Magento: Update several pages with a different tracking code - magento

I have to put some Tracking code on several pages: some category pages, homepage, cart and success page. Whats the best way to accomplish that?
I thought:
homepage --> place the code in CMS -> pages -> home
success --> edit the success.phtml
cart --> edit the cart.phtml
categories -> create a CMS block --> place layout update in the concerning category page to load CMS block
But it looks like it is just a mess because for every code I have another solution. What would you suggest to get it done? Did I miss a better solution?
Thank you,

If it's the same tracking code for each one, you could
Create a .phtml file containing the code
Add the file to the relevant hard pages (success, cart) using your layout xml files
Add the file to the relevant soft pages (home, categories) using the custom design tab / custom layout update area.
If the code changes based on the page, then you may need to create a new module with a block that alters the tracking code according to a parameter you include in the layout.

You can include a tracking script using the available Magento configurations fields.
Go to System > Configuration > Design
Under the HTML Head section, insert your tracking script into the Miscellaneous Scripts field.
Save Config, and clear your Magento caches.
Alternatively if you want it in the Footer instead, look under the Footer section and use the Miscellaneous HTML box there.


How do I create a custom page in Joomla 1.5

I have a website here that I need to create a custom page where in I can call the header and the footer as well as the sidebar.
If you're going to do it in Wordpress its easy as this link says:
However, Joomla is a bit different on this one. If I will try to add a new article I wont be able to customize the layout that I want. Let's say in the custom page I want to create I don't want the footer to show up and I want to add internal CSS on it which is possible on Wordpress custom page.
Any idea how do the same thing Joomla 1.5??

Building Magento - how to keep code and CMS in sync

We are developing with Magento, we are having problem of keeping our code and our CMS page in sync. Let say I have a branch that task include
Create a new CMS page
Use jQuery slider to display products on this new CMS page
We create a new CMS page in Magento admin. We then add jquery.js and js for slider, and write js function to slide all products inside the main div of the new CMS page. However, when we check code into our branch, we only able to checkin the js files. So people are assigned to review this task, they only able to pull the js code, but not the CMS page, which I think locate inside the database. Therefore, they are unable to test, since I dont have the CMS page. I am thinking of couples way:
Passing the db around. This is not a solution, because it is big, and will take long time to import.
point db connection in app/etc/local.xml to the remote db that contain the CMS page. Also not a valid solution, because magento store url in database under web/unsecure/base_url. So I will always get redirect to the other machine ip address instead of my local ip address.
So how do I resolve this issue? What are industry accepted method for this?Please help? THank you very much
Did you try to place full content outside of block code and use only its template?
Let's say you have static page 'Slider-2014'. In WYSIWYG editor you place
{{widget type="cms/widget_block" template="customjs/slider-2014.phtml"}}
In app/design/frontend/base/default/template/ create folder 'customjs'
In folder customjs create file slider-2014.phtml and place anything you need to show in slideshow:
<div class="slider"></div>
Clear cache if needed. Then reload /slider-2014.html page and you'll get all content from that file. Now you can share folder customjs

I change the footer on Magento, but it only apply to the homepage

I am using Magento, I change the footer by click "CMS/Static Blocks/Footer Links", but this change only apply to the home page, how do I make this change apply to the whole website?
Your homepage can youse one layout, and all of other pages can use different layout. For example: homepage has 1-column, and other pages - 2columns-left. First - go to CMS->pages->homepage. Open design tab and check, wich layout use your homepage. Second, in design tab, in xml-update can be overrided a homepage template. So you will code only home page template, and it will no affect other pages. If so - figure out, wich template is used on other pages (f.e. 2-columns-left.phtml), and change it too.

Html/php file of custom options in magento

I have added a separate product with custom options for that product from admin. But the view which i am getting on front-end has to be edited because i want to give my own styling for that product only. So which are the files from where the custom option html is coming.
Turn on template path hints
In the "Design" tab for that product in the Admin, specify a different template/templates for the blocks which you want to change.

How do I create a Magento module or widget that will appear on the shopping cart page?

I’m having a lot of trouble understanding how to create a module that will add an extra button to the shopping cart page. I found lots of info on payment modules and stand-a-lone page modules, but nothing for this.
I simply need to add a button underneath the regular “Checkout” button that can post item data to another website. I’ve created a module but can’t get Magento to recognize it and display the button on that spot. Any help would be greatly appreciated, even just sending me to an existing tutorial that I haven’t been able to find. Thanks.
A custom module is probably overkill for this. Module means a very specific thing in Magento. It's a mechanism for inserting custom code into Magento's standard operations. All you want to do is add a button to the cart page. Editing the file at
(substitute your theme/site name if not using base or default)
is the place you'll want to start looking. Just find the phtml file that corresponds to the place you want to insert your custom HTML and have at it.
