Magento extension for single store in multi website - magento

My client bought an extension named Extendware Cart Reminder for a single store. It worked well before creating a another new store for wholesale. He needs that extension for only one store, not for wholesale. But now that extension is not working on both. Is it possible to activate it for only one store? If yes, where should I edit?

You could dig into the code and try to customize it a little bit.
Add another configuration option on storeview level in the "General" tab of the extension with the values "enabled/disabled".
Then check at the important places which value is set for the current store view. If it is set to enabled let it execute the original code, if it is set to disabled, do nothing.
As I don't know the code of that extension I can't provide more detailed information. Possibly there is an observer or something where you could check for this configuration value.


Magento - System Config menu option empty after adding customized payment method

I see all drop down options are gone from my System/Configuration items after I have added my customized payment method, even I removed this new payment method. Any idea what's wrong and how to recover it?
You might need to clear the cache completely (empty magento/var/cache/ folder if needed) and/or log out and back in again for all changes to take effect in the backend.

Magento multistore default settings

I have a problem (suddenly) with the defaults settings for a product. We have a multistore setup with several languages. When we create a new product, we put in alle relevant data for the product.
When we switch to another store view, all the "Use Default Value" checkboxes are unchecked.
Normally they should be checked by default, now it is unchecked by default?
We only need to change some things to another language, most things should keep the default setting.
This started a few days ago, the only thing we changed on the setup during that time is adding some extra modules or emptyd some log tables in the database?
Does anyone have any clue where I can correct this behaviour and have all the "Use Default Value" checkboxes checked by default again?
be sure that in file app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/catalog/form/renderer/fieldset/element.phtml or (find the same file in your custom admin theme if You use it) in line 55 input has attribute checked="checked".
Also check in Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Form_Renderer_Fieldset_Element method usedDefault() and see you error logs.

Managing contents in multilingual stores in Magento

This might be a basic question, I'm still relatively new to Magento. I have 2 store views in a magento project. 1 for English (default) and 1 for Japanese. While working with both store views, I noticed how if for example I switch to the Japanese store view, if I redirected to a different page or content on the store, the language goes back to English. How do I prevent the website from going back to the default language every time I change categories/catalogs?
That is all about Magento Admin setting. While creating Content Pages/Categories/products, there is a option that ask to choose Store View.
You can add content for Cateogries/Product/CMS Pages for each locale. If it is done then you'll be able to see your site content on the basis of current locale. Hence you need to go through Magento Admin first.
Hope it will work for you. Please let me know if any issue.
Managing contents in multilingual stores in Magento is easy.
Edit/Create Product/Category/Page/Static blocks according to need storeview and put content according to languages in that.
Now access pages by store code, if we are using that.
In some case we don't find the heading names according to languages so just enable inline translater from admin and do translation specific to store/website.
To run Magento store using urls we have both options index.php modifiction and using .htaccess using website and store codes.
On running Magento multisite , multistore. We generally face the common urls for media, js and other resources we should use symlink to increase SEO ranking and score.
Please feel free to contact.
Install your language package.
Create products, categories, pages, and static blocks on the basis of your selected language.
Sometimes translation does not work for few words. In those cases, Inline translation from admin will help you.
Managing content according to store view is very easy.
follow up below steps for managing content according to Store view.
Edit your product or category or your page and static block etc.
after that you can see store select left side in product and category and on page you can see feild below url in static block also. select your store view.
whater ever you want to change or edit please do according to you.
After that save it will apear only on your selected store.
Note: if you not edit any fild by store then it will show default store contents.

Magento - Create Customer Account form is missing

On a Magento 1.11.1 site (Pro).
When I go to the URL [site]/customer/account/create I should get the form for creating a customer from the file /frontend/base/default/template/persistent/customer/form/register.phtml in block Mage_Customer_Block_Form_Register. Instead there is no such block included (show hints and show blocks enabled).
The customer login form works [site]/customer/account/login by displaying the form from file /frontend/base/default/template/persistent/customer/form/login.phtml in block Mage_Customer_Block_Form_Login. This works fine.
I'm using basically the modern theme with modifications (in a separate directory).
Also, customers are still able to create an account via the checkout process.
Is there an configuration parameter that might be set that could disable the standalone 'create customer account' functionality?
Could I have some issue with the templating that is getting in the way of displaying this register block?
So far I have not found the program logic that controls whether the register block is included or removed or anything? I've checked on file permissions and everything else I could think of, but there is obviously something I am overlooking or not aware of.
Any pointers on discovering the source of the problem would be appreciated.

Magento Multi Store themes calling same login.phtml file

I'm new to magento. Currently i'm developing two ecommerce sites using multi-store option in magento. Both the sites are 90% over, last night when i planned to customize the login page i was shocked. The reason is the changes made in first store login page also reflecting in second store also. The login page is curently calling from
Is it possible to give any custom login page? PLz guide me magento experts......
Please update your post with your frontend/ folder structure down to each theme template folder. It might be that you don't have a copy of login.phtml in the second theme. Moreover you should follow templates best practices as:
Always create for a new shop different packaga. So not
Always have default theme left as much untouched, as possible. So in the
Should be some basic changes and rules of your package. It means for example in the putting reset.css for all of your themes. Or something like this.
As for me, each store view should have own theme. So, for example, storeview1
There you copy and change files specific for this theme. So, for example, in default you might have login.phtml. But you want storeview1 to have another login.phtml and in storeview2 it should be the same as in default. Therefore you copy the login.phtml from default to storeview1 and change it there. Don't forget to change package and theme in System->Configuration->Design. Package should be change for whole shop and theme should be specified for every store view or left untouched for default.
P.S. Magento theme fallbacks
P.P.S. Try this tutorial or google another one
P.P.P.S. I hope, you got the answer for your question.
