How can I compare dependencies with a remote pom file? - maven

We have a maven project which is part of a microservice environment. I want to find out about the latest versions of dependencies (before the release) and update my pom.xml file based on that.
Before, I was using this command:
mvn versions:compare-dependencies -DremotePom=group:artifact:version -DupdatePropertyVersions=true -DupdateDependencies=true
But now, our process is changed and we don't have a built version on our repository before the release and I need something like this:
mvn versions:compare-dependencies -DremotePomFile= -DupdatePropertyVersions=true -DupdateDependencies=true
Is there any solution to use the versions plugin with a remote file instead of a remote pom from a repository?


How to download only one jar with pom.xml?

I want to use a project called projectA that I have in a maven repository as dependency of a projectB.
The mvn deploy of projectA is successful (I can see in the repository the projectA-0.0.1-20190902.072951-1.jar, projectA-0.0.1-20190902.072951-1.pom and maven-metadata.xml files), but when I specify the dependency in the pom.xml file of projectB, the project works but it downloads two JARs of projectA from the repository:
- projectA-0.0.1-20190902.072951-1.jar
- projectA-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar and the same issue for every file downloaded by the dependency to this project.
I think that only one JAR is necessary, and I don't know what I need to put maybe in settings.xml or in the pom.xml file of any project to get only one JAR when the dependency is downloaded.
Thank you so much for your help!
In the past it was possible to tell Maven to deploy Non-unique Snapshot Deployments but in Maven 3
... snapshot artifacts will always be deployed using a timestamped version
the files with the timestamps are the one you have deployed to your remote repo (mvn deploy ...) and then downloaded from there as dependencies
the ones with -SNAPSHOT are the result of the local builds (install goal)
If your concern is download traffic - that is not an issue. The -SNAPSHOT ones are not downloaded.
If your concern is disk space then you can have a cron job or use something like Build Helper Maven Plugin to remove old version artifacts from the local repository.

How to update maven package after commit/pull-request

I am using a package, resently there was a commit in their repo, but the version had not been changed in Readme(description) of package in git hub, how can I update the package using maven?
I tried to run mvn release:update-versions, but I get this error
Then I run mvn release:update-versions -X
This is my pom.xml
The git repo is not equal the maven lib. You download maven libraries from the offical maven repository. The maintainer of the library needs to upload his artifact to the central repository when he builds a new release after that you can use this.
To see which version is usable you can use a maven search website like
The dependency org.dhatim:fastexcel has a version 0.9.4 (same as the github release).
So it seems the developer already uploaded it but did not correct his Readme in the repository. So you can just use 0.9.4 in your pom.xml.
So always check the maven search site and if something is missing you can always add an issue to github to ask the developer uploading it.
There are also this more or less recommended possibilites to get library as a workaround:
Checkout and build the project by your self and add the jar file to:
something like nexus as own repository hosting (a organization normally has a maven proxy which could be used)
add it to the pom.xml as system scope dependency where the jar must be located on your system
use mvn install on the fastexcel project and change the version in your pom.xml to 0-SNAPSHOT

Will Maven overwrite a manually patched jar in local Maven repo?

I have a Maven project that works just fine.
In order to triage an issue, I manually patched a jar to add debug logging and then copied it to the local Maven repo directory. I made subsequent changes to the jar file to add more debugging and did a mvn install:install-file since that seemed more "official".
Note that I did not change the coordinates at all (I know that artifacts are meant to be immutable, but I did not want to change pom.xmls).
My question is: when (if ever) will Maven overwrite this patched jar with the one in the remote Maven repository which is considered the source of truth?
There are only three scenarios in which that jar can be overwritten:
If you delete the jar from your local m2 repository, it will be downloaded from the remote repository the next time you build your maven project.
If you build your maven project with '-U' option. Doing this will force maven to update the dependencies from remote repository.
If you perform an mvn install on the same artifact(updated code) with the same version.

How to install a Maven/Gradle project along with all its dependencies to a local repository?

I have a Gradle project that depends on several open-source projects up on Maven Central. I'd like to install the project – along with all its direct and transitive dependencies – to my local maven repository, so that I could later zip it all up and put it on offline machines.
How do I do it with Gradle/Maven?
mvn dependency:get plugin will fetch the artifact with all dependencies to the local repository.
I had also developed a plugin to install remote artifacts to a local machine.
If you want to later ZIP up your project w/ dependencies and move them to a different machine, you could try Maven's appassembler plugin. It collects all dependencies and creates a launcher, all in the target folder, ready for deployment.
But note, this, by default, creates a flat directory structure with all dependencies, it doesn't preserve the Maven format. It also has the option to create a repository.

Set a different version to my jars at project deployment stage - Maven

I have a Maven deployment problem:
When I execute Maven deploy, Maven pushes all my jars to a remote repository under the project version which is specified in the POM files:
The problem is that I don't want to overwrite my previous jars every time I rebuild my project, I want to increment the version automatically every time I build as part of the building process.
(So, I don't want to use CLI tool such "Versions Maven Plugin" to change the pom files before the building process.)
I have an environment variable, $project.buildnumber, that I can use to set the project version.
Is it possible to configure maven-deploy-plugin to automatically change the version (for instance using this environment variable)?
Many thanks!!
