Moving Related Blog Posts on magento product page using fishpig - magento

I'm trying to move the "Related Blog Posts" on the product page from the bottom of the page into a different section of the page (tabs).
The theme I'm using allows me to add a tab which pulls a static block to create a custom tab. I'd like to use this as a place to store the "Related Blog Posts". The custom tab has an identifier of "block_product_tab1"
I tried moving the "related Blog Post" by replacing "" in wordpress.xml with other "block_product_tab1" but that didn't work.
I'm not sure how to continue.

If in your custom tab extension you can set a static block for a tab, you can add the following code to your static block, which will generate the related posts block:
{{block type="wordpress/post_associated" name="" template="wordpress/post/associated.phtml" title="Related Blog Posts" entity="product" count="5"}}


adding slider in magento to cms page

{{block type="bannerslider/default" name="bannerslider.bannerslider" template="bannerslider/bannerslider.phtml" bannerslider_id="your_bannerslider_id"}}
I am trying to add a slider using the above code, to a cms page in Magento.
My banner id is called mySlider, so have done:
{{block type="bannerslider/default" name="bannerslider.bannerslider" template="bannerslider/bannerslider.phtml" bannerslider_id="mySlider"}}
Nothing shows.
I saw that someone recommended setting each banner to the day before it was creating but that didn't work either.
You should copy module files to your current template files. So that you have bannerslider/bannerslider.phtml in your templates folder.
Also look if slider is active and with slider content.
You should use the banner ID which is the number in the first column in the admin panel (under the section for managing the slider). What you are using now is simply the title.

Magento: Update several pages with a different tracking code

I have to put some Tracking code on several pages: some category pages, homepage, cart and success page. Whats the best way to accomplish that?
I thought:
homepage --> place the code in CMS -> pages -> home
success --> edit the success.phtml
cart --> edit the cart.phtml
categories -> create a CMS block --> place layout update in the concerning category page to load CMS block
But it looks like it is just a mess because for every code I have another solution. What would you suggest to get it done? Did I miss a better solution?
Thank you,
If it's the same tracking code for each one, you could
Create a .phtml file containing the code
Add the file to the relevant hard pages (success, cart) using your layout xml files
Add the file to the relevant soft pages (home, categories) using the custom design tab / custom layout update area.
If the code changes based on the page, then you may need to create a new module with a block that alters the tracking code according to a parameter you include in the layout.
You can include a tracking script using the available Magento configurations fields.
Go to System > Configuration > Design
Under the HTML Head section, insert your tracking script into the Miscellaneous Scripts field.
Save Config, and clear your Magento caches.
Alternatively if you want it in the Footer instead, look under the Footer section and use the Miscellaneous HTML box there.

Why is Joomla 1.5 creating different URLs for the same articles on different pages?

I'm trying to understand the way Joomla (1.5) creates article URLs.
I created a module to display news. The module displays all the news, with correct URLs on the homepage mysite/component/content/article/xxxxxxxx.
I created a module to display the last article on the homepage and a button, see all news, linking to a menu item displaying a page with all the articles. The url is: mysite/news.
The problem is the URLs to the article are generated incorrectly as mysite/news/xxxxxxxx and they give a 404. How can I get the URLs to be the same as on the homepage?
Update: The new URL doesn't give a 404, it points to the same page as the menu, I mean mysite/news/ is the same as mysite/news/xxxxxxxx, it shows the list of all the articles and not the article itself
To create proper SEF URLs, two steps are needed:
Be sure to have a menu entry for each article in the list. You don't have to display that menu, it just has to exist. The menu entry's alias is used to build the SEF URL.
When creating links to such an article, be sure to include the parameter Itemid=n in the URL, with n being the id of the menu item. In article texts, use this structure:
Joomla! will convert that into a SEF URL automatically, and it will still work, when you for some reason turn SEF off.
If you generate links in a module, the URL is not converted automatically. You have to call JRoute::_() for that:
echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=125');

Joomla! what is the link to the new page I just created?

I have been tasked with updating a Joomla site. I have been working with existing pages for a while, but now I had to create a new page.
I just created a new page using Joomla. But I can't find what the URL to that page is. Also, the pretty urls are enabled. But I don't know how to create a pretty url for the page I just created.
I even tried adding the id to /index.php?Itemid= in the url and doesn't work.
Seems like something like this would be self-explanatory, but I have been looking around in the options and the menus and googling for the answer and I can't find it anywhere.
As far as I know, you need to attach an article to a category to view it.
You can assign the article to a category. After that open an article from that category and replace the text after the last "/" in url with the alias of your article.
You can also assign the article to a category that is linked to a menu item. that way you will be able to see the article link in the menu.
You may later remove the article from the category.

How to edit magento home page via code?

Hello I'm trying to edit home page
For example I want to write code on the middle part of the page, ( banner )
The dropdown boxes you can see on demo must be included in banner side.
Go to Magento admin->CMS->Pages
Select Home Page
In Content Tab, add your dropdown
Create a new template (home.phtml).
(make a copy of design/frontend/base/default/template/page/1column.phtml).
And choose this template in the CMS Page design layout.
You can freely edit the complete template (PHP+HTML)
