Magento - How to set Super Product sort order on import - magento

I am importing simple and configurable products using the magento Import. When associated products (super products) are imported the order is set to what appears to be alphabetical order based on the attribute name. The order of these can be changed in admin by dragging the attributes. It appears the order is kept in the catalog_product_super_attribute table in the ‘position’ column. But, so far I’ve found no way to import this order.
Is there are parameter I can add to the CSV file to import this value.


Importing into Categories

I have an Excel CSV of products (Roughly 11000 products) and i can import them successfully but what column name does Magento require to import the products into their specific categories?
I tried the following in my excel csv but it didn't work:
root_category category
Default Category Washer
Even natively exported from Magento file not always suits for importing it back.
To format file in the way Magento insists, you need to include all the required fields and keep to UTF-8 encoding (without BOM).
Check this article with the list of required fields for Magento import -

Magento Magmi Categories Import only

I am trying to import/update categories using the module being developed for magento MAGMI, i have made my custom category csv file with columns:
2 and 3 are custom attributes, What i want to do is to update the categories different customly added attributes using csv file. And i get an error:
String could not be parsed as XML
I thought my csv is not working perfectly, so i exported products csv from magento backend and try to import it, and it gives the same error. I need to import categories via MAGMI, i don't need to include any product data in csv. Will this work?
if you want only import categories, you can create in MAGENTO (or via MAGMI) the product "test" with sku "0000" and import via MAGMI csv-file like:
in the end don't forget delete/disable the "test" product and "DeleteThisCategory" category.
Magmi does not import categories only, it is able to create categories on the fly during item import that's a big difference. IE : magmi imports ITEMS and can auto create categories for ITEMS being imported.
If you want to import categories, use another magento plugin.

Magmi import doesn't remove the products

I have been using Magmi to import products by adding items to the file " export_all_products.csv" without any problems
But when I have products that need to be remove,what I did was by removing the whole row in that product line in the csv file and upload it using magmi, but the products that I want to delete is still there and sometimes duplicated, is there a way to get it done or can I empty some tables in the database in phpmyadmin before I do the import?
Thanks so much
You need to use the Product Deleter plugin to delete products with Magmi.
Use the column name magmi:delete with the value of 1 on the rows you want removed from Magento.
Example CSV:

magento import unique key

when exporting and importing data in Magento via import/export profile, products are not being updated. We selected only mapped fields. I have some idea. But am unsure.
When you export and import, do you use the same profile? (or does the standard import function understand and import the mapped fields)
What does Magento use as the INDEX to update the correct record. We are updating SKU, but maybe this is used as key?
Thanks, appreciate the help
SKU is unique for every product. As imported product does not have id so magento can not understand that you are updating product if SKU is changed.

sql to insert default attribute values to all products in magento

I installed an extension that adds an attribute which you can turn on per product when you edit or add a new product... but I need to add it to all existing products.
a) sql?
b) point me to a class somewhere that does this for a Magento collection?
Similar question, but I need to do it in sql or module: Default attribute value for all product in magento
adds an attribute which you can turn on per product
Been here before.
Does it show up in product maintenance now that the module is installed? If so, then it will show up in an export profile. Make an export for skuid, store, type and the new attribute and export to a CSV file. Make sure use Magento column headings is set to yes. Set the new attribute to what you need it to be in the CSV file for what product you need set and import it using the Import All Products profile.
Freshly installed module attributes will default to blank until something edited on the page the attribute shows on is saved. Use the profile import to set them all to yes or 1 if it's a yes/no enable type field to enable across the board. You will have to check the export to see if they're using yes/no in the database or boolean 1/0.
If this attribute is a dropdown item, you will need to create all the selection items in Attribute Maintenance and make sure the value in the upload file matches exactly the selection in attribute maintenance so the upload will work.
As an added note, if this attribute is only created on simple items, filter your export to only include simple items for inclusion in the import file.
It sounds like one of those one-time deals where expending a lot of effort on throwaway code violates the KISS method when a simple import will fix it and you're done with the operation for good.
