How to do summation to infinity in this case in maple or mathematica - wolfram-mathematica

maple code, no matter write this matrix in procedure or not, still get error, how to summation to infinity
DetAn:= (n)-> LinearAlgebra:-Determinant(
n, n,
if j >= i and (j-i)::even then
elif i-j = 1 then -1
else 0
end if
Summation(DetAn(k)*z^k/k!, k=0..infinity);
a(i) could be a := t -> t^2

You will get an error for the given input because the sum (or Summation) command has normal evaluation rules for procedure arguments and so will try to evaluate DetAn(n) for nonumeric symbolic n. You'd get the same error message (from the Matrix constructor) if you just called,
where n is an unassigned name.
But delaying that premature evaluation isn't going to get a result.
Summation('DetAn'(k)*z^k/k!, k=0..infinity);
LinearAlgebra:-Determinant is not going to cough up a closed form result for symbolic n. You can get a recursive summation formula for DetAn(n), ie. as a sum of terms involving DetAn(j-1) or DetAn(j-2) from j=1..n/2. I don't know whether you could hammer on that for a generating function.
Consider what kind of answer you are looking for, if only from the Determinant call. Are hoping for a nested sum (nested to a fixed, finite depth)?
What is a(i)?
Why is the determinant in terms of powers of x, while z comes into the summation terms?

Mathematica can simply take infintiy as a limit:
Sum[(1/2)^i, {i, 0, Infinity}]
Out= 2
I didn't try with your example but its worth a shot.


Where are these negatives coming from in Maple execution?

I am interested in simulating the phenomenon of "regression to the mean". Say a 0-1 vector V of length N is "gifted" if the number of 1s in V is greater than N/2 + 5*sqrt(N).
I want Maple to evaluate a string of M 0-1 lists, each of length N, to determine whether they are gifted.
Then, given that list V[i] is gifted, I want to evaluate the probability that list V[i+1] is gifted.
So far my code is failing in a strange way. So far all the code is supposed to do is create the list of sums (called 'total') and the list 'g' which carries a 0 if total[i] <= N/2 + 5sqrt(N), and a 1 otherwise.
Here is the code:
RS:=proc(N) local ra,i:
Gift:=proc(N,M) local total, i, g :
for i from 1 to M do
if total[i] > (N/2 + 5*(N^(1/2))) then
print(total, g)
The trouble is, Maple responds, when I try Gift(100,20),
"Error, (in Gift) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: 5*100^(1/2) < -2"
or, when I try Gift(10000,20), "Error, (in Gift) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: 5*10000^(1/2) < -103."
Where are these negative numbers coming from? And why can't Maple tell whether 5(10000)^{1/2} < -103 or not?
The negative quantities are simply the part of the inequality that results when the portion with the radical is moved to one side and the purely rational portion is moved to the other.
Use an appropriate mechanism for the resolution of the conditional test. For example,
if is( total[i] > (N/2 + 5*N^(1/2)) ) then
or, say,
temp := evalf(N/2 + 5*N^(1/2));
for i from 1 to M do
if total[i] > temp then
From the Maple online help:
Important: The evalb command does not simplify expressions. It may return false for a relation that is true. In such a case, apply a simplification to the relation before using evalb.
You must convert symbolic arguments to floating-point values when using the evalb command for inequalities that use <, <=, >, or >=.
In this particular example, Maple chokes when trying to determine if the symbolic square root is less than -2, though it tried its best to simplify before quitting.
One fix is to apply evalf to inequalities. Rather than, say, evalb(x < y), you would write evalb(evalf(x < y)).
As to why Maple can't handle these inequalities, I don't know.

wolfram|Alpha return no result on the limit of an integral

I want a step by step solutions and type as following:
=Limit[Integrate[(e^x^2 *n)/(1 + n^2 x^2), {x, 0, 1}], n -> Infinity]
It returns nothing but "(no interpretations available)". The formula should yield pi/2.
May I have some ideas on how to get this right? Thank you.
The problem is that you used the character e to denote the Euler number. Unfortunately e is just a variable, and you are interested in E. This is the same is pi vs Pi. One is a variable the other the irrational number.
You might consider typing:
But If you want to obtain a result using Mathematica, then you might be more interested in rewriting the integral by the substitution n x = y, which gives you:
In> Limit[Integrate[Exp[(y/n)^2]/(1+y^2),{y,0,n}],n->Infinity]
Out> Pi/2
This integral is very straightforward in this case as the Exponent drops to 1 and you only have to solve the standard integral:
In> Integrate[1/(1+y^2),{y,0,Infinity}]
Out> Pi/2
Another way to see this is to write the exponential function as a series expansion, leading to a sum of integrals of the form:
In> Limit[Integrate[y^(2 m)/(1+y^2),{y,0,n}]/(m! n^(2 m)),n->Infinity]
This Limit is even simpler than before as you do not need to perform any tests to check if the Integral and the Limit are interchangeable.
Assume now that
I[m,n] = Integrate[y^(2 m)/(1+y^2),{y,0,n}]/(m! n^(2 m))
Then you know that for m > 0, I[m,n] ≤ J[m,n], with
J[m,n] = Integrate[y^(2 m - 2),{y,0,n}] = n^(2m - 1)/(2m - 1)/(m! n^(2 m))
Since 0 ≤ I[m,n] ≤ J[m,n], We know that 0 ≤ I[m,Infinity] ≤ J[m,Infinity] = 0, for m > 1, or I[m,Infinity] = 0. Which leaves us with I[0,Infinity]:
Limit[Integrate[Exp[(y/n)^2]/(1+y^2),{y,0,n}],n->Infinity] =
Although this is not really a Mathematica question and more a Mathematics Stack Exchange question, I do believe this answers your question.

finding all first consecutive prime factors and find max of that by Mathematica

2|n, 3|n,..., p_i|n, p_ j|n,..., p_k|n
p_i < p_ j< ... < p_k
where all primes up to p_i divide n and
j > i+1
I want to write a code in Mathematica to find p_i and determine {2,3,5,...,p_i}.
B = {};
n = 2^6 * 3^8 * 5^3 * 7^2 * 11 * 23 * 29;
For[i = 1, i <= k, i++,
If[Mod[n, Prime[i]] == 0, AppendTo[B, Prime[i]]
If[Mod[n, Prime[i + 1]] > 0, Break[]]]];
mep1= Max[B];
result is
I would like to write the code instead of B to get B[n], since I need to draw the graph of mep1[n] for given n.
If I understand your question and code correctly you want a list of prime factors of the integer n but only the initial part of that list which matches the initial part of the list of all prime numbers.
I'll first observe that what you've posted looks much more like C or one of its relatives than like Mathematica. In fact you don't seem to have used any of the power of Mathematica's in-built functions at all. If you want to really use Mathematica you need to start familiarising yourself with these functions; if that doesn't appeal stick to C and its ilk, it's a fairly useful programming language.
The first step I'd take is to get the prime factors of n like this:
listOfFactors = Transpose[FactorInteger[n]][[1]]
Look at the documentation for the details of what FactorInteger returns; here I'm using transposition and part to get only the list of prime factors and to drop their coefficients. You may not notice the use of the Part function, the doubled square brackets are the usual notation. Note also that I don't have Mathematica on this machine so my syntax may be a bit awry.
Next, you want only those elements of listOfFactors which match the corresponding elements in the list of all prime numbers. Do this in two steps. First, get the integers from 1 to k at which the two lists match:
matches = TakeWhile[Range[Length[listOfFactors]],(listOfFactors[[#]]==Prime[#])&]
and then
I'll leave it to you to:
assemble these fragments into the function you want;
correct the syntactical errors I have made; and
figured out exactly what is going on in each (sub-)expression.
I make no warranty that this approach is the best approach in any general sense, but it makes much better use of Mathematica's intrinsic functionality than your own first try and will, I hope, point you towards better use of the system in future.

Number of ways to add up to a sum S with N numbers

Say S = 5 and N = 3 the solutions would look like - <0,0,5> <0,1,4> <0,2,3> <0,3,2> <5,0,0> <2,3,0> <3,2,0> <1,2,2> etc etc.
In the general case, N nested loops can be used to solve the problem. Run N nested loop, inside them check if the loop variables add upto S.
If we do not know N ahead of time, we can use a recursive solution. In each level, run a loop starting from 0 to N, and then call the function itself again. When we reach a depth of N, see if the numbers obtained add up to S.
Any other dynamic programming solution?
Try this recursive function:
f(s, n) = 1 if s = 0
= 0 if s != 0 and n = 0
= sum f(s - i, n - 1) over i in [0, s] otherwise
To use dynamic programming you can cache the value of f after evaluating it, and check if the value already exists in the cache before evaluating it.
There is a closed form formula : binomial(s + n - 1, s) or binomial(s+n-1,n-1)
Those numbers are the simplex numbers.
If you want to compute them, use the log gamma function or arbitrary precision arithmetic.
I have my own formula for this. We, together with my friend Gio made an investigative report concerning this. The formula that we got is [2 raised to (n-1) - 1], where n is the number we are looking for how many addends it has.
Let's try.
If n is 1: its addends are o. There's no two or more numbers that we can add to get a sum of 1 (excluding 0). Let's try a higher number.
Let's try 4. 4 has addends: 1+1+1+1, 1+2+1, 1+1+2, 2+1+1, 1+3, 2+2, 3+1. Its total is 7.
Let's check with the formula. 2 raised to (4-1) - 1 = 2 raised to (3) - 1 = 8-1 =7.
Let's try 15. 2 raised to (15-1) - 1 = 2 raised to (14) - 1 = 16384 - 1 = 16383. Therefore, there are 16383 ways to add numbers that will equal to 15.
(Note: Addends are positive numbers only.)
(You can try other numbers, to check whether our formula is correct or not.)
This can be calculated in O(s+n) (or O(1) if you don't mind an approximation) in the following way:
Imagine we have a string with n-1 X's in it and s o's. So for your example of s=5, n=3, one example string would be
Notice that the X's divide the o's into three distinct groupings: one of length 1, length 2, and length 2. This corresponds to your solution of <1,2,2>. Every possible string gives us a different solution, by counting the number of o's in a row (a 0 is possible: for example, XoooooX would correspond to <0,5,0>). So by counting the number of possible strings of this form, we get the answer to your question.
There are s+(n-1) positions to choose for s o's, so the answer is Choose(s+n-1, s).
There is a fixed formula to find the answer. If you want to find the number of ways to get N as the sum of R elements. The answer is always:
or in other words:
(N+R-1) C (R-1)
This actually looks a lot like a Towers of Hanoi problem, without the constraint of stacking disks only on larger disks. You have S disks that can be in any combination on N towers. So that's what got me thinking about it.
What I suspect is that there is a formula we can deduce that doesn't require the recursive programming. I'll need a bit more time though.

Prolog; try to make fibonacci more effective?

This logic programming is really making a lap dance on my imperative programming skills. This is homework, so please just don't drop me the answer. This is what I have:
fibo(N,1) :-
N < 2,
fibo(N,R) :-
N1 is N-1,
N2 is N-2,
R is R1+R2.
I'm suppose to make another function that looks like this; fib(N,Value,LastValue).
N is the n'th number, and value is the return value. I don't understand how I can rewrite this using accumulation. And since it counts backwards I don't see how it can "know" a last value before it calculates anything. :s Any input is appreciated.
I could post here the solution, but since that this is homework, it would be counter-productive. Instead, here's a lead:
The problem with the version of Fibonacci that you listed is that it is inefficient. Each call to fibo/2 causes another two calls, but some of these calls calculate the values of the same Fibonacci numbers. For example, in pseudo-code:
(a) fibo(4) -> fibo(3), fibo(2)
(b) fibo(3) -> fibo(2), fibo(1)
(c) fibo(2) -> fibo(1), fibo(0) % called from (a)
(d) fibo(2) -> fibo(1), fibo(0) % called from (b), redundant
To overcome this deficiency, you were asked to rephrase Fibonacci in terms of returning not just the last value, but the last two values, so that each call to fib/3 will cause only a single recursive call (hence calculate the Fibonacci series in linear time). You'll need to change the base cases to:
I'll leave the recursive case to you.
For the impatient
Here is the recursive case as well:
fib(N, Val, Last) :-
N > 2,
N1 is N - 1,
fib(N1, Last, Last1), % single call with two output arguments,
% instead of two calls with one output argument
Val is Last + Last1.
See the related discussion:
Generalizing Fibonacci sequence with SICStus Prolog
and consider ony's very good solution using finite domain constraints from there.
Perhaps using tail recursion is a good option
Instead of breaking fib(6) into fib(5)+fib(4) you might try something like fib(6) = fib(6,0,0) the first parameter is the count of steps, when it reaches 0 you stop, the second parameter the last value you calculated, and the third parameter is the value to calculate which is equal to the sum of current second and third parameters (with the exception of the first step, in which 0 + 0 will be 1)
So to calculate you set the second parameter at each call and acumulate in the third so fib(6,0,0) => fib(5,0,1) => fib(4,1,1) => fib(3,1,2) => fib(2,2,3) => fib(1,3,5) => fib(0,5,8) then you return 8
In that method you dont actually have to save in the stack the adress return, avoiding stack overflow
Remember that there is another way to calculate the Fibonacci sequence: starting from the base case and moving up.
Right now, to calculate fib(n), you add fib(n-1) and fib(n-2). Instead, flip that around and calculate fib(0) and fib(1) based on the definition of the Fibonacci sequence, and build up from that.
You almost already have it. Just rewrite:
fibo(N, Value) :-
N1 is N-1, N2 is N-2,
fibo(N1, LastValue),fibo(N2, SecondToLastValue),
Value is LastValue + SecondToLastValue.
in terms of
fibo2(N, Value, LastValue):- ...
I don't understand how I can rewrite
this using accumulation
Just don't, this is not needed (although it's possible to do so).
