What makes Crystal ignore record selection formula? - crystal-reports-2008

Crystal 2008. Have record selection formula ending with
( ( "Zero" in {?Credit_Debit} and {V_ARHB_BKT_AGING_DETAIL.AMOUNT} = 0)
or ( "Credit" in {?Credit_Debit} and {V_ARHB_BKT_AGING_DETAIL.AMOUNT} < 0)
or ( "Debit" in {?Credit_Debit} and {V_ARHB_BKT_AGING_DETAIL.AMOUNT} > 0) )
but no matter what combination of values is selected for Credit_Debit the result set is the same.
Also without success, I tried joining the parameter array into a single string and using lines like
or ( {#Cred_Deb_Choices} like "*Credit*" and {V_ARHB_BKT_AGING_DETAIL.AMOUNT} < 0)
Using the first method works in the same formula when the parameter values are integers, as:
and ({?Location ID} = 0 or {V_ARHB_BKT_AGING_DETAIL.LOC_ID} in {?Location ID})
I examined the generated SQL, and saw that the part at the beginning that had no effect was not shown.
I changed a part that tested for a hard-coded value to instead test for a parameter value, and looked at the SQL again. No change.

When you try to create a filter that doesn't fit with the datatype of the field then that doesn't get reflected in record selection formula.
For Integer field give integers in record selection for text give text.
ID=0 and Name='XXX' works
ID='Zero' and Name='XXX' doesn't
This should solve your issue


If Statement error: Expressions that yield variant data-type cannot be used to define calculated columns

I'm new in Power BI and I'm more used to work with Excel. I try to translate following Excel formula:
=IF(A2="UPL";0;IF(MID(D2;FIND("OTP";D2)+3;1)=" ";"1";(MID(D2;FIND("OTP";D2)+3;1))))
in Power Bi as follows:
Algo =
VAR FindIT = FIND("OTP",Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],1,0)
IF(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Type] = "UPL", 0,
IF(FindIT = BLANK(), 1, MID(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],FindIT+3,1))
Unfortunately I receive following error message:
Expressions that yield variant data-type cannot be used to define calculated columns.
My values are as follows:
Thank you so much for your help!
You cant mix Two datatypes in your output; In one part of if, you return an INT (literally 0/1), and is second you return a STRING
MID(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],FindIT+3,1)
You must unify your output datatype -> everything to string or everything to INT
Your code must be returning BLANK in some cells therefore PowerBI isn't able to choose a data type for the column, wrap your code inside CONVERT(,INTEGER).

DGET with multiple (compound) keys returns #NUM! error

What is the logic of the DGET function with multiple criteria keys?
I have made two small examples to investigate:
Case 1: we get a value by Date type key only - it works fine.
Case 2: same data, but we add a String type key. Here we have an error!
I agree, there are 2 "М000001735" strings in column B ("Инв" field). But there are also 2 keys to get a unique row in this case. What is wrong? Can I use DGET function for compound keys?
The table should not contain any duplicates. If there are duplicates, you should remove that by using the UNIQUE or SORT function that you can use within the DGET. Because if there are multiple matches, DGET will return an error. The DGET formula returns #VALUE! error if the criterion doesn't match. So you should wrap Google Sheets DGET formula with an IFERROR. Duplicates in the criteria/lookup column are not allowed. This causes #NUM! error in DGET.
if you run: ={{1;2}\{3;4}}
or run this constellation: ={{1\3};{2\4}}
you will get the same result which means either of these will work:
=DGET(A:C; "Рабочее место"; {{"Инв" \ "Дата"}; {"М000001735" \ DATE(2019; 2; 15)}})
=DGET(A:C; "Рабочее место"; {{"Дата"; "Инв"}; {DATE(2019; 2; 15); "М000001735"}})
=DGET(A:C; "Рабочее место"; {{"Инв"; "М000001735"} \ {"Дата"; DATE(2019; 2; 15)}})
demo spreadsheet
note: make sure you use Russian Locale in Spreadsheet Settings
alternatives to DGET:
=QUERY(A:C; "select C where A = date '2019-2-15' and B = 'М000001735'"; 0)
=FILTER(C:C; A:A=DATE(2019; 2; 15); B:B="М000001735")
=VLOOKUP(VLOOKUP(DATE(2019; 2; 15); A:B; 2; 0); B:C; 2; 0)
It helps if an OP explains what they are trying to achieve (as well as what problem they encountered, and where, data sample in text format and so forth).
Please try:
=DGET(A$1:C;"Рабочее место";{{"Инв";"M00001735"}\{"Дата";DATE(2019;2;15)}})
Your 'default' separator is ; hence in your case this does not serve to stack arrays horizontally.

AddField function does not work as expected

I have the following block of code that iterates through the fields of each table and adds the fields of the current table respectively in order to create a number of tableboxes.
'iterate through every table
For i=1 To arrTCount
'the arrFF array holds the names of the fields of each table
arrFF = Split(arrFields(i), ", ")
arrFFCount = UBound(arrFF)
'create a tablebox
Set TB = ActiveDocument.Sheets("Main").CreateTableBox
'iterate through the fields of the array
For j=0 to (arrFFCount - 1)
'add the field to the tablebox
TB.AddField arrFF(j)
Set tboxprop = TB.GetProperties
tboxprop.Layout.Frame.ObjectId = "TB" + CStr(i)
TB.SetProperties tboxprop
The above code creates the tableboxes, but with one field less every time (the last one is missing). If I change the For loop from For j=0 To (arrFFCount - 1) to For j=0 To (arrFFCount) it creates empty tableboxes and seems to execute forever. Regarding this change, I tested the field names with the Msgbox(arrFF(j)) command and it shows me the correct field names as I want them to be in the tableboxes in the UI of QlikView.
Does anybody have an idea of what seems to be the problem here? Can I do this in a different way?
To clarify the situation here and what I have tested so far, I have 11 tables to make tableboxes of and I have tried with just one of them or some of them. The result I am seeing with the code is on the left and what I am expecting to see is on the right of the following image. Please note that the number of fields vary for each table and the image has just one of them as an example.

Change All Value Labels to Numerics in SPSS

I need to change all the value labels of all my variables in my spss file to be the value itself.
I first tried -
Value Labels ALL.
This removes the value labels, but also removes the value entirely. I need this to have a label of some sort as I am converting the file and when there is no values defined it turns the value into a numeric. Therefore, I need the all value labels changed into numbers so that each value's label is just the value - value = 1 then label = 1.
Any ideas to do this across all my variables??
Thanks in advance!!
Here is a solution to get you started:
get file="C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\23\Samples\English\Employee data.sav".
begin program.
import spss, spssaux, spssdata
spss.Submit("set mprint on.")
vd=spssaux.VariableDict(variableType ="numeric")
for v in vd:
allvalues = list(set(item[0] for item in spssdata.Spssdata(v.VariableName, names=False).fetchall()))
if allvalues:
cmd="value labels " + v.VariableName + "\n".join([" %(i)s '%(i)s'" %locals() for i in allvalues if i <> None]) + "."
spss.Submit("set mprint off.")
end program.
You may want to read this to understand the behaviour of fetchall in reading date variables (or simply exclude date variables from having their values labelled also, if they cause no problems?)

Comparing values of type Text with values of type True/False

I have a data column of strings containing a lead status. I only want to count if the lead is qualified or nurture. I have this expression:
Is Qualified = If('Lead'[Status] = OR("Qualified", "Nurture"),1,0)
But I am getting this error:
DAX comparison operations do not support comparing values of type Text
with values of type True/False. Consider using the VALUE or FORMAT
function to convert one of the values.
I'm new with DAX and haven't been able to fix this one. Any help would be great, thanks.
OR() returns a boolean value. I assume 'Lead'[Status] is a text field, in which we will find some strings with the values "Qualified" or "Nurture". If this is the case you want to do the following:
IsQualified =
'Lead'[Status] = "Qualified"
|| 'Lead'[Status] = "Nurture"
This is performing two tests, and combining them with a logical or ( || - the double pipe is DAX's or operator ).
