How to remove Management Menu on Kibana 7.8.1 Spaces and to make Dashboards page as principal? - elasticsearch

I configured the space to only show Dashboard but the main Kibana screen is shown as well as the Management menu. How to make the main screen the Dashboard and the Management menu is no longer shown? thanks!
Kibana Home Screen:
Kibana Dashboard Screen:
Kibana Management Menu:

I got no "pro" solution for this as Spaces features are not very mature yet.
I use a little hack.
I create a user with minimal roles on one space and read on visualizations and dashboard in this space.
In my source app (website, intranet, etc...) I give the embedded link to a dashboard.
The url looks like this
Take the link from the iframe code and you'll have a clear dashboard without any header.
It's not secure at all. A user just have to clean up the url to have the home and access to the menu (but only with the rights his profile have)
But for most internal cases it do the job.


Unable to see widget data once I logout of sonarqube

I have configured a couple of widgets on sonarqube dashboard.
I would like these widgets to be visible to anyone who lands on my sonarqube webpage.
However once i logout of the page , The widgets display "no data".
I have set the filter of my projects to be visible to all users. How can i make the data visible to the people even though they do not sign in .
This is probably a permissions issue. If you don't have permission to "Browse" a project, then you won't see its data - even outside of the project dashboard context.
Sounds like you've set up project widgets on a global dashboard(?) and Anyone doesn't have Browse on the project(s) in question.

How to make the Administration tab visible in admin login in Websphere Application Server?

The admin login for deploying war files in Websphere portal got deleted due to a bug in code. We have another admin login but here, the "Administration" tab wherein we can deploy web modules and manage pages is not visible here. How to make that tab visible?
When we login with hostname:port/wps/myportal as an admin, we can see a tab named "Administration" under which there is something called as "Web Module" where we can deploy war files. "Manage Pages" where in we can assign portlets.. That tab "Administration" isn't visible. I need to make that visible.
I mean this page:
I'm unable to view the above page anymore. How do I make this "Administration" tab visible?
There are two options
1. you can follow one of the answers in this question
and issue the following command:
ConfigEngine wp-change-portal-admin-user -DnewAdminId=
-DnewAdminPw=-DnewAdminGroupId= -Dskip.ldap.validation=true
WebSphere Portal does have as well a Portal Admin Group. Each member of this group gets full access to all elements like the Administration section
By assigning your second "admin" user into this group he will get the proper authority

Filter courses on Moodle 2.7

I am wondering if there is any plugin available for Moodle 2.7 which allows admin to add some attributes to courses and create a widget to filter the courses by thoses attributes.
For example, we would like to allow users to filter courses by their price, content, dates etc.
Thanks in advance
The block gnuwings provided will actually solve your issue when configured within Moodle correctly.
What you should do afterwards, is enable the 'My Moodle' page for every user. To find this setting, you should use the search function for the site admin.
My Moodle allows you to place blocks in the center of the screen, so you can edit the default My Moodle page to show this block. I would personally recommend turning the feature that allows students to edit their own My Moodle page off, as this will make it harder for you to manage this page in the future (without modifications to the database).
To edit the default 'My' page, in Moodle 2.7, go to site administration, appearance, default my page.
To enable this view by default, go to site administration -> appearance -> navigation, and update the value of 'Default home page for users'.

How to remove portal header in websphere portal

Can anyone help me out in this, I have configured and deployed portlet application in my web-sphere portal server successfully .But the portal banner is displaying #Headerpart (shown arrow mark ).
How can i remove the banner.Any suggestions?
That header section is a part of Portal's out of the box theme. You should read the documentation on how to customize the theme. If I'm not mistaken that looks like Portal 7 using the PageBuilder2 theme. This link should help you get started.
Here are the instructions for customizing the navigation:
Personally, I would remove the nav reference fromt eh theme_en.html file in the static resources. Then I'd create a side nav for the tab menu you want to retain. Here's the instructions for the side nav:
But that's just me, you may find it easier to customize the main nav.

Frontend editing in Joomla doesn't work

I have made a site in Joomla 2.5, and can't edit my articles by using the frontend option "edit article".
This function is available when I am running the site in offline mode, but when I switch to online mode, it disappears.
When running the site in online mode, I login to the administrator, and then "view site"
Can some one please help me!
You need to log in on the frontend when your site is in online mode to be able to edit articles. It doesn't matter if you are logged already on the backend, it won't count.
You should either enable log in module on some page, or a menu item pointing to log in page on the frontend. After logging in there, you will be able to edit your articles.
If you don't want users to see your login page/module on the frontend, you can create a hidden menu item for it, for which only you would know the link and it won't be displayed
Just go to your website's /index.php?option=com_users
There you will be able to login to the frontend.
