Magmi Configurable Import - Simple Skus Sort Order - sorting

Is there a way to define the sort order of the Simple products attached to a configurable when importing?
In my CSV file I have ordered them the way I want but in admin it just seems to have reorderd by ID.
Can anyone explain how I can do this?
My Import looks like this:
but once imported into admin they appear in this order:
P100-100,P100-50,P150-100,,P150-150,P50-50,P75-75 (I think this is sorted by ID)
please help!


Automatically create configurable products from list of simple products in csv file

I am using magmi to import products into Magento.
I have a long list of simple products in a spreadsheet and it is a right pain going through it and adding a configurable product row for each set of products manually. It is of course also error prone.
I wonder if there is a way of processing this sheet automatically to add in the configurable product rows. It's fairly easy to see when one set of products changes to another.
I've browsed lots of forums and tried to do it through excel but can't seem to find a way of doing it. Has anyone any suggestions please?
Check if this helps!
Let me know if you anything else.
Auto creating configurables as a 'feature' may have several pitfalls:
Which sku to use for the configurable ?
What if a similar configurable sku exists:
do you want to "append" associated product list with simples listed
or replace the associated product list with ?
what if the file has :
simples with configurable product to create
"real" simples that should not be associated to any configurable but share the same attribute_set
So, in a "generic" way, many questions may be left without answers and ,as such, couldn't be mass automated that easily.
However, you have a specific need , for a specific workflow, implying specific data. Then in YOUR case, you (or someone you can hire) can write a magmi plugin that would create the configurable according to YOUR specifications.
I hadn't appreciated the capabilities of the magmi configurable product plugin until I saw this:
This showed me it's possible to import all the simple products in one file, and then import the configurable products from another file. The "trick" is to have SKUs with two components, along the lines cccc-ssss, with each group of simple products linked together by a common prefix cccc to the SKU. The configurable product has the SKU cccc.
Creating the configurable products file is not easy (for me at least), excel doesn't seem to have the best facilities for this but I found the following helpful: Getting unique values in Excel by using formulas only. I used the macro by totymedli. [I use this as the list of simple products I have are grouped by an attribute that has the same value for all products that can be within a configurable product.]
No doubt there are better ways but the main thing is the amount of manual work I have to do, and which is error prone, is reduced.

Magento - How to set Super Product sort order on import

I am importing simple and configurable products using the magento Import. When associated products (super products) are imported the order is set to what appears to be alphabetical order based on the attribute name. The order of these can be changed in admin by dragging the attributes. It appears the order is kept in the catalog_product_super_attribute table in the ‘position’ column. But, so far I’ve found no way to import this order.
Is there are parameter I can add to the CSV file to import this value.

How to import configurable products and associate simple products by csv

I need to import some configurable products and I already tried to use many types of tables and try to follow different methods as these:
Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5
It works just for import configurable products but don't associate simple products don't about the method that I tried to use.
I need a help please, thanks for attention
You can following the document at

magento import unique key

when exporting and importing data in Magento via import/export profile, products are not being updated. We selected only mapped fields. I have some idea. But am unsure.
When you export and import, do you use the same profile? (or does the standard import function understand and import the mapped fields)
What does Magento use as the INDEX to update the correct record. We are updating SKU, but maybe this is used as key?
Thanks, appreciate the help
SKU is unique for every product. As imported product does not have id so magento can not understand that you are updating product if SKU is changed.

Magento - Implementing a custom product import function

I have a Magento 1.6 website which will have to import products from several CSV files provided by the suppliers. I saw that there's an import function, but it won't be flexible enough for what I have to do.
To be specific, I have to tasks to perform:
Choosing a supplier for a product, when it's sold by multiple
Re-map product categories.
Here are the details of the above.
Choosing a supplier
Suppliers will provide their product lists, and different lists may contain the same products. The import function will have to compare the products to be imported and, following some logic, "assign" each product to one or the other supplier.
Example: product XYZ is sold by supplier A, supplier B and supplier C. A sells it cheaper, B is the second cheapest, C is the dearest. However, A doesn't have it in stock, B has a few and C has plenty. Product should then be "assigned" to B, and its details extracted from such list.
The effect of such assignment should be that, when our Customers will place an order, it will be automatically translated into multiple orders to our suppliers (I still have to find out how, though).
Re-mapping product categories
When we receive the product lists from the suppliers, they are associated to supplier's categories. For example, a flat screen TV might be in "Home Electronics" category in one supplier's list, and in "Electronics" in another list. We have therefore created a "map", which specifies, for each supplier category, the destination category in our system.
What I need to do is going through the imported products and re-assigning them to the proper category.
The logic of both tasks is quite easy, and I'd be able to implement it without any issue, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm completely new to Magento. What would be the best approach to tackle them, in such case? Should I implement a custom module? In case, what would be the best place to start?
Thanks in advance for the answers.
you have to make new import profile for this just create new import profile,put your csv file in var/import folder and make new php file for doing this, see how magento default import works then put your php file in app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Model/Convert/Adapter/
and make some xml changes in import profile you have created and you are done
