I have a problem...what's a nondeterministic procedure?
I have this exercise
Provide a nondeterministic procedure for the following language:
L = {: G=(V,E) has an Indipendent Set I s.t. |I| >= k and the vertices V\I form a Hamilton cycle}
A non-deterministic procedure or function is a procedure that for a given input value will not always produce the same output.
For example:
DateTime.GetCurrent would be non-deterministic. Random.Next() would be non-deterministic. Math.Sin() would hopefully be deterministic. If you enter the same value 10 times you will get the same result 10 times.
A non-deterministic function can rely on an "oracle". In your example, the oracle would produce the set I and the function only needs to check whether it has specified properties, i.e. I is independent, |I| >= k and V\I forms a Hamilton cycle.
The basic definition of random variable is that it is a function based on random experiment.the question is that if it is a function say f then how can it take numerical values..
Suppose if we toss two coins and X be random variable relating no. of heads with (0,1,2) .For event of two heads say w....we have X(w)=2 is value of function X at w. and not of X itself..
But sometimes it is written that x is a r .v taking values 0,1,2,....
Don't it sound wrong to say function and takes values?
A random variable is a well defined function X: E -> R, whose domain E is a probability space and its codomain is (generally speaking) the set of real numbers.
Intuitively, X is some kind of metric or measurement on the elements of E.
Example 1
Let E be the set of users of Stack Overflow at a given point in time, say right now. And let X be the function that assigns their reputation to every SO user. For example, you could calculate P(X >= 5000) which is the percent of SO users with a reputation of 5000 or more.
Notice that P(X >= 5000) is nothing but a compact notation for the subset of E defined as:
{u in E | X(u) >= 5000}
meaning the subset of SO users u with a reputation of 5000 or more.
Example 2
Let E be the set of questions in SO and X the function that assigns the number of votes (at certain point in time) to each question. If you pick one question q at random, X(q) would be its number of votes and we could ask for the probability of, say, X < 0 (down-voted questions.)
Here the subset of such questions is
{q in E | X(q) < 0}
i.e., the subset of questions q having a negative vote count.
There is nothing random in a Random variable. The randomness is in the way we pick elements (or subsets) from its domain.
Speaking of functions - Yes, it is safe to say that a function can take certain values. Speaking of random variables and probability, the definition I know is:
A random variable assigns a numerical value to each possible outcome of a random experiment
This definition does indeed say that X (aka random variable) is a function. In your case, where it is said that X (as in function) can take values 0,1,2 is basically saying that the subset of the codomain (or even the codomain or target set itself) of function X is the set {0,1,2}, or interval
[0,2] ⊂ ℕ.
I am currently working on some MatLab code to fit experimental data to a sum of exponentials following a method described in this paper.
According to the paper, the data has to follow the following equation (written in pseudo-code):
y = sum(v(i)*exp(-x/tau(i)),i=1..n)
Here tau(i) is a set of n predefined constants. The number of constants also determines the size of the summation, and hence the size of v. For example, we can try to fit a sum of 100 exponentials, each with a different tau(i) to our data. However, due to the nature of the fitting and the exponential sum, we need to add another constraint to the problem, and hence to the cost function of the least-squares method used.
Normally, the cost function of the least-squares method is given by:
(y_data - sum(v(i)*exp(-x/tau(i)),i=1..n)^2
And this has to be minimized. However, to prevent over-fitting that would make the time-constant spectrum extremely noisy, the paper adds the following constraint to the cost function:
|v(i) - v(i+1)|^2
Because of this extra constraint, as far as I know, the regular algorithms, like lsqcurvefit aren't useable any longer, and I have to use fminsearch to search the minimum of my least-squares cost function with a constraint. The function that has to be minimized, according to me, is the following:
(y_data - sum(v(i)*exp(-x/tau(i)),i=1..n)^2 + sum(|v(j) - v(j+1)|^2,j=1..n-1)
My attempt to code this in MatLab is the following. Initially we define the function in a function script, then we use fminsearch to actually minimize the function and get values for v.
function res = funcost( v )
%FUNCOST Definition of the function that has to be minimised
%We define a function yvalues with 2 exponentials with known time-constants
% so we know the result that should be given by minimising.
xvalues = linspace(0,50,10000);
yvalues = 3-2*exp(-xvalues/1)-exp(-xvalues/10);
%Definition of 30 equidistant point in the logarithmic scale
terms = 30;
termsvector = [1:terms];
tau = termsvector;
for i = 1:terms
tau(i) = 10^(-1+3/terms*i);
%Definition of the regular function
res_1 = 3;
for i=1:terms
res_1 =res_1+ v(i).*exp(-xvalues./tau(i));
res_1 = res_1-yvalues;
%Added constraint
for i=1:terms-1
res_2 = res_2 + (v(i)-v(i+1))^2;
res=sum(res_1.*res_1) + k*res_2;
However, this code is giving me inaccurate results (no error, just inaccurate results), which leads me to believe I either made a mistake in the coding or in the interpretation of the added constraint for the least-squares method.
I would try to introduce the additional constrain in following way:
res_2 = max((v(1:(end-1))-v(2:end)).^2);
e.g. instead of minimizing an integrated (summed up) error, it does minmax.
You may also make this constrain stiff by
if res_2 > some_number
k = a_very_big_number;
k=0; % or k = a_small_number
I am trying to find the minimum of a function using this algorithm.
It's not an optimal algorithm, but I don't care at the moment.
Also, you don't have to know how the algorithm works in order to reply, but if you're curious, I talk about it at the end of this post. It's really not that difficult.
Incriminated Algorithm
function result = fmin(f,a,b,max_error)
if abs(b-a) < max_error
result = (a+b)/2;
r1 = a+(b-a)*rand(1,1); r2 = a+(b-a)*rand(1,1);
c = min([r1,r2]); d = max([r1,r2]);
fc = f(c); fd = f(d);
if fc <= fd
b = d;
a = c;
result = fmin(f,a,b,max_error);
Now, the problem is this algorithm returns a minimum that is far from the actual minimum (computed via the matlab predefined function fminbnd) for more than max_error, if I use it with values of max_error <= 1e-10. This situation, form a theoretical standpoint is not possible.
Being recursive, the algorithm would never return if the condition abs(b-a) < max_error is never satisfied.
So, I think there is some error arising form the approximation of the numbers. At first, I thought that r1 or r2 where not computed properly. At some point, the two numbers would go out of the [a,b] interval, thus invalidating the hypothesis on which the algorithm is working.
To prove this, I modified the algorithm above to include a check on the interval that's computed at every iteration:
Incriminated Algorithm 2 [Check on the extremes]
function result = fmin(f,a,b,max_error)
if abs(b-a) < max_error
result = (a+b)/2;
r1 = a+(b-a)*rand(1,1); r2 = a+(b-a)*rand(1,1);
c = min([r1,r2]); d=max([r1,r2]);
% check that c and d are actually inside [a,b]
if ((c < a)||(d > b))
disp('Max precision reached');
result = (a+b)/2;
fc = f(c); fd = f(d);
if fc <= fd
b = d;
a = c;
result = fmin(f,a,b,max_error);
But I don't get any additional output from the console.
So, I am thinking there is some error in the computation of f(c) or f(d), but I don't know how to prove it.
Finally, my questions are
Do we, at this point, can be sure that the error is committed in the computation of either one of f(c) or f(d)?
Can we prove it with some line of code? Or better, can we write the algorithm so that it returns when it is supposed to?
How the algorithm works (not strictly inherent to the question)
It's an iterative algorithm. Basically, the idea is to generate a sequence of intervals containing the solution, starting from an initial interval [a,b] in which a given function f is unimodal.
At every step, we randomly choose two number c and d so that a <= c <= d <= b. Now, if we find that f(c) > f(d) it means we are sure that we can discard the values the function assumes before c as valid candidates for a minimum, because of the unimodality. So we restrict the interval and repeat the procedure in the interval [c,b]. On the contrary, if it's f(c) < f(d), we can discard the values from d to b, so we repeat the procedure in the interval [a,d].
At every iteration, the interval gets shorter. When its length is minor than the specified max_error value, the algorithm returns the medium point of the last interval as an approximation of the minimum value.
I see there is one person that wants to close this question because it is too broad.
Please sir, can you elaborate in the comments?
This subdivision method only works in the special case that your function is (quasi-)convex (one local minimum, monotonically falling on the left, raising on the right). In the case of several local minima it will often converge to one of them, but it is by no means guaranteed that the algorithm finds the global minimum. The reduction from a to c resp. from b to d can jump over several local minima.
I'm trying to create a program that takes a square (n-by-n) matrix as input, and if it is invertible, will LU decompose the matrix using Gaussian Elimination.
Here is my problem: in class we learned that it is better to change rows so that your pivot is always the largest number (in absolute value) in its column. For example, if the matrix was A = [1,2;3,4] then switching rows it is [3,4;1,2] and then we can proceed with the Gaussian elimination.
My code works properly for matrices that don't require row changes, but for ones that do, it does not. This is my code:
function newgauss(A)
P=eye(rows,columns); %P is permutation matrix
if(det(A)==0) %% determinante is 0 means no single solution
disp('No solutions or infinite number of solutions')
maxi=0;%%find maximum abs value in column pivot
for i=pivot+1:rows
end %%if needed then switch
end %%Grade the column pivot using gauss elimination
for i=pivot+1:rows
disp('PA is:');
disp('LU is:');
Clarification: since we are switching rows, we are looking to decompose P (permutation matrix) times A, and not the original A that we had as input.
Explanation of the code:
First I check if the matrix is invertible, if it isn't, stop. If it is, pivot is (1,1)
I find the largest number in column 1, and switch rows
Grade column 1 using Gaussian elimination, turning all but the spot (1,1) to zero
Pivot is now (2,2), find largest number in column 2... Rinse, repeat
Your code seems to work fine from what I can tell, at least for the basic examples A=[1,2;3,4] or A=[3,4;1,2]. Change your function definition to:
function [L,U,P] = newgauss(A)
so you can output your calculated values (much better than using disp, but this shows the correct results too). Then you'll see that P*A = L*U. Maybe you were expecting L*U to equal A directly? You can also confirm that you are correct via Matlab's lu function:
[L,U,P] = lu(A);
Permutation matrices are orthogonal matrices, so P−1 = PT. If you want to get back A in your code, you can do:
Similarly, using Matlab's lu with the permutation matrix output, you can do:
[L,U,P] = lu(A);
(You should also use error or warning rather than how you're using disp in checking the determinant, but they probably don't teach that.)
Note that the det function is implemented using an LU decomposition itself to compute the determinant... recursive anyone :)
Aside from that, there is a reminder towards the end of the page which suggest using cond instead of det to test for matrix singularity:
Testing singularity using abs(det(X)) <= tolerance is not
recommended as it is difficult to choose the correct tolerance. The
function cond(X) can check for singular and nearly singular
COND uses the singular value decomposition (see its implementation: edit cond.m)
For anyone finding this in the future and needing a working solution:
The OP's code doesn't contain the logic for switching elements in L when creating the permutation matrix P. The adjusted code that gives the same output as Matlab's lu(A) function is:
function [L,U,P] = newgauss(A)
P=eye(rows,columns); %P is permutation matrix
tol = 1E-16; % I believe this is what matlab uses as a warning level
if( rcond(A) <= tol) %% bad condition number
error('Matrix is nearly singular')
maxi=0;%%find maximum abs value in column pivot
for i=pivot+1:rows
end %%if needed then switch
% change elements in L-----
if pivot >= 2
end %%Grade the column pivot using gauss elimination
for i=pivot+1:rows
Hope this helps someone stumbling upon this in the future.
maple code, no matter write this matrix in procedure or not, still get error, how to summation to infinity
DetAn:= (n)-> LinearAlgebra:-Determinant(
n, n,
if j >= i and (j-i)::even then
elif i-j = 1 then -1
else 0
end if
Summation(DetAn(k)*z^k/k!, k=0..infinity);
a(i) could be a := t -> t^2
You will get an error for the given input because the sum (or Summation) command has normal evaluation rules for procedure arguments and so will try to evaluate DetAn(n) for nonumeric symbolic n. You'd get the same error message (from the Matrix constructor) if you just called,
where n is an unassigned name.
But delaying that premature evaluation isn't going to get a result.
Summation('DetAn'(k)*z^k/k!, k=0..infinity);
LinearAlgebra:-Determinant is not going to cough up a closed form result for symbolic n. You can get a recursive summation formula for DetAn(n), ie. as a sum of terms involving DetAn(j-1) or DetAn(j-2) from j=1..n/2. I don't know whether you could hammer on that for a generating function.
Consider what kind of answer you are looking for, if only from the Determinant call. Are hoping for a nested sum (nested to a fixed, finite depth)?
What is a(i)?
Why is the determinant in terms of powers of x, while z comes into the summation terms?
Mathematica can simply take infintiy as a limit:
Sum[(1/2)^i, {i, 0, Infinity}]
Out= 2
I didn't try with your example but its worth a shot.