On XAMPP for Windows: Apache closes abruptly - windows-7

I started using XAMPP for Windows recently. Yesterday, it was working just fine, but not today. I had already disabled the use of port 80 and 4xx from Skype (after seeing lots of posts about that) and had even removed the software from startup. MYSQL and FileZilla start just fine with XAMPP, but I get this when I try to use Apache (which I can install it as a service):
Attempting to start Apache app...
Executing "f:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe"
Return code: 0
Status change detected: running
Status change detected: stopped
Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
If you need more help, copy and post this
entire log window on the forums
Now, I am also getting this on Event Viewer: "Event Log is unavailable. Verify that the service is running." When going to services and I try to initialize Apache2.4, it gives me a message and later disappears from the Service list.
I can start Apache when I install the serivce and then click on "Start," but then it gets stuck on "Attempting to start Apache service..." and nothing happens.
I also click on Apache's "Start" without installing the service, and that's when I get the long error above.
When I click on "Start" again, after the "Attempting to start Apache service..," I get "Status change detected: running" and then immediately "Status change detected: stopped" and then again
Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
If you need more help, copy and post this
entire log window on the forums
Not sure what to do now. Please help.

I am having identical issues. XAMPP was also working yesterday and this morning has not been able to start. My error log does not display anything from today, but some logs from yesterday are present. I will let you know if I find the answer...
EDIT: I reinstalled XAMPP and everything seems to work fine now. Not an ideal answer I know...

Maybe u have opned skype at the same time because Apache's port its the same as the skype.So when a conflit exist Apache refuse to respond.


PDF24 is in error state although it claims to be ready as Printer

My client is making me use PDF24 as converter to PDF which works as printer. It stopped working without any obvious reason, the Windows error message popup is not too helpful:
Printer is an error state
'PDF24 PDF' is in an error state.
I found as official solution which says
Hi, ensure, that the PDF24 Windows Service is running. If this service is stopped, then the PDF printer will not work and no print jobs will be redirected to the printing user. This is normally the cause, if the PDF printer fails to work.
When checking for such a service by running services.msc I do not find any service with PDF24 within the name which I could restart. My group policy does not allow to reinstall the printer, and a reboot (which the IT service suggested) did not help either. Does anybody has an idea how to start this
ominous service?
EDIT: I also found https://help.pdf24.org/en/questions/question/pdf24-startup-failure/ which suggests to do net start pdf24 with admin rights in command line, but The service name is invalid..
If the PDF24 is not available, then reinstall the service. To do this, open a command line and execute the following:
pdf24.exe -install -start

Tomcat stop error

Event viewer error
tomcat service stop timeout.
I use Tomcat 5.5, JDK1.8.20, the operating system is WinServer2012R2.
I tried to stop the Tomcat service in the window service, but it appeared in the timeout, event viewer error like picture.
Is it related to window update?
To skomisa, thank you for your help, I found the answer, and indeed it has a relationship with windows update, you can view this link.

Magento Admin Login Error

Please Help. Have been stuck for days.
I've been trying to connect to Magento Admin. The website itself is working fine. I've tried logging in and each time I'd get this message:
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "Operation timed out"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
For assistance, contact your network support team.
I've tried the following:
Deleted all the files inside /var/cache folder.
Sudo reboot
I read that I need to also delete maintenance.flag file in my root folder. I can't find this file anywhere.
Please help.
Thanks a bunch!!

IIS w3svc error

I am trying to start my website in IIS, whenever I try to start my website I get the following error
Cannot start service w3svc on computer
I tried to start "World wide web publishing service", but I was unable to start it as it said:
Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start
Meanwhile when I checked my log I found this error,
The World Wide Web Publishing Service service depends on the HTTP service which failed to start because of the following error:
The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.
Please help me, I am badly caught with this error, I have spent a week researching this error but haven't found a solution yet.
Confirm that "Windows Management Instrumentation" is started and its start up type is set to automatic.
Also make sure the following dependency services are started for World Wide Web Publishing Service:
Windows Process Activation Service
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
DCOM Server Process Launcher
RPC Endpoint Mapper.
Open regedit, navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP]:
a) Double click on Start and change value data from 4(disabled) to 3(automatically).
b) Delete "NoRun" key if this key exists.
(warning: backup any IIS website configuration first). UN-install "Internet information Service" and "Windows process activation service(if it is already installed)" from "Turn windows feature on or off" and Restart your PC.
Type the below command in CMD and press enter:
net start http
Now it will notify you that service is already running.
Re-install Internet information Service from "Turn windows feature on or off".
Start IIS and my websites are started now, no more "w3svc service is not running error."
As for me - I just restarted the computer.
Make sure these 2 services running and their startup type is automatic.If they disabled and not running right click on them and go to properties and change from there.
Windows process activation service
Worldwide web publishing service.
Run cmd as administrator. Type iisreset. That's it.
Go to Task Manager --> Processes and manually stop the W3SVC process. After doing this the process should start normally when restarting IIS
In my case it was C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config which had an issue.
I had a "system.web" section in this file which was causing the problem. Removed the section and everything started working
I have got same issue on my server. Follow below steps -
Open command prompt (run as administrator)
type IISReset and enter.
It works and solved my problem.
I have had this problem after a windows update. Windows Process Activation Service is dependent service for W3SVC. First, make sure that Windows Process Activation Service is running. In my case, it was not running and when I tried to run it manually, I got below error.
Windows Process Activation Service Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified
The issue seems to be, that windows adds an incorrect parameter to the WAS service startup parameters. I fixed the issue using the following steps:
Start regedit (just type it into start) Navigate to
Delete the NanoSetup variable. This variable is preventing WAS from starting
Start the WAS service using task manager
Now start the W3SVC service
You can now start your website in IIS again
I found above WPA service solution in this stack overflow thread.
In my case, IIS suddenly stopped working, and after that Windows process activation service was unable to restart.
The solution to fix this was:
Find WAS service in the services tab of windows task manager
In context menu choose Go to process
Kill process (its name will be svchost.exe)
Restart Windows process activation service
My Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service was disabled. I changed its startup to manual, started the service, and then IISRESET worked.
I also verified that the following dependent services were started in Services ([windows]+[r] services.msc):
World Wide Web Publishing Service
Windows Process Activation Service
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
DCOM Server Process Launcher
RPC Endpoint Mapper
Net.Msmq Listener Adapter
Net.Pipe Listener Adapter
Net.Tcp Listener Adapter
Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
I found this solution by going through all dependencies and child dependencies of the World Wide Web Publishing Service and making sure that each service was enabled and started.
To verify all services for yourself, do the following:
Open up Services (just search for it from the start menu in Windows 10)
Find the World Wide Web Publishing Service
Right click on the service and then click "Properties"
Click on the Dependencies tab
Go through each system component in the two boxes and verify that each service is started (in Services).
Repeat steps 3-5 for each of the dependencies' dependencies until you run out of child dependencies
Service Properties - Dependencies Tab
This is probably a rarer case, but...
If you are using a custom AppPool Identity configuration be sure to check the AppPool is running. It may be turned off because credentials are invalid (usually due to an expired password). Update your credentials and start the AppPool.
I am able to resolve this by simply executing the below command in PowerShell to kill/stop service and restart the IIS server
taskkill /F /FI "SERVICES eq w3svc"
I managed to solve after:
Ctrl+Shift+Esc = To open Task Manager
In the "Processes" tab locate the "IIS Worker Process" and
finish it!
Run on cmd as an administrator. Type iisreset.
I was getting this error. It turns out World Wide Web Publishing Service was disabled.
Click Start, type Services in the Search box, and then click Services.
Scroll until you find the World Wide Web Publishing Service that is stopped or disabled.
right-click the service, and then click Properties.
Click the Startup type list, and then click Automatic.
Click Apply, and then click OK.

nginx php-fpm xdebug netbeans can start only one debug session

In the past, I've used apache+mod_php+xdebug+netbeans for development my website (server is my local machine, running Debian Squeeze), with pleasure - xdebug worked just as expected, debug sessions could be started and stopped any time, when I need it. But, when I moved to nginx+php_fpm+xdebug+netbeans I've experienced some problems with debugging.
My debug session could be very long (much more than 30 seconds) and it seems, that nginx couldn't wait so long, it shows "504 Gateway timeout error". I've tried lots of recommendations for solve this, but no luck. Though, it is not a very important for me, because of debugging session itself continues to run, and it's just a little uncomfortable thing.
My debug session could be run only once, so, if I stop it, and try to launch debugging again, netbeans couldn't accept connection from xdebug (it writes "Waiting for xdebug connection" and it is forever). After restart of netbeans the debug session could be started again normally.
In come cases, that I couldn't understand, the debugging is "turning on for all php scripts" and prevent's any other scripts to run. For example, I start debug session on my website's http://mysite.local/index.php and working with it. After some time, I noticed, that my adminer (placed on intranet.local/adminer.php) doesnt run, the browser tries to load page for some time, and than shows "504 Gateway timeout error". If I see this behavior, I could just stop xdebug debug session in netbeans, and all other scripts starting to operate normally.
Now, when I writing this question, I made some investigations, and found, that, if I start debug session for some seconds, after that stop it, and start again - it starts normally. It seems like the problem appears after some time of active debugging.
My system and apps:
Debian squeeze:2.6.32-5-686
Nginx: 1.4.1 (from dotdeb repository)
php5-fpm: 5.3.26-1~d (from dotdeb repository)
php5-xdebug: 5.3.26-1~d (from dotdeb repository)
netbeans: 7.3
My config:
nginx base config: https://gist.github.com/MihanEntalpo/6229801
nginx website config file: https://gist.github.com/MihanEntalpo/6229781
fastcgi_params file: https://gist.github.com/MihanEntalpo/d93fd4105573e1eda56f
php-fpm pool config file: https://gist.github.com/MihanEntalpo/6229820
php-fpm xdebug config file: https://gist.github.com/MihanEntalpo/6229836
netbeans: options, that was just the same with apache server:
Break on first line = OFF
Evalution in popup window = ON
Show requesting URL's = ON
Port = 9000
Record in nginx's error log file, when it cannot wait for script being debugged, or other script, locked by the problem #3, mentioned early:
2013/08/14 14:40:16 [error] 4822#0: *111 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: intranet.local, request: "GET /adminer.php?username=root&db=devel&table=user HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "intranet.local", referrer: "https://intranet.local/adminer.php?username=root&db=devel"
php-fpm's logs doesn't contains ANY error messages...
I don't like to disturb anyone with my problems, and always trying to solve it by myself. But in this case, I'm fighting with this ones for some MONTHS without luck...
If anyone faced this problems, or have working config for using with nginx+php-fpm+xdebug+netbeans - please help me :)
Thank you, everyone who tried to think in the direction of my problem.
I've solve it successfully.
First problem (with 504 error) could be solved by nginx option fastcgi_read_timeout, for example, it could be fastcgi_read_timeout 600; for tell nginx that it should wait for 600 seconds. It should be placed to host's config file, or to /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params (in Debian)
Second problem was caused by option in my xdebug.conf: xdebug.remote_autostart=1;, it should be xdebug.remote_autostart=0;. I doesn't understand the real meaning of this option, but it does following: Any php script automatically trying to connect to debugger (netbeans in my case). So, in some case, netbeans loses a connection, and when I press "Start debugging", it doesn't know, that new connection should be opened, and waiting for xdebug client forever. Now, with the mentioned option, I can start and stop debugging any time when I need it.
Third problem had the same source, as the second one. All others scripts, running on my server have tried to connect to netbeans, but with lost connection it was senseless.
Anyway, I hope this would help someone, who want to solve similar problems. StackOverflow helped me by forcing me to definitely describe my problem, and in this process I've gained new ideas on what to try.
When updating fastcgi_read_timeout you can increase the time limit for all sites on the server (vagrant homestead VM in my case) you can do the following once you've SSH'd into your VM:
sudo pico /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
and add
fastcgi_read_timeout 300;
to the http section.
For everyone having the same problem where the accepted answer did not work, in my case, it was a recently installed application that was blocking xdebug.
My company has remote access to install security software on my laptop so they installed ESET Endpoint Security.app and ESET Remote Administrator Agent.app which apparently also filters localhost connections. It took me two days until I finally noticed that there was an ESET daemon running and blocking connections on
The solution was to move to trash both applications since I don't have the necessary admin privileges to disable filtering in the application settings.
