How to handle Spring data exceptions in the repository layer - spring

I am writing a REST application using Spring. It is divided into 3 layers, controller, service and repository.
The repository layer are using Spring data and MongoDb. The exceptions from MongoDb are translated to Spring Data exceptions.
Using the #ExceptionHandler annotation I tried to catch those exceptions in the repository layer. This did not work. The only way to catch the exception with #ExceptionHandler is to put the code in the controller layer.
Is there a way for me to catch and handle the exceptions in the repository layer,, without using try/catch blocks.

It could be done with Spring AOP and by creating an #Around advice for all your DAO methods as shown below.
But I would still like to understand what you plan to do in your catch block. Are you planning to have different logic to handle different types of data access exceptions? If you don't have any specific logic, it makes sense to just let the exception propagate to the controller layer.
First Option
Here is a sample -
public class DaoExceptionHandlerAdvice {
#Around("execution( **.*(..))")
public Object invokeService(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable{
MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature)pjp.getSignature();
Object returnValue = null;
try {
returnValue = pjp.proceed();
catch(Exception e){
// handle the exception
return returnValue;
Add following snippet in your application context file
<aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
<bean id="daoExceptionHandler" class="" ></bean>
Check out the following link for details -
Spring AOP
Second Option
I've not tried this, but it would probably be easier for you to use an exception translator. You could probably extend HibernateExceptionTranslator and have your own logic in there.
Follow this link for details -
Exception Translation


Stop hibernate from throwing sensitive data when an exception is thrown

I am new to hibernate and Im using JPA +Hibernate + Spring Boot for my applications. The logging is being handled using log4j2 . When my application is correctly throwing an exception (in my case DataIntegrityViolationException or EntityExistsException) Hibernate is logging the exception with stackTrace. Which is great as it helps debug. However it also logs application sensitive data which I do not want to be present in the logs. Is there a setting in the properties file that can be set or modified to prevent this from happening. I don’t want to create an appender for hibernate in my log4j2.xml and mask specific words in the final log.
You can add global exception in spring boot and you can log the exception message only follow this tutorial -
Or you can do some try catch for each call and throw exception with your customized message as below.
Try {
} catch (Exception ex){
throws CustomizedRunTimeException(“yourMessage”)
The class look like below
public class CustomizedRunTimeException extends RunTimeException {
public CustomizedRunTimeException(String errorMessage) {

Why Grails/Spring transactional behavior not working in this case?

I have a grails (2.5.2) app, with a mysql and a NoSQL interaction. There's a main/principal service method that call 2 other methods:
class mainService {
static transactional = false
NoSQLDataAccessService noSQLDataAccessService
// main/principal method
void save(json){
// (1) creating domain entities from json
// (2)
void addNewDomainEntities(entities){
// save the entities in a mysql schema and use save(flush:true)
// because i need the generated id's
As you can see, this mainService creates new domain entities (1), flushing the session to get the id's. Then, i call other service method (2) that store the json in a NoSQL schema:
class NoSQLDataAccessService(){
static transactional = false
void set(json){
// save the json in a NoSQL schema
} catch(Exception ex){
// if fails, i log the exception and throws it again
throws ex
But, sometimes the noSQLDataAccessService.set() fails by external causes and the entities created before still persist in the mysql db.(this is the problem)
The save method, that contains all this program execution, is marked like #Transactional, so if the noSQLDataAccessService.set() throws an exception, all the changes made should be not applied because the rollback. I'm right?
You probably have to throw an RuntimeException, not an Exception, to force a rollback as per this StackOverflow conversation. Instead of:
throws ex
you might try:
throw new RuntimeException(ex)
Further, I would recommend you be explicit about your transaction isolation. Perhaps something like:
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)

Handling exceptions in Spring MVC along with Rest API

I am using #ControllerAdvice annotation for defining exceptions at application level. Now the problem is I am having two #ControllerAdvice classes, one for REST and one for the normal web app. When I define #ExceptionHandler for Exception.class in both, only the first one is considered. How do I separate both? Or how can I catch an Exception and determine from where it has occured? Is there a way or else do I need to use controller-specific exception handlers?
I resolved this issue by creating a custom exceptions for my application and giving one exception handler method for each of them with #exception handler.
I also used aspects to make sure that every exception is converted to any of the custom exceptions.
public class ExceptionInterceptor {
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "within(x.y.package..*)", throwing = "t")
public void toRuntimeException(Throwable t)
throws ApplicationException1, ApplicationException2,ApplicationException3 {
if (t instanceof ApplicationException1) {
throw (ApplicationException1) t;
} else if (t instanceof ApplicationException2) {
throw (ApplicationException2) t;
} else
throw (ApplicationException3) t;
These will transfer control to #controlleradvice.
I noticed this have been left for a month or so, so it might be old. But this article may help
The section 3.5 is probably what you are looking for, a custom Exception Resolver.

Spring Transaction Doesn't Rollback

We have a Spring Transaction rollback issues, where rollback doesn't seems to be working.
Within my service layer method which is annotated with #Transactional I call three different DAOImpl classes to insert 3 records. The middle insert do a get from a 4th table to populate a description field but this get failed. I expect the first insert to rollback but it doesn't seems to be happening.
Few Points:
The 'Get' method throws a Runtime Exception
We are using org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager and MySQL datasource defined in applicationContext.xml. Beans are created in Beans.xml which is imported into ApplicationContext.xml
No #Transactional annotation in DAO layer
We have used <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager"/> again in applicationContext.xml
We are using Spring 3.1
Code snippets....
Service Class- This is somthing similar to what I have .... I tested with and without #Autowired. The transaction enable method is called within the service class.
public class CustomerService {
CustomerOrderDAO customerOrderDAOImpl;
CustomerItemDAO customerItemDAOImpl;
CustomerPromotionDAO customerPromotionDAOImpl;
PromotionDAO promotionDAOImpl;
//other variables
public CustomerOrder handleIncomingOrders(CustomerOrder customerOrder) {
try {
return customerOrder;
} catch (Exception e) //TO-DO catch proper exception
//Send error response
return customerOrder;
public void saveOrderDetails(CustomerOrder customerOrder) throws Exception {
while (promotionsIterator.hasNext()) {
while (customerItemIterator.hasNext()) {
Any idea?
The default behaviour of #Transactional is that transactional behaviour is added with a proxy around the object (the CustomerService in your example). From the reference docs (scroll down):
In proxy mode (which is the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation, in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object, will not lead to an actual transaction at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with #Transactional.
In your example, an external call to the handlingIncomingOrders() passes through the proxy and hits the target object (an instance of the CustomerService). However, the subsequent call to saveOrderDetails() is a normal method call inside the target object, thus the transactional behaviour in the proxy is never invoked. However, if the saveOrderDetails() was called from another class, you will find that the transactional behaviour will work as expected.
The solution in your case would be calling saveOrderDetails(customerOrder); as proxyBean.saveOrderDetails(customerOrder); Where proxybean is the Object on whichhandleIncomingOrders` is being called.
If CustomerService is singleton (Defualt scope) it can be as simple as adding below code to the Service class. (adding a self reference as autowired)
CustomerService customerService; // As this is injected its a proxy
and in the Method use it as
public CustomerOrder handleIncomingOrders(CustomerOrder customerOrder) {
try {
return customerOrder;
} catch (Exception e) //TO-DO catch proper exception
//Send error response
return customerOrder;
If its scope is Prototype the one of possible simple solution will be as follows.
public CustomerOrder handleIncomingOrders(CustomerOrder customerOrder, CustomerService customerService) {
try {
return customerOrder;
} catch (Exception e) //TO-DO catch proper exception
//Send error response
return customerOrder;
And where you are calling handleIncomingOrders use changes suggested in below code.
bean.handleIncomingOrders(customerOrder); //Suppose this is old code
Change it to
bean.handleIncomingOrders(customerOrder, bean);// THough it appears as we are sending reference to `THIS` as parameter whcihc can be unnecessary, in case of `Proxy`while inside your method `this` and `Passed reference` will point to different Obejects.

Controlling inner transaction settings from outer transaction with Spring 2.5

I'm using Spring 2.5 transaction management and I have the following set-up:
#Transactional(noRollbackFor = { Exception.class })
public void execute() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// persist failure in database (so the transaction shouldn't fail)
// the exception is not re-thrown
public void execute() {
// do something which throws a RuntimeException
The failure is never persisted into DB from Bean1 because the whole transaction is rolled back.
I don't want to add noRollbackFor in Bean2 because it's used in a lot of places which don't have logic to handle runtime exceptions properly.
Is there a way to avoid my transaction to be rolled back only when Bean2.execute() is called from Bean1?
Otherwise, I guess my best option is to persist my failure within a new transaction? Anything else clean I can do?
This is one of the caveats of annotations... your class is not reusable!
If you'd configure your transactions in the XML, if would have been possible.
Assuming you use XML configuration: if it's not consuming expensive resources, you can create another instance of bean2 for the use of the code you specified. That is, you can configure one been as you specified above, and one with no roll back for exception.
