Images and Video not loading on Github Pages - image

I'm working on a website with Github pages. My code has been reviewed and it said to be correct, but my images and video do not display when I look at the site on my browser. I've read a bunch of similar questions on this site, but the answer was always that the file path was case sensitive. My case is the same, it still doesn't work.
I've tried to use the "raw" url from github. Tried with a ./ and just a / no luck. My email is verified.
Any other suggestions? Thanks!!

The top level of your site is at
That means that an image located at resources/images/camp.jpg has a full path of
However, you're using /resources/images/camp.jpg which is relative to the top of the domain, in other words relative to That means /resources/images/camp.jpg references, which is wrong because it's missing the excursion subdirectory.
The easiest way to fix your problem is to just use /excursion/resources/images/camp.jpg instead of /resources/images/camp.jpg.
Or you could use a custom domain and get rid of the excursion subdirectory.
There are fancier options if you need something more specific, but hopefully this gets you going in the right direction.

I have also found that the file extension names are case sensitive. For Example, if the files are named *.JPG, the file path must also be in all caps.


Custom URL Protocol for Chrome as workaround for file:

I want to create a workaround for the URL protocol file: in Chrome, as it's security doesn't allow you to open certain files or locations. This would be for a small app of mine that I designed.
I searched around, and while I've found a lot of potentially good answers (such as this answer), I don't fully understand what each line should do, and whether it would actually work in my application.
The end-result that I want for this is to have a protocol like ih-link: that would allow me to open up links in Windows Explorer or elsewhere, similar to how you can do so in say, Outlook or Microsoft Word (if you create local or network shortcuts to a folder or file, it'll open it up without issue). Attempting this in Google Chrome gives varied results, either a browser-generated directory, or an error ususally.
I'd like to know, assuming the answer I linked to would work for me...
Is "URL Protocol"="" where I'd define the name of the protocol, so I'd use "URL Protocol"="ih-link", or something like that? I remember reading something about leaving that blank, so would I replace IntranetFileLauncher with whatever protocol name I want (in this case, it'd be ih-link?)
The next part that references explorer.exe seems to just reference the icon.
After that, what do the following two lines do?
The last lines of that script appear to just have it strip the protocol from the URL and pass the file path to explorer.. am I correct on this? I take it I would need to format the path as I would do for windows (using \ instead of /)?
I'm afraid to experiment without knowing more, mainly because I know that many things with the registry can be very dicey, so any clarification on this would be helpful.
Reading the actual documentation is better than trying to guess what some random code sample does.
URL Protocol is just a marker, it does not need a value. The default value (#) is where the name of your protocol is stored.
Yes, that entry (incorrectly) specifies the icon.
Those two lines are pointless. They create two empty keys but only the ...\shell\open\command line is required to properly build that registry path.
Yes, you might have to change / to \, add: call set url=%url:/=\% to the command.
Using cmd.exe to parse untrusted input is not ideal, it would be better to write a custom application.

Explanation regarding Contao Development

I need help regarding this issue.
I'am new to Contao, and coming from Wordpress, where the file structure (folder) is quite different, I'm having troubling of where to put the front-end files (HTML) and how to work with the Contao back-end. I'm on the way of reading the official documentation, but would really need another explanation, something like Wordpress-wise. Just so I know what files goes where and how to work around with them. Like where to put the header file, the footer file etc.
Just some explanation so I get what is goin' on and start doing it.
Thanks in advance!
It really depends on what you want to do. For example, there is no "header" or "footer" file. There is a general template for the front end called fe_page, which you can customize. But other than that, the contents of the header and footer for example can be defined in the so called page layout of the theme you configured.
Unfortunately the official manual is still in the process of being translated to English.

Joomla Component that allows frontend-access to a single folder

working on a Joomla site I came across the following problem: I need to give frontend-access to a specified directory on the server. The user (an elderly man who is not into IT, should be as simple as possible!) has to upload photos into a directory and should also be able to delete them if he wishes. I have found several extensions that allow easy uploading from the frontend. Still, I did not find any which would also allow to delete content, in fact I haven't even found one that even displays the content of the folder.
The features I ideally would like to have are:
- uploading
- displaying in a list
- deleting out of that list
the content of a specified folder via front-end.
Does anyone know an extension providing the needed features? Or would there possibly be a solution combining multiple extensions, each of them fulfilling one of the needs?
Thanks in advance!
the Image Galery of the DOCman extension ( should do the job but it is not free...

URL Rewriting contra Making Folders with index files

I hope this is not the wrong place to ask this, but this is driving me crazy. I'm making a website with a friend.
He've structered everything. I took a look and the site and it said
I thought to myself, good, he is using url rewriting.
So today I found out that there were no url rewriting, he had crated folders with index files. So the example above would work like this:
Our public_html would have like twelve folders, each containing an index file. When I saw this, I told him I found it very unprofessional and asked him to change it. He's telling me that it doesn't make a difference since the outcome is the same, visitor wise.
What disadvantages are the from using his method contra url rewriting?
One thing that comes to my mind is that i have to change the source of every css file, scripts etc. whenever I enter a folder.
Not sure about unprofessional part but this approach is definitely a maintenance nightmare. Today he has created 12 folders with their index.html, css, js files etc. Tomorrow your website may expand (who doesn't want to expand) and you will need more folders. You may need sub-sub URLs like:
etc etc. How long he can keep creating folder and sub folders like this.
Let's say he's doesn't mind and is ready to do it hard way. But what are you guys going to do if some day you want to change look & feel of your website. How many index.html, css, js file are you going to change?
My 2 cents: Use some CMS.

Open Source Asset Management or File Server

I'm looking for a simple tool that would allow users to update and tag assets.
THen search/browse for assets and view the assets in the search results.
I have lots of files, i.e. logos, buttons, infographics, icons. I'd like to be able to share the with co-workers and have them be able to easily locate them without have to guess based on file names.
Right now I'm using apache with dir listing and htaccess. But this is less than ideal.
Are you talking about Version Controls? If so, Git can help.
