I want to pass this query to Eloquent in laravel - laravel

I'm trying to make a query with eloquent, I try to get all the users who have one or more ads, taking into account that it is a one to many relationship (users to ads).
This query in general does what I want, but I do not know if it is well done and also how to pass it to Eloquent through the User model.
SELECT users.id, COUNT( anuncio.id ) AS 'total' FROM users
INNER JOIN anuncio ON users.id = anuncio.usuario_id WHERE
(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM anuncio WHERE anuncio.usuario_id = users.id) >0
GROUP BY users.id ORDER BY total DESC
I have tried several ways that only return Builder to me.
For example:
$listas = new User;
$listas = $listas->join('anuncio','users.id','=','anuncio.usuario_id');
$listas = $listas->select(array('users.*', DB::raw('COUNT(anuncio.id) AS total')));
$listas = $listas->where(function($query) use ($listas){
$listas = $listas->orderBy('total','DESC')->paginate(48);
By any suggestion I will be very grateful.

Try with this
$listas = User::join('anuncio','users.id','=', 'anuncio.usuario_id')
->select('users.id',DB::raw("count(anuncio.id) as total"))
->having('total', '>', '0')
->orderby('total', 'desc')

Just use left join for this.
$users = DB::table('users')
->leftJoin('anuncio', 'users.id', '=', 'anuncio.usuario_id')
So Left Join will only select those result which has any match in anuncio table.



I know that something similar was here some time ago,but it wasn't the same case and I can't just figure it out on myself.
I need to transform raw SQL query to Eloquent.
This query contains SELECT COUNT in WHERE clause, for simplicity I have this (may has not much sense) query :
SELECT u.column1, u.column2, u.column3, s.column1 FROM users u
LEFT JOIN salary s ON u.id = s.user_id
SELECT count(cars_id) FROM cars WHERE cars.user_id = u.id
) = 0
AND u.city IN ("London","Paris")
I tried:
$columns = [
$q = User::select($columns)
->leftJoin('salary', 'salary.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->whereRaw(" (SELECT COUNT(cars_id) FROM cars WHERE cars.user_id = u.id) = 0 ")
->whereRaw("u.city IN ('London','Paris')")
But it doesn't return same results as raw SQL (SQL had 161 rows and Eloquent 154 rows).
Maybe you know how to transform this kind of query correctly to Eloquent?
Based on your query I believe this should do it:
DB::table('users as u')
->select([ 'u.column1', 'u.column2', 'u.column3', 's.column1'])
->leftJoin('salary as s', 'u.id', '=', 's.user_id')
->leftJoin('cars as c', 'c.user_id', '=', 'u.id')
->whereIn('u.city', ['London', 'Paris'])
->havingRaw('count(c.id) = 0')
Please let me know.

Big raw query to Eloquent

I have the following query:
select users.email, count(login_history.id) actions from users
left join group_memberships ON group_memberships.user_id = users.id
left join groups ON groups.id = group_memberships.group_id
left join organisation ON organisation.group_id = groups.parent_id
right join login_history ON login_history.user_id = users.id
where group_memberships.group_id = 564 AND ((MONTH(login_history.created_at) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(login_history.created_at) = YEAR(CURDATE())))
group by login_history.user_id
As I'd like to use scopes I need this query in Eloquent. I could use selectRaw and whereRaw and that should work, however would it be better to use Eloquent: Relationships for the Users model and this query? Is it even possible?
Any input much appreciated.
All of these db operations are well documented here. Except for maybe the left joins.
You do that like this (with a callback function):
->leftJoin('category_lang', function( $join ) {
$join->on( 'category_lang.category_id', '=', 'do_hta_dirs.hd_pag_ID' );
$join->on( 'category_lang.lang_id', '=', 'do_hta_dirs.hd_dID' );
$join->on( 'category_lang.active', '=', DB::raw( '1' ) );

Query builder isn't execute where = on another column

Sorry, my question title isn't very clear but I couldn't figure a way to word this question.
I have the following query builder code.
return self::select(DB::raw('sum(user_points.points) AS points, users.id AS user_id, users.username, users.avatar, users.firstname, users.lastname'))
->join('users', 'users.id', '=', 'user_points.user_id')
$query->where('user_points.artist_id', 0)->orWhere('user_points.artist_id', 'users.favourite_artist_id');
->where('user_points.created_at', '>=', $startDate)
->where('user_points.created_at', '<=', $endDate)
->orderBy('points', 'DESC')
->orderBy('user_id', 'ASC')
It runs ok but is ignore the inner where query, specifically it's ignoring part of this;
$query->where('user_points.artist_id', 0)->orWhere('user_points.artist_id', 'users.favourite_artist_id');
It's matching 'user_points.artist_id = 0', but it's not matching the 'user_points.artist_id = users.favourite_artist_id', presumable it's got something to do with the way it's handling the bindings? But I can't seem to find a way to get it to work.
The complete query should end up like this;
SELECT SUM(user_points.points) AS points, users.id AS user_id, users.username, users.avatar, users.firstname, users.lastname
FROM user_points
INNER JOIN users ON users.id = user_points.user_id
WHERE (user_points.artist_id = 0 OR user_points.artist_id = users.favourite_artist_id)
AND user_points.created_at >= '$startDate' AND user_points.created_at <= '$endDate'
GROUP BY user_id
ORDER BY points DESC, user_id ASC
I updated the query builder code to this.
return self::select(DB::raw('sum(user_points.points) AS points, users.id AS user_id, users.username, users.avatar, users.firstname, users.lastname'))
->join('users', 'users.id', '=', 'user_points.user_id')
->where(function($query) {
$query->Where('user_points.artist_id', 0)->orWhere(DB::raw('user_points.artist_id = users.favourite_artist_id'));
->where('user_points.created_at', '>=', $startDate)
->where('user_points.created_at', '<=', $endDate)
->orderBy('points', 'DESC')
->orderBy('user_id', 'ASC')
That didn't work as the final query ended up looking like this.
select sum(user_points.points) AS points, users.id AS user_id, users.username, users.avatar, users.firstname, users.lastname
from `user_points` inner join `users` on `users`.`id` = `user_points`.`user_id` where (`user_points`.`artist_id` = ? or user_points.artist_id = users.favourite_artist_id is null)
and `user_points`.`created_at` >= ?
and `user_points`.`created_at` <= ?
group by `users`.`id`
order by `points` desc, `user_id` asc
You need to add the second where (or) as a raw query. The where method will add the second column as a value so you are actually trying the following:
user_points.artist_id = 'users.favourite_artist_id'
Try the following:
whereRaw("user_points.artist_id = users.favourite_artist_id")

Laravel: change a raw query in a "query-builder" or "eloquent" one

I have this Laravel Query Builder snippet that is working fine:
$records = DB::table('users')
DB::raw('users.*, activations.id AS activation,
(SELECT roles.name FROM roles
INNER JOIN role_users
ON roles.id = role_users.role_id
WHERE users.id = role_users.user_id LIMIT 1)
AS role')
->leftJoin('activations', 'users.id', '=', 'activations.user_id')
->where('users.id', '<>', 1)
Is there a way to avoid use of raw queries and get the same result? In other words, how can I write this in a more "query-builder" style? Can I also translate this into an Eloquent query?
You can used selectSub method for your query.
(1) First create the role query
$role = DB::table('roles')
->join('roles_users', 'roles.id', '=', 'role_users.role_id')
->whereRaw('users.id = role_users.user_id')
(2) Second added the $role sub query as role
->select('users.*', 'activations.id AS activation')
->selectSub($role, 'role') // Role Sub Query As role
->leftJoin('activations', 'users.id', '=', 'activations.user_id')
->where('users.id', '<>', 1)
Output SQL Syntax
"select `users`.*, `activations`.`id` as `activation`,
(select `roles`.`name` from `roles` inner join `roles_users` on `roles`.`id` = `role_users`.`role_id`
where users.id = role_users.user_id limit 1) as `role`
from `users`
left join `activations` on `users`.`id` = `activations`.`user_id`
where `users`.`id` <> ?
order by `last_name` asc, `first_name` asc
limit 10 offset 0"

laravel execute subquery query and get count

how select query like this in Laravel -
Select t.*, count(Select * from persons person
where person.user_id = t.id) from users t
->selectRaw('*, count(SELECT * FROM persons WHERE persons.user_id = users.id)')
In my opinion to count data of other table, you can use join table combining with group. It's same as your query. You can do this:
$users = DB::table('users')
->join('persons', 'users.id', '=', 'persons.user_id')
->select('users.*', count(persons.user_id))
I hope this can help you.
