I have the following block of code that iterates through the fields of each table and adds the fields of the current table respectively in order to create a number of tableboxes.
'iterate through every table
For i=1 To arrTCount
'the arrFF array holds the names of the fields of each table
arrFF = Split(arrFields(i), ", ")
arrFFCount = UBound(arrFF)
'create a tablebox
Set TB = ActiveDocument.Sheets("Main").CreateTableBox
'iterate through the fields of the array
For j=0 to (arrFFCount - 1)
'add the field to the tablebox
TB.AddField arrFF(j)
Set tboxprop = TB.GetProperties
tboxprop.Layout.Frame.ObjectId = "TB" + CStr(i)
TB.SetProperties tboxprop
The above code creates the tableboxes, but with one field less every time (the last one is missing). If I change the For loop from For j=0 To (arrFFCount - 1) to For j=0 To (arrFFCount) it creates empty tableboxes and seems to execute forever. Regarding this change, I tested the field names with the Msgbox(arrFF(j)) command and it shows me the correct field names as I want them to be in the tableboxes in the UI of QlikView.
Does anybody have an idea of what seems to be the problem here? Can I do this in a different way?
To clarify the situation here and what I have tested so far, I have 11 tables to make tableboxes of and I have tried with just one of them or some of them. The result I am seeing with the code is on the left and what I am expecting to see is on the right of the following image. Please note that the number of fields vary for each table and the image has just one of them as an example.
my code is running very slow, is it the 2 For loops causing it?
For x = LBound(dataArray) To UBound(dataArray) 'define start and end of array, lower bound to upper bound
For Each rngcell In Range("A:B") 'lookup each cell in row 1
If dataArray(x) = rngcell.Value Then ' if cells in header row match with values in array
rngcell.EntireColumn.Copy ' then copy whole column of data for that parameter
Sheets(3).Select ' select sheet to paste data
Range("A:B").End(xlUp).Offset(rowOffset:=0, columnOffset:=x).Select 'select area to paste, paste in next column - no. x
Selection.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues ' paste
End If
Next rngcell ' next header row cell
Next x
End Sub
Just a few suggestions:
Doing .Select causes Excel to update the UI, which is expensive. Try to calculate the target cell/range ONCE and use that to call PasteSpecial and not Selection.
Selecting the Sheet(3) could be done before the loop, as it doesnt change.
IF (!) max. ONE dataArray Element matches ONE rngcell.Value, you could abort the rest of the inner loop by using Exit For before the End If, saving the useless rest of the loop.
You're using Range(A:B) which is definitely slowing your code down.
Excel will basically read every cell in that range according to your code.
That's 2 million cells.
Try to limit the range on the B by using something like Replace(Range("B").End(Xldown).Address,"$B$","").
I have output = A(:,Nout) Nout = points along the array..... : = all points in column
So, it is saying the values in the last column.
How do I use output as A at the first column for the next iteration?
Your question is not clear. You may mean a variety of things.
If you want to loop through values in the first column in some order specified by your last column you can:
Asort = A ( A (:, end), :);
and then loop through Asort.
You may also mean to loop N times for each row where N is defined by last column of A.
You can do it using a nested loop:
for Arow = A(:, end)
for ii = 1:Arow
% your code here
You may also mean several other things, but instead me guessing you could try clarifing a bit. :)
(it should be a comment but I can't add comments yet, sorry)
I'm using LotusScript to clean and export values from a form to a csv file. In the form there are multiple date fields with names like enddate_1, enddate_2, enddate_3, etc.
These date fields are Data Type: Text when empty, but Data Type: Time/Date when filled.
To get the values as string in the csv without errors, I did the following (working):
If Isdate(doc.enddate_1) Then
enddate_1 = Format(doc.enddate_1,"dd-mm-yyyy")
enddate_1 = doc.enddate_1(0)
End If
But to do such a code block for each date field didnt feel right.
Tried the following, but that isnt working.
For i% = 1 To 9
If Isdate(doc.enddate_i%) Then
enddate_i% = Format(doc.enddate_i%,"dd-mm-yyyy")
enddate_i% = doc.enddate_i%(0)
End If
Any suggestions how to iterate numbered fields with a for loop or otherwise?
To iterate numbered fields with a for loop or otherwise?
valueArray = notesDocument.GetItemValue( itemName$ )
however do you know that there is a possibility to export documents in CSV format using Notes Menu?
Also there is a formula:
#Command([FileExport]; "Comma Separated Value"; "c:\document.csv")
Combined solution of Dmytro, clarification of Richard Schwartz with my block of code to a working solution. Tried it as an edit on solution of Dmytro, but was rejected.
My problem was not only to iterate the numbered fields, but also store the values in an iterative way to easily retrieve them later. This I found out today trying to implement the solution of Dmytro combined with the clarification of Richard Schwartz. Used a List to solve it completely.
The working solution for me now is:
Dim enddate$ List
For i% = 1 To 9
itemName$ = "enddate_" + CStr(i%)
If Isdate(doc.GetItemValue(itemName$)) Then
enddate$(i%) = Format(doc.GetItemValue(itemName$),"dd-mm-yyyy")
enddate$(i%) = doc.GetItemValue(itemName$)(0)
End If
Crystal 2008. Have record selection formula ending with
( ( "Zero" in {?Credit_Debit} and {V_ARHB_BKT_AGING_DETAIL.AMOUNT} = 0)
or ( "Credit" in {?Credit_Debit} and {V_ARHB_BKT_AGING_DETAIL.AMOUNT} < 0)
or ( "Debit" in {?Credit_Debit} and {V_ARHB_BKT_AGING_DETAIL.AMOUNT} > 0) )
but no matter what combination of values is selected for Credit_Debit the result set is the same.
Also without success, I tried joining the parameter array into a single string and using lines like
or ( {#Cred_Deb_Choices} like "*Credit*" and {V_ARHB_BKT_AGING_DETAIL.AMOUNT} < 0)
Using the first method works in the same formula when the parameter values are integers, as:
and ({?Location ID} = 0 or {V_ARHB_BKT_AGING_DETAIL.LOC_ID} in {?Location ID})
I examined the generated SQL, and saw that the part at the beginning that had no effect was not shown.
I changed a part that tested for a hard-coded value to instead test for a parameter value, and looked at the SQL again. No change.
When you try to create a filter that doesn't fit with the datatype of the field then that doesn't get reflected in record selection formula.
For Integer field give integers in record selection for text give text.
ID=0 and Name='XXX' works
ID='Zero' and Name='XXX' doesn't
This should solve your issue
NOTE:, I don't need help with the generic concept of inserting data to a database, just sorting through the contents of an array depending on the content of the "line" and how to determine which "items" in the array correspond to a field in the database
I have a glob of data posted to me by a desktop application that I need to sort through. My old solution worked, but was far less than elegant (INSERT each line of glob into database, then query for, reINSERT, and delete old).
How can I get the following chunk of information (POSTED to me as "f_data") into an array and insert the data into a database?
f_data Contents:
Open~notepad.exe~7/14/2011 2:28:46 PM~COMPUTER01
Open~mspaint.exe~7/14/2011 2:28:55 PM~COMPUTER01
Close~notepad.exe~7/14/2011 2:30:06 PM~COMPUTER01
Close~mspaint.exe~7/14/2011 2:30:06 PM~COMPUTER01
Startup~7/18/2011 11:23:12 AM~COMPUTER01
Please keep in mind that I have never used arrays before. 15 years of ASP and I've never had to use an array. How I've been so lucky I don't know, but I think that it may be required for this solution. Here is my current code to put "f_data" into an array:
Example of what I want to do:
var_logdata = request.form("f_data")
arr_logdata = Split(var_logdata,"~")
for var_arrayitem = 0 to ubound(arr_logdata)
'Do some stuff here depending on the log type
'If type is "Open"
'insert to tb_applicationlog
'Elseif type is "Close"
'insert to tb_applicationlog
'Elseif type is "Session"
'insert to tb_sessions
'End if
What I don't know how to do is to determine what "type" of log entry the item in the array is. If you look at the code above, I need to insert to different tables in the database depending on the "type" of log entry. For example, an "Open" or "Close" entry goes into the tb_applicationlog table. Once I determine what type the log entry is, how do I align the items in the array "row" to fields in the database?
Thanks very much in advance,
I think it would be better to split 'logdata' using another character first, then spilt the fields in the array created by 'logdata' using '~', as below (code not tested) -
var_logdata = request.form("f_data")
arr_logdata = Split(var_logdata,vbCrLf)
'split request.form("f_data") using newline so we have an array containing each line
for var_arrayitem = 0 to ubound(arr_logdata)
'now we can split each line by "~"
arr_linelogdata = Split(arr_logdata(var_arrayitem),"~")
'now arr_linelogdata(0) is log type, arr_linelogdata(1) is next field etc
'linetype = arr_linelogdata(0) etc
'use variables derived from array to do what you need to