Set a different version to my jars at project deployment stage - Maven - maven

I have a Maven deployment problem:
When I execute Maven deploy, Maven pushes all my jars to a remote repository under the project version which is specified in the POM files:
The problem is that I don't want to overwrite my previous jars every time I rebuild my project, I want to increment the version automatically every time I build as part of the building process.
(So, I don't want to use CLI tool such "Versions Maven Plugin" to change the pom files before the building process.)
I have an environment variable, $project.buildnumber, that I can use to set the project version.
Is it possible to configure maven-deploy-plugin to automatically change the version (for instance using this environment variable)?
Many thanks!!


Maven build on Jenkins - upstream version range resolves to version being built in a concurrent job

We have a Jenkins build which in it's initial stage tries to determine the latest deployed version of some dependencies via version ranges, which are also built by that same Jenkins instance. Each build is for several artifacts, all with a shared version, so we want to select the latest version which has been completed. We do this by using a special pom which has dependencies on specific poms - these are deployed last by the other builds.
The issue is that if one of the other builds is running, but has not yet deployed the pom, maven's version range resolution winds up selecting the version for the build in progress and then fails as some of the dependencies haven't been built yet.
This isn't a downstream build kicked off by the dependency. In any case, we've tried the "Enable isolated resolution for downstream builds" and "Resolve artifacts from Artifactory" but neither have helped.
If the project is a normal UI "maven project" then there is a Use private Maven repository checkbox that uses the workspace specific maven repository cache
Normally, Jenkins uses the local Maven repository as determined by Maven — the exact process seems to be undocumented, but it's ~/.m2/repository and can be overridden by in ~/.m2/settings.xml (see the reference for more details.)
This normally means that all the jobs that are executed on the same node shares a single Maven repository. The upside of this is that you can save the disk space, but the downside of this is that sometimes those builds could interfere with each other. For example, you might end up having builds incorrectly succeed, just because your have all the dependencies in your local repository, despite that fact that none of the repositories in POM might have them.
There are also some reported problems regarding having concurrent
Maven processes trying to use the same local repository.
When this option is checked, Jenkins will tell Maven to use
$WORKSPACE/.repository as the local Maven repository. This means each
job will get its own isolated Maven repository just for itself. It
fixes the above problems, at the expense of additional disk space
When using this option, consider setting up a Maven artifact manager
so that you don't have to hit remote Maven repositories too often.
If you'd prefer to activate this mode in all the Maven jobs executed
on Jenkins, refer to the technique described here.
If it's a pipeline job they a mavenLocalRepo setting see:
If it was a freestyle job, your only choice to do what that option does by hand
By using this option, Jenkins will tell Maven to use a custom path for the build as the local Maven repository by using -Dmaven.repo.local
If specified as a relative path then this value will be resolved against the workspace root and not the current working directory.
ie. $WORKSPACE/.repository if .repository value is specified.
The issue is due to the Jenkins maven local repository - it looks like in the current configuration this is shared between the builds. Thus, the in-flight build manages to pick up installed poms that haven't yet been deployed.
We solved this by adding -Dmaven.local.repo=${WORKSPACE}/.m2/repository for when we resolve the version ranges - this way the build is isolated from the other concurrent builds for this stage.

How can I compare dependencies with a remote pom file?

We have a maven project which is part of a microservice environment. I want to find out about the latest versions of dependencies (before the release) and update my pom.xml file based on that.
Before, I was using this command:
mvn versions:compare-dependencies -DremotePom=group:artifact:version -DupdatePropertyVersions=true -DupdateDependencies=true
But now, our process is changed and we don't have a built version on our repository before the release and I need something like this:
mvn versions:compare-dependencies -DremotePomFile= -DupdatePropertyVersions=true -DupdateDependencies=true
Is there any solution to use the versions plugin with a remote file instead of a remote pom from a repository?

How to run a maven plugin without a POM in Jenkins?

I have a plugin which can run either using a pom.xml or without (depends upon the version of the artifact we're building: new versions go without a pom. Strange, I know).
I want to have that plugin run in Jenkins.
But when creating a maven project, I have to set a pom (or as a default, Jenkins suppose there is one in the base folder given).
Question: Is it possible to configure Jenkins to not use a pom when there is none?
As per my comment, you should use a Jenkins freestyle project build in this case, in order to have more flexibility and avoid the default assumptions of a Jenkins Maven build.
In such a build, you can then configure a build step executing a shell or a Windows command (depending on the Jenkins server OS).
Indeed, in the Jenkins Maven build, a pom file is always required, as mentioned in the help support of the Configuration > Build > Root Pom entry
If your workspace has the top-level pom.xml in somewhere other than the 1st module's root directory, specify the path (relative to the module root) here, such as parent/pom.xml.
If left empty, defaults to pom.xml

Remove SNAPSHOT suffix from Jenkins build

I recently upgraded from hudson to jenkins. Since they are practically the same I thought it would be just plug and play. I noticed that when I build my projects my war files are being appended with the SNAPSHOT version instead of just .war. I didn't have this problem in hudson.
Is there a way to globally tell jenkins to use the release war, the one in my target directory, as it's artifact build file or have jenkins, I'm assuming the maven plugin, to not append the SNAPSHOT to the file?
SNAPSHOT is added on purpose. Don't mess with it. Either use bleeding-edge or perform mvn release:prepare release:perform in batch mode from Jenkins.

Maven WAR overlay problems, while using Hudson + Artifactory

We have three artifacts:
common.jar : with common classes.
public.war : depending on the common.jar, contains only public site resources.
internal.war : depends on both common.jar and public.war, adding authentication
information and security context resource files. Also contains
few administration site classes.
Currently I have structured these in such way, that internal.war overlays itself with public.war.
Building the project locally, installing the artifacts to local repo, works perfectly.
Problems start when trying to get the Hudson builds working with following sequence:
Build all projects in dependency order.
Modify common.jar (say, add a new class method)
Modify internal.war classes in such way that they are compile-time dependent on changes done in 2. step.
Commit both changes, triggering the Hudson builds.
Internal.war build fails because it can not find the symbols added in step 2.
Somehow the build in step 5. is using an old version of the common.jar, and failing because of it.
The common.jar version number does not change, let's say it's 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT for the purposes of this example.
If I DO change the common.jar version number, the build works. (Supposedly because there is only one release by a release version number).
Now, what could cause this using of old artifacts in Hudson builds?
We are running maven builds on Hudson with command "clean package -e -X -U"
"Deploy artifacts to maven repository" has been checked.
It's hard to definitively answer this without access to the real poms, but here is what I would do:
1) Make sure Hudson is using the exact same version of Maven as you are on your local machine
2) Examine the effective pom.xml of internal.war on the Hudson machine in a terminal via mvn help:effective-pom making sure you are running the same mvn executable as your Hudson job does. You need to verify the version of the common.jar in the effective pom.xml of internal.war. It could be different than what you expect due to profiles or settings.xml differences.
3) Check the settings.xml file for your Hudson install of Maven. In particular you need to verify all is well in your distributionManagement, servers, and repositories stanzas. Another good way to check this is to go to your internal.war project and run mvn help:effective-settings and see if what is there matches what is on your local machine.
Something is awry and it won't take long to find with the right analysis.
