How to remove portal header in websphere portal - websphere

Can anyone help me out in this, I have configured and deployed portlet application in my web-sphere portal server successfully .But the portal banner is displaying #Headerpart (shown arrow mark ).
How can i remove the banner.Any suggestions?

That header section is a part of Portal's out of the box theme. You should read the documentation on how to customize the theme. If I'm not mistaken that looks like Portal 7 using the PageBuilder2 theme. This link should help you get started.

Here are the instructions for customizing the navigation:
Personally, I would remove the nav reference fromt eh theme_en.html file in the static resources. Then I'd create a side nav for the tab menu you want to retain. Here's the instructions for the side nav:
But that's just me, you may find it easier to customize the main nav.


How to remove Management Menu on Kibana 7.8.1 Spaces and to make Dashboards page as principal?

I configured the space to only show Dashboard but the main Kibana screen is shown as well as the Management menu. How to make the main screen the Dashboard and the Management menu is no longer shown? thanks!
Kibana Home Screen:
Kibana Dashboard Screen:
Kibana Management Menu:
I got no "pro" solution for this as Spaces features are not very mature yet.
I use a little hack.
I create a user with minimal roles on one space and read on visualizations and dashboard in this space.
In my source app (website, intranet, etc...) I give the embedded link to a dashboard.
The url looks like this
Take the link from the iframe code and you'll have a clear dashboard without any header.
It's not secure at all. A user just have to clean up the url to have the home and access to the menu (but only with the rights his profile have)
But for most internal cases it do the job.

Magento 2 - Redirect to "My account" page when clicking "Addressbook"

We just launched a Magento 2.0.4 store, but we're experiencing the issue described below. Hopefully someone can help us fix this.
When a customer is logged in in our store and clicks on "Addressbook" on the "My account" page, he gets redirected back to the "My Account" page.
The redirect order is as follows and all redirects are 302's (Moved Temporarily):
/customer/account/ --> /customer/address/new (as expected because this customer has not created any address yet)
/customer/address/new --> /customer/account/login/ (herein lies the issue, we would like to see the "Add New Address" page)
/customer/account/login --> /customer/account (as expected)
Notes: Our store is running on HTTPS and a custom made theme which is based on the default Luma theme. We also have another Magento 2.0.4 store running on the same server with the same hosting provider and the issue is not present here. You can try it yourself here.
What we tried:
Disabling all custom modules
Removing all custom language files (i18n folder)
Disabling SEO URLs
Here is a screenshot which shows the redirect order in the Chrome Developer Toolbar
We have found the solution. Apparently a module was in fact still causing the problem: Mirasvit_Core. Disabling the module and deploying static content again fixed the issue.
Thanks for reading and I hope this helps anyone else having this problem.

Broadleaf - Extending DemoSite Admin - Add new Menu and Page

I have been looking into Broadleaf since last couple of days. I have managed to run it on local tomcat with MySql. I have extended Entity for my custom requirement following Broadleaf's documentation.
Now I want to add a menu option (in left menu) in admin. I have no clue from where Broadleaf admin site displays the web page. How left menu is displayed ? How data from controller are binding with view ?
For example, if you access product page in broadleaf admin section, then URL will be http://localhost:8081/admin/product/. Following it I managed to know that it calls of framework's admin module. I looked at the code of but didn't get a clue how data is being forwarded to view. Also didn't find the product jsp/template/html.
I guess admin module is using for view. If I intend to use simple jstl then is it possible?
My question how easily I can extend admin of Heat Clinic demo site to add new pages, menu items etc? If anyone has customized/extended demosite admin then please suggest.
We have some docs on how to do this at The bottom line here is that if you want to add a new page then you can simply use normal Spring MVC as you would on the frontend. The only difference is that there are some specific ways to place new template files (which is documented on that page).
To answer your question, most URLs in the admin are handled dynamically by the AdminBasicEntityController. Most of the sections are handled generically by this controller but there are still certain instances where we needed to override things specifically, like with AdminProductController.
Also, the admin is built with Thymeleaf and not JSPs so if you want to add more pages they will need to be done with Thymeleaf.

Custom Magento Homepage - Fix Issue

So the previous web developer has customized our Magento v1.4.1 site to use a page called main.php... It bypasses everything else that is set by Magento as far as Magento goes.
I have no way contact the previous developer to ask where this is setup...
We have just installed a new plugin and it has taken over as the homepage.
In Magento Admin > System > Configuration > Web the homepage is set to URL Key "home" ... When I go to that specific page index.php/home, the custom main.php page shows up. Why would a plugin have found it's way to be our homepage?
Thanks! Felt like my previous question didn't give enough details.
"home" is not the normal value, here is what that section should look like:

How to I replace the default logo in transactional emails?

I don't want to create templates for all transactional emails but I would like to replace the default Magento logo used for emails.
I know that I can go into the base directory and replace it, but if I upgrade the system it will wipe it out. Does anyone know the proper way to change it?
Another correct way to do that is to go in BackEnd to System>>Configuration>>Design>>Transactional Emails>>Logo Image
and easily pick your logo image from there.
You can create a new theme and place it there. This isn't as difficult as it sounds because of the way themes fall back onto defaults in Magento. If Magento can't find something in your theme, it will fall back onto the base theme by looking in the default folder.
For example, in a store that I maintain, I uploaded my own version of the e-mail logo image in
and in the Administration panel, I went to System > Configuration > Design > Themes and set Default to {my-theme-name}.
Why does this work?
In the e-mail templates, Magento specifies the src of the logo image as {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}}. This is Magento template gibberish for "find the images/logo_email.gif in the frontend area of the current theme." So Magento looks in for /frontend/{package}/{my-theme-name}/images/logo_email.gif, finds it, and uses that path when dishing out the HTML.
If you delete your image, it doesn't break! Instead, although Magento would still first search in your theme directory as described above, it would discover that it doesn't exist and fall back onto the one in /frontend/{package}/default/images/logo_email.gif.
Good luck, and hope this helps!
The best answer for handling logos in transactional emails is a combination of the previous answers.
Select the logo for your transactional emails by going here: System -> Configuration -> Design -> Transactional Emails -> Logo Image
Then, in your transactional emails ensure that they reference: {{var logo_url}} for the url of the logo.
I upgraded from an older version of Magento and it had {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}} for the logo url. This older method referenced the logo_email.gif stuck in the default image folder.
For magento 1.9, if you want to change transactional mails' logo for all templates follow this:
System -> Configuration -> Design -> Transactional Emails -> Logo Image
In Magento < use {{var logo_url}} instead of {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}}
Sometimes the email client will keep a cached version of the image.
I was viewing the correct image in the browser by copying the url from the email source code, but still Mail on Mac Os was displaying the demo store logo...
