannot open ports? But I wouldn't think a port issue would cause a crash. Or perhaps it doesn't have access to the temporary directories it needs?
Perhaps your user account is denied the permission to debug on the local security policy? But i'm not an admin, so i'm not certain on this.
Maybe try launching visual studio as an Administrator (just incase, to help you investigate the problem).
Or perhaps try starting your site without debugging to help see if it's some sort of permission issue with debugging processes.
I came across this, it's from some time ago talking about Windows 7 and Cassini. But it may not of been fixed.

VB6 + componentone developed application in Windows7

This is trouble shooting question.
Our application's development environment is VS2005 C/C++, VB6 based GUI.
we use also componentone for ActiveX control(vsflexgrid8).
application performed well in Windows XP, but in Windows 7, there is some problem in GUI.
rebuilded almost all C/C++ code and VB6 code in Windows 7
our build system is so poor and because I joined this team a month ago, building all codes are a bit hard
But this (maybe) last problem is not related to build, I think.
all other processes and GUI process are start well. but when click some menu in GUI, all user controls become invalid.
error message seems like this:
'-2147417848 (80010108)' occured
runtime error.
Automation error.
Invoked Object disconnected from
above message is not identical to real message since real message is our native language(Korean).
when googling with this message, I'm able to gather some informations.
the most possible case is when using OLE Automation for Microsoft Office Objects.
But our GUI(VB6 developed) does not use Microsoft Office Objects.
And problem-causing page/control's are commonly use componentone modules.
So, if experienced similar problems, please help me.
In Virtual Machine Windows XP mode, there is no problem. But I'm strongly willing to develop in this environment.
Thank you for your help.
'Automation Error' just means that an error was raised from within the ActviveX control, but that the developpers did not add a description to it. So the cause could be anything.
A common source for this kind of errors are write errors to protected folder (The Program Files folder for instance) or forbidden Registry Read/Write actions. You could try installing the program to another location or to run it elevated.
Hope this helps at least a little.
As Dabbler says, this means there has been an error in the ActiveX component.
Does any of your C or C++ code run before this error happens?
Are you using the latest version of the ComponentOne control? Perhaps it's worth checking whether it is supported on Windows 7, and contacting their technical support?
You could debug the VB6 and C/C++ on Windows 7 to track down which bit of code triggers this problem. This is possible with Visual Studio 2005, which you say you have, or WinDbg which is free.
I solved this problem by Windows Updates.
Since about 20~30 updates are performed at once, I can't know what update solves this.
I guess Visual Studio 2005 security updates may the reason for this trouble.
Anyway, my application runs well in my Windows 7 machine.
Thanks to All.
