Remove files on mvn release:prepare - maven

I have some files that I only need for local development, and do not want to be packaged up in a release.
How can I add an automatic step to the POM so that it removes files when I do a mvn release:prepare?

If the files for local development are in a self contained module then you can pass an -N flag.
Source -
or look at How to exclude file on maven release:prepare and release:perform?
If you are using version 2.1 or higher.


How can I compare dependencies with a remote pom file?

We have a maven project which is part of a microservice environment. I want to find out about the latest versions of dependencies (before the release) and update my pom.xml file based on that.
Before, I was using this command:
mvn versions:compare-dependencies -DremotePom=group:artifact:version -DupdatePropertyVersions=true -DupdateDependencies=true
But now, our process is changed and we don't have a built version on our repository before the release and I need something like this:
mvn versions:compare-dependencies -DremotePomFile= -DupdatePropertyVersions=true -DupdateDependencies=true
Is there any solution to use the versions plugin with a remote file instead of a remote pom from a repository?

Remove SNAPSHOT suffix from Jenkins build

I recently upgraded from hudson to jenkins. Since they are practically the same I thought it would be just plug and play. I noticed that when I build my projects my war files are being appended with the SNAPSHOT version instead of just .war. I didn't have this problem in hudson.
Is there a way to globally tell jenkins to use the release war, the one in my target directory, as it's artifact build file or have jenkins, I'm assuming the maven plugin, to not append the SNAPSHOT to the file?
SNAPSHOT is added on purpose. Don't mess with it. Either use bleeding-edge or perform mvn release:prepare release:perform in batch mode from Jenkins.

How to allow any version in Snapshot repo

We're building feature branches into a version 'feature_'. Each feature build will produce the same version. Since these are no releases, I want to deploy the artefacts into the Snapshots repo, but Nexus does not allow versions without 'SNAPSHOT' into the Snapshot repo.
How to configure Nexus to allow any version in a repo?
Solved it by appending '-SNAPSHOT' to the branch version.
It's quite tricky to get Maven in Jenkins to use the right version. The way I solved it now is like this. In the build job configure Git to build the branches origin/feature/*. Then:
In the 'build' section, first thing to do is execute a shell command to construct a file '' containing the feature branch version to be used by the Maven build command.
This uses the GIT_BRANCH environment property of Jenkins. The '##*/' is a Bash Shell Parameter Expansion which strips everything from the parameter value except the part after the last '/' character.
Then use the Environment Injector Plugin to 'inject environment variables' to the build job using the '' created in the previous step.
Put '' in the 'Properties File Path' field.
Use Maven to build a versioned pom with the correct version using 'Invoke top-level Maven targets':
help:effective-pom -Dbuild.number=${BRANCH_VERSION} -Doutput=versioned-pom.xml. This step is necessary because otherwise the pom in the jar artefact does not contain the correct version causing other problems.
Use another 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' step to do the actual build and deploy using the pom version created in the previous step: -f versioned-pom.xml clean source:jar deploy
That's all folks. If anyone knows a simpler solution, let me know.
This is actually a Maven restriction. You can still use version like feature_x-1.2.3-SNAPSHOT though.
What are you actually trying to achieve though?

Set a different version to my jars at project deployment stage - Maven

I have a Maven deployment problem:
When I execute Maven deploy, Maven pushes all my jars to a remote repository under the project version which is specified in the POM files:
The problem is that I don't want to overwrite my previous jars every time I rebuild my project, I want to increment the version automatically every time I build as part of the building process.
(So, I don't want to use CLI tool such "Versions Maven Plugin" to change the pom files before the building process.)
I have an environment variable, $project.buildnumber, that I can use to set the project version.
Is it possible to configure maven-deploy-plugin to automatically change the version (for instance using this environment variable)?
Many thanks!!

How to do remove a projects artifacts from the local maven repo?

When running mvn install on a local multi module project it builds and install the projects artifacts into the local repo. mvn clean seems to clean up my project specific target directories.
What command do I use with maven to get it to uninstall my projects modules from the local repo? for example my projects outputs foo-0.1.jar and bar-0.2.jar I want those removed from my local repo without having to go in there and delete them myself.
mvn build-helper:remove-project-artifact
You can purge artifacts from your local repository, but why do you like to do this? Apart from that you can do that via maven-dependency-plugin:
This will purge all project- and dependency artifacts
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -DreResolve=false
This can be influenced by supplemental command line arguments (see the documentation) for further details.
Best is to implement a release strategy, i.e. as long as the artifacts under development appending the version with SNAPSHOT. Maven then automatically updates the artifacts in the local repository when you run install. Once you have completed the development you remove the SNAPSHOT and release the version (i.e. via deploy). If further development is required you could increase the version number and append it again with SNAPSHOT.
