Handling exceptions in Spring MVC along with Rest API - spring

I am using #ControllerAdvice annotation for defining exceptions at application level. Now the problem is I am having two #ControllerAdvice classes, one for REST and one for the normal web app. When I define #ExceptionHandler for Exception.class in both, only the first one is considered. How do I separate both? Or how can I catch an Exception and determine from where it has occured? Is there a way or else do I need to use controller-specific exception handlers?

I resolved this issue by creating a custom exceptions for my application and giving one exception handler method for each of them with #exception handler.
I also used aspects to make sure that every exception is converted to any of the custom exceptions.
public class ExceptionInterceptor {
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "within(x.y.package..*)", throwing = "t")
public void toRuntimeException(Throwable t)
throws ApplicationException1, ApplicationException2,ApplicationException3 {
if (t instanceof ApplicationException1) {
throw (ApplicationException1) t;
} else if (t instanceof ApplicationException2) {
throw (ApplicationException2) t;
} else
throw (ApplicationException3) t;
These will transfer control to #controlleradvice.

I noticed this have been left for a month or so, so it might be old. But this article may help http://www.baeldung.com/2013/01/31/exception-handling-for-rest-with-spring-3-2/.
The section 3.5 is probably what you are looking for, a custom Exception Resolver.


What is the most likely cause of exceptions mysteriously escaping a try-catch block in this case?

I am using a Spring WebClient in a Kotlin project like this:
data class DTO(val name: String)
class Runner: ApplicationRunner
override fun run(args: ApplicationArguments?)
val dto = get<DTO>()
catch (e: Exception)
println("ERROR, all exceptions should have been caught in 'get' ")
inline private fun<reified TResult: Any> get(): TResult?
var result: TResult? = null
result = WebClient.create("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/nonexisting")
catch (e: Exception)
println("WORKS AS EXPECTED!!")
return result
The client will throw an exception, because the API will return a 404. However the exception is not caught where it should be, namely in the body of the get function, but it is propagated to the outer exception handler.
It is interesting to note that this happens only if the exception is thrown by the WebClient. If I replace the code in the try clause with a simple throw Exception("error"), the exception is caught where it should be.
Similarly, when I change the signature of get to a non-generic inline private fun get(): DTO? the problem also goes away.
For an exception to escape the try-catch block seems like a fundamental bug in the Kotlin tools. On the other hand, the fact that this happens only with the WebClient class indicates that this is a Spring problem. Or, it may be just me, using the tools in a wrong way.
I am really baffled here and have no idea how to proceed. Any ideas on why this might be happening are most welcome. Just for completeness, this is what it looks like in the debugger:
The issue goes away after upgrading Spring Boot to 2.0.0.M6, it is still present in M5.
So it seems that this was a Spring issue and not a Kotlin issue. On the other hand it would be still nice to understand how a library that you include can seemingly cause the program to violate the laws of the programming language it is written in.
I tried the code with Spring Boot version 2.0.0.M5 and 2.0.0.M6, and it seems the behavior of the following block is different between those 2 versions:
result = WebClient.create("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/nonexisting")
somewhere along the chain, on Spring Boot 2.0.0.M5, the WebClientResponseException is returned, on Spring Boot 2.0.0.M6 it is thrown.
If you add a e.printStackTrace() to your outer catch, you will notice that the stack trace is:
cannot be cast to com.example.demo.DTO at
com.example.demo.Runner.run(Test.kt:18) at
at com.example.demo.DemoApplicationKt.main(DemoApplication.kt:10)
So, actually, problem is, the returned WebClientResponseException is tried to be cast to DTO class on the moment of return of the call val dto = get<DTO>(). This means that, when you assign result = ..., there is no type checking done yet. So, if you change your code to, for example, call get<Object>() instead of get<DTO>(), it won't hit any catch blocks.
If you convert it to bytecode in IntelliJ Idea, and then decompile it to Java, you can see this block:
public class Runner implements ApplicationRunner {
public void run(#Nullable ApplicationArguments args) {
try {
Object result$iv = null;
try {
ResponseSpec $receiver$iv$iv = WebClient.create("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/nonexisting").get().retrieve();
Mono var10000 = $receiver$iv$iv.bodyToMono((ParameterizedTypeReference)(new Runner$run$$inlined$get$1()));
Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(var10000, "bodyToMono(object : Para…zedTypeReference<T>() {})");
result$iv = var10000.block();
} catch (Exception var7) {
String var5 = "WORKS AS EXPECTED!!";
DTO var2 = (DTO)result$iv;
} catch (Exception var8) {
String var3 = "ERROR, all exceptions should have been caught in 'get' ";
Here you can notice that casting to DTO is done on the point of method return (which is not a return anymore because it is inlined), after the inner catch block: DTO var2 = (DTO)result$iv;. It seems like that's the behavior for the inlined methods with reified type parameters.
This is due to SPR-16025 (see related commit) since the Kotlin extension is using internally the ParameterizedTypeReference variant, which has been fixed in Spring Framework 5.0.1, and transitively in Spring Boot 2.0.0.M6.
Note than if you use bodyToMono(TResult::class.java) with Spring Boot 2.0.0.M5, it will works as expected.

Dropwizard intercept bad json and return custom error message

I want to intercept a bad JSON input and return custom error messages using Dropwizard application. I followed the approach of defining a custom exception mapper as mentioned here : http://gary-rowe.com/agilestack/2012/10/23/how-to-implement-a-runtimeexceptionmapper-for-dropwizard/ . But it did not work for me. This same question has been asked here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/dropwizard-user/r76Ny-pCveA but unanswered.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
My code below and I am registering it in dropwizard as environment.jersey().register(RuntimeExceptionMapper.class);
public class RuntimeExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<RuntimeException> {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RuntimeExceptionMapper.class);
public Response toResponse(RuntimeException runtime) {
logger.error("API invocation failed. Runtime : {}, Message : {}", runtime, runtime.getMessage());
return Response.serverError().type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).entity(new Error()).build();
Problem 1:
The exception being thrown by Jackson doesn't extends RuntimeException, but it does extend Exception. This doesn't matter though. (See Problem 2)
Problem 2:
DropwizardResourceConfig, registers it's own JsonProcessingExceptionMapper. So you should already see results similar to
"message":"Unrecognized field \"field\" (class d.s.h.c.MyClass),..."
Now if you want to override this, then you should create a more specific exception mapper. When working with exception mappers the most specific one will be chosen. JsonProcessingException is subclassed by JsonMappingException and JsonProcessingException, so you will want to create an exception mapper for each of these. Then register them. I am not sure how to unregister the Dropwizard JsonProcessingExceptionMapper, otherwise we could just create a mapper for JsonProcessingException, which will save us the hassle of create both.
So you can remove the Dropwizard mapper, if you want, with the following
Set<Object> providers = environment.jersey().getResourceConfig().getSingletons();
Iterator it = providers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object val = it.next();
if (val instanceof JsonProcessingExceptionMapper) {
Then you are free to use your own mapper, JsonProcessingException

Using Spring AOP, How can I intercept a exception just when it occurred?

Some code like this:
public class A {
private B b;
public void a() {
//AAA: some logic process that maybe throw exception
public class B {
public void b() {
//BBB: some logic process maybe also throw exception
Both exceptions in A.a() and B.b() need to be intercept, so i use #AfterThrowing annotation do it. but the question is, when i call A.a() in other code and exception has occurred in B.b(), the Advice will execute twice! because exception that occurred in B.b() was propagating to its caller A.a().
I can't swallow the exception silently, because i use spring-amqp, above codes is on Consumer side, i need some message processing that based on the exceptions that occurred in Consumer.
#Around does not work too since i can't swallow the throwed exception.
So, How can i intercept a exception just when it occurred? ignore propagation of it.
Any reply is greatly appreciated.

How to handle Spring data exceptions in the repository layer

I am writing a REST application using Spring. It is divided into 3 layers, controller, service and repository.
The repository layer are using Spring data and MongoDb. The exceptions from MongoDb are translated to Spring Data exceptions.
Using the #ExceptionHandler annotation I tried to catch those exceptions in the repository layer. This did not work. The only way to catch the exception with #ExceptionHandler is to put the code in the controller layer.
Is there a way for me to catch and handle the exceptions in the repository layer,, without using try/catch blocks.
It could be done with Spring AOP and by creating an #Around advice for all your DAO methods as shown below.
But I would still like to understand what you plan to do in your catch block. Are you planning to have different logic to handle different types of data access exceptions? If you don't have any specific logic, it makes sense to just let the exception propagate to the controller layer.
First Option
Here is a sample -
public class DaoExceptionHandlerAdvice {
#Around("execution( * com.xyz.daos.*.*(..))")
public Object invokeService(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable{
MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature)pjp.getSignature();
Object returnValue = null;
try {
returnValue = pjp.proceed();
catch(Exception e){
// handle the exception
return returnValue;
Add following snippet in your application context file
<aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
<bean id="daoExceptionHandler" class="com.xyz.advice.DaoExceptionHandlerAdvice" ></bean>
Check out the following link for details -
Spring AOP
Second Option
I've not tried this, but it would probably be easier for you to use an exception translator. You could probably extend HibernateExceptionTranslator and have your own logic in there.
Follow this link for details -
Exception Translation

Spring, Aspect J, multiple AfterThrowing advice applied to the same pointcut

Is it possible to have two AfterThrows pieces of advice be applied to the same pointcut restricted by specific Exception type where one exception is a superclass of the other with, in the case of the subclass being captured, only one advice being executed?
I want to translate runtime exceptions (both custom and standard java ones) being chucked out of a service layer, where I do some specific translation in certain cases and then have a catch-all type piece of advice to translate anything truly unexpected:
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(* com.my.company.api.*(..))", throwing = "rnfex")
public void doTranslationAction(ResourceNotFoundException rnfex) {
// throw new WebApplicationException with Status.NOT_FOUND;
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(* com.my.company.api.*(..))", throwing = "aex")
public void doTranslationAction(AuthorisationException aex) {
// throw new WebApplicationException with Status.NOT_AUTHORISED;
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(* com.my.company.api.*(..))", throwing = "throwable")
public void doTranslationAction(Throwable throwable) {
// Log something here about this unexpected exception
// throw new WebApplicationException with Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
I find that in this case, if I throw an exception which is explicitly catered for then the correct method is called, a translated exception is thrown, which is then captured by the broader 'Throwable' advice, then translated again into the catch-all INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR WAE. This isn't unexpected, but just not quite what I was looking for.
To get around this I've got a single piece of advice which captures all Throwable types and then uses 'instanceof' to decide whether this is an expected custom runtime exception that I can translate into a specific WAE or not.
If I ever see 'instanceof' I'm sure I've done something to be ashamed of, but I'm not sure if there's a better way of solving this problemette without it?
I'm also against converting my expected custom exceptions to checked exceptions and then catching Runtime exception as the catch all, which could be one solution.
I wrote a similar aspect a while ago and I ended up using "instance of". I don't think there's a problem with that.
i am not pretty sure... but just wondering whether your last(third) advice can be written in the below fashion
execution( * com.my.company.api..*(..)) and !execution( * com.my.company.api.XyzAspect..*(..))
public void doTranslationAction(Throwable throwable) {
// Log something here about this unexpected exception
// throw new WebApplicationException with Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
where XyzAspect.java is the #Aspect class where in you are writing these 3 advices.
