Refer table filed that belong to multiple tables - magento

I am trying to get all the products that have sold the most within a window of time. I am using the following query
$productCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/product_collection')
->setOrder('ordered_qty', 'desc')
->setOrder('created_at', 'desc');
However created_at is a field in more than one table. How to correctly refer to the field from the table I intend to. I would also like to filter using the field from the intended table.

The query will look like this
SELECT ...... FROM `sales_flat_order_item` AS `order_items` INNER JOIN `sales_flat_order` AS `order` ON `order`.entity_id = order_items.order_id AND `order`.state <> 'canceled' LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` .....
So you have the tables aliases
order_items, order , and e
So you can add order like this
$productCollection->getSelect()->order('order_items.created_at' . ' ' . 'DESC');


Convert SQL to Laravel Eloquent Statement

I've been working on a few tables where through a rather complex relationship (that I'm trying to clean up, but I still need reports made from the data through my Laravel).
At the moment, I can pull the data using the following SQL query to my MySQL database:
SUM(shipments.balance) AS shipmentBalance
FROM customers
LEFT JOIN shipments
ON = shipments.bill_to
AND balance > (SELECT IFNULL(SUM(payments_distributions.amount),0)
FROM payments_distributions
WHERE payments_distributions.shipment_id = pro_number)
GROUP BY, customers.customer_name
ORDER BY shipmentBalance DESC
I'm just not sure how to rewrite it properly into the whereRaw or DB::raw statements that Laravel Eloquent requires, as my previous attempts have failed.
Here is the closest solution I have tried:
->select('customers', DB::raw('SUM(shipments.balance) AS shipmentBalance'))
(select shipments
ON = shipments.bill_to
AND balance > (SELECT IFNULL(SUM(payments_distributions.amount),0)
FROM payments_distributions
WHERE payments_distributions.shipment_id = pro_number)'))
->orderByRaw('shipmentBalance DESC')
Update 2
Edit for Dom:
Using everything as it stands with your answer, I get the following response:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'on clause' (SQL: select, customers.customer_name,SUM(s.balance) AS shipmentBalance from `customers` left join `shipments` as `s` on `customers`.`id` = `s`.`bill_to` and s.balance > (SELECT IFNULL(SUM(payments_distributions.amount),0) FROM payments_distributions WHERE payments_distributions.shipment_id = s.pro_number) = `` group by `customers`.`id`, `customers`.`customer_name` order by SUM(s.balance) DESC limit 5)
But if I remove this section, it brings up the page and the customers (though in the wrong order as I have removed one of the necessary components:
$join->on(DB::raw('s.balance >
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(payments_distributions.amount),0)
FROM payments_distributions
WHERE payments_distributions.shipment_id = s.pro_number)
Is there anything I can provide you with to get this specific statement to work with your entire answer?
Use this:
->select('', 'customers.customer_name', DB::raw('SUM(shipments.balance) AS shipmentBalance'))
->leftJoin('shipments', function($join) {
$join->on('', 'shipments.bill_to')
->where('balance', '>', function($query) {
->where('payments_distributions.shipment_id', DB::raw('pro_number'));
->groupBy('', 'customers.customer_name')
Without the Models containing relationships or being able to test on this specific project, this is the most eloquent way I can think of performing your task.
The benefit of starting with the Customer model is you will have a laravel collection and can paginate as needed. Also review the eloquent docs, they help you understand all the different options. Hope his helps.
P.S. Start by using your model in your controller or wherever you are placing this query with:
use App\Customer
The query
$theQuery = Customer::select(DB::raw(', customers.customer_name,SUM(s.balance) AS shipmentBalance'))
->leftJoin('shipments as s', function($join)
$join->on('', '=', 's.bill_to');
$join->on(DB::raw('s.balance >
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(payments_distributions.amount),0)
FROM payments_distributions
WHERE payments_distributions.shipment_id = s.pro_number)
->groupBy('', 'customers.customer_name')
->orderByRaw('SUM(s.balance) DESC')

I want to pass this query to Eloquent in laravel

I'm trying to make a query with eloquent, I try to get all the users who have one or more ads, taking into account that it is a one to many relationship (users to ads).
This query in general does what I want, but I do not know if it is well done and also how to pass it to Eloquent through the User model.
SELECT, COUNT( ) AS 'total' FROM users
INNER JOIN anuncio ON = anuncio.usuario_id WHERE
(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM anuncio WHERE anuncio.usuario_id = >0
I have tried several ways that only return Builder to me.
For example:
$listas = new User;
$listas = $listas->join('anuncio','','=','anuncio.usuario_id');
$listas = $listas->select(array('users.*', DB::raw('COUNT( AS total')));
$listas = $listas->where(function($query) use ($listas){
$listas = $listas->orderBy('total','DESC')->paginate(48);
By any suggestion I will be very grateful.
Try with this
$listas = User::join('anuncio','','=', 'anuncio.usuario_id')
->select('',DB::raw("count( as total"))
->having('total', '>', '0')
->orderby('total', 'desc')
Just use left join for this.
$users = DB::table('users')
->leftJoin('anuncio', '', '=', 'anuncio.usuario_id')
So Left Join will only select those result which has any match in anuncio table.

Magento filter order collection by product sku

I'm using magento 1.7 and I need to get all orders from certain increment_id containing at least one item matching a sku.
Here's what I have:
$orderCollection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()
'nin' => array(
->addFieldToFilter('increment_id', array('gteq' => $last_order));
If I add a line with:
$orderCollection->addFieldToFilter('sku', $findSku);
I will get a PHP fatal error since 'sku' is not a field. I've tried addAttributeToFilter() and it won't work either.
I know I need to build a join with another table, but I don't know how joins are made in Magento and I don't know which table I should join to.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
SKUs are placed in order item table not in orders.
Your final query must look like this one:
SELECT o.increment_id
FROM sales_flat_order_item oi
INNER JOIN sales_flat_order o ON o.entity_id = oi.order_id
WHERE product_id=XXX
ORDER BY o.increment_id DESC;
This query can be done using nearly such syntax:
$orderItem = Mage::getModel('sales/order_item')->getCollection();
->joinInner(array('order' => Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('sales/order')), 'order.entity_id = main_table.order_id' )
->where('product_id=?', $productId)
->order('main_table.order_id DESC');

Querying 4 tables with inner join codeigniter

i have 4 tables jobs, company, employment_type & job_category the primary key for each are job_id, com_id, type_id, job_cat_id, but (com_id, type_id, job_cat_id) are foreign key to jobs table.
my query without active record work perfectly and it is as follow
select company.com_id, company.company_name, jobs.job_id, jobs.title, jobs.opening_date, jobs.closing_date, jobs.number_of_pos, employment_type.type_id, employment_type.type, job_category.job_cat_id, job_category. category from company inner join jobs on company.com_id=jobs.com_id inner join employment_type on employment_type.type_id=jobs.type_id inner join job_category on job_category.job_cat_id=jobs.job_cat_id
but if i try to use codeiginiter active record such as
$this->db->select('company.com_id, company.company_name, jobs.job_id, jobs.title, jobs.opening_date, jobs.closing_date, jobs.number_of_pos, employment_type.type_id, employment_type.type, job_category.job_cat_id, job_category. category');
$this->db->join('employment_type', 'employment_type.type_id=jobs.type_id','inner');
$this->db->join('job_category', 'job_category.job_cat_id=jobs.job_cat_id','inner');
$this->db->limit($limit, $offset);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result_array();
i end up with the following error
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`) INNER JOIN `jobs` ON `company`.`com_id`=`jobs`.`com_id` INNER JOIN `employmen' at line 1
SELECT `company`.`com_id`, `company`.`company_name`, `jobs`.`job_id`, `jobs`.`title`, `jobs`.`opening_date`, `jobs`.`closing_date`, `jobs`.`number_of_pos`, `employment_type`.`type_id`, `employment_type`.`type`, `job_category`.`job_cat_id`, `job_category`.` category FROM (`company`) INNER JOIN `jobs` ON `company`.`com_id`=`jobs`.`com_id` INNER JOIN `employment_type` ON `employment_type`.`type_id`=`jobs`.`type_id` INNER JOIN `job_category` ON `job_category`.`job_cat_id`=`jobs`.`job_cat_id` ORDER BY `job_id` DESC LIMIT 10
Any help would be appreciated
you have a space in job_category. category remove that and you should be golden
Format your query like this
$data = array(
$this->db->join('employment_type', 'employment_type.type_id=jobs.type_id','inner');
$this->db->join('job_category', 'job_category.job_cat_id=jobs.job_cat_id','inner');
$this->db->limit($limit, $offset);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result_array();

Magento Get Product SELECTED ATTRIBUTE only?

Hi i'm working on an external application thats shows all the ordered items on a magento store.
The query that display the ordered product attribute is this :
select group_concat(distinct(b.value) separator '<br/>') from catalog_product_entity_varchar a , eav_attribute_option_value b , eav_attribute c
where a.value = b.option_id
and c.attribute_id = a.attribute_id
and c.is_user_defined = 1
and a.entity_id = PRODUCT_ID
This is for the attributes with type VARCHAR , i use the same query to get attributes of int and text. I just change the table name from catalog_product_entity_varchar to catalog_product_entity_int and catalog_product_entity_text.
The problem that i have is that i GET all the product attributes , manufacturer , supplier... and due to the fact that we got many stores i dont want to retrieve all the additional attributes with an additional sql where clause!
Any solution to get only selected attributes?
The below will grab the collection in PHP. You just need to change the Attribute that you select on. By adding the ->addOrderedQty, it allows the ability to get the ordered qty. Now I understand that you are using an external application. The reason that I post this is that you can load the Mage.php into your application and use this directly or you can just run this once and watch for the query in your database and then use that query to accomplish what you are looking to.
$visibility = array(
$_productCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/product_collection')
->addAttributeToFilter('visibility', $visibility)
->setOrder('ordered_qty', 'desc');
