Not getting desired output in Oracle - oracle

Table creation query:
create table students(
student_no number,
student_name varchar2(20),
student_addres varchar2(25),
student_dob date
joining_time date
Insert query:
insert into students
values (1,'ram','chittoor',to_date('02/04/2012','dd/mm/yyyy'),to_date('01:21:45','hh:mi:ss))
result:1 row inserted
Query to check insert:
select * from students
student_no student_name student_address student_dob joining_date
.......... ............ ............... ........... ............
1 ram chittoor 2-apr-2012 1-jul-2012
Qhy are the time values not getting inserted properly?

Your date is inserted properly, the tool you're using just seems to show the date without the time potion, check your tool settings;
Oracle has no support for Time only format, only date and time. Here is an excerpt from Oracle type documentation:
In a time-only entry, the date portion defaults to the first day of
the current month
Which is the case, you you get 1-July.
Based on this info, you'll need to rethink your queries.

Here is working example
If you want to get the Time from joining_time column then your,
Select query should be
SELECT student_no,
TO_CHAR (joining_time, 'hh:mi:ss') AS joining_time
FROM students


Oracle SQL Developer- How to force 00:00:00 hour when inserting a new DATE value

In my Oracle SQL Developer, i have a table with a column with DATE format. When i insert a new row into this table, and insert a new value in this column, it automatically suggestes me the current date with the current hour.
I would like that it automatically suggestes me current date, but with 00:00:00 hour . Is there some setting or parameter that i can set in my SQL Developer to have this result?
We can't able to insert 00:00:00 hours ... the hour value should be between 1 to 12...
we can use below query to insert 00:00:00 hours but the value will be changed to 12:00:00
( TO_DATE ('11/16/2017 00:00:00 ', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS '));
It seems to me that your DATE column is set with a DEFAULT of SYSDATE. This means, for any INSERT operations which do not specify a value in your DATE column, the current date and time will populate for that row. However, if INSERT operations do specify a value in your DATE column, then the specified date value will supersede the DEFAULT of SYSDATE.
If an application is controlling INSERT operations on that table, then one solution is to ensure the application utilizes the TRUNC() function to obtain your desired results. For example:
INSERT INTO tbl_target
However, if there are multiple applications or interfaces where users could be inserting new rows into the table, (e.g. using Microsoft Access or users running INSERT statements via SQL Developer) and you can't force all of those interfaces to utilize the TRUNC() function on that column during insertion, then you need to look into other options.
If you can ensure via applications that INSERT operations will not actually reference the DATE, then you can simply ALTER the table so that the DATE column will have a DEFAULT of TRUNC(SYSDATE). A CHECK CONSTRAINT can be added for further integrity:
ALTER TABLE tbl_target
CONSTRAINT tbl_target_CHK_dt CHECK(col_date = TRUNC(col_date, 'DDD'))
However, if users still have the freedom to specify the DATE when inserting new rows, you will want to use a TRIGGER:
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER tbl_target_biu_row
ON tbl_target
:NEW.col_date := TRUNC(SYSDATE, 'DDD');
END tbl_target_biu_row
This will take of needing to manage the application code of all external INSERT operations on the table. Keep in mind, the above trigger is also modifying the DATE column if a user updates the specified value column.

Hive partition table by month from daily timestamp?

Is it possible to create partition like 01 from date like 2017-01-02' where 01 is month ?
I have daily sales record and I need to do query like select * from sales where month = '01'. So it will be better if I could partition my daily sales by month.but my data has date of format 2017-01-01 and doing
create table tl (columns ......) partitioned by (date <datatype> ) will create partition on daily basis which is the last thing I want .
I need to create partition dynamically.
CAUTION:- You need to escape date column(by using ` i.e. backtick around column name) in create statement. Because date is a datatype in hive.
You can create partitions dynamically:-
by setting below parameter in query.
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
Along with that you need to select only month part from source table:-
insert into table sales partition(date) select columns...,SUBSTR(date,5,2) from source_table
This insert statement will create partitions like.
show partitions sales

select data based on a date column

I was trying to select some data from my table using the following query:
select * from table1 where column1 = to_date('14-05-14','yy-mm-dd');
Where the column data type is DATE. I observed that, the above query won't return anything unless we modified it as,
select * from table1 where trunc(column1) = to_date('14-05-14','yy-mm-dd');
even though there are records available.
I checked the documentation for TRUNC.Can anyone please explain why this happens?
As per the valuable comments I think some time values may also associated with the DATE. But I cannot view/edit that time. How can I ensure there are time values associated.
Both TO_DATE and TRUNC are different. See the below example.
SQL> ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format = 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
Session altered.
28/05/2014 16:03:25
28/05/2014 00:00:00
In Your first query to_date('14-05-14','yy-mm-dd') is comparing with the date field column1 in your table which has time values also. Whereas in Your 2nd query You are truncating the time part from table data and from Your query, that's why it's matching.
The DATE datatype stores the year (including the century), the month, the day, the hours, the minutes, and the seconds (after midnight).
TRUNC function will truncate the date to the day value, so that any hours, minutes, or seconds will be truncated off.
For more info please look at these below links

SQL Table Column that uses input from Another Column in Same Table

I want to have a column in table which calculates the value depending on the other column in the same table.
For example,
I have "Validity" Table with Columns "DateManufactured", "DateExpires"
The Date Expires column must calculate value suppose adding 30 days for Datemanufactured.
How Can we do this in Visual Studio2010->DataSet Design-> DataTable Column-> Properties->Expression
See relevant Image here
What could be the possible expression for this in terms of SQL Server Expressions?
Please Suggest optimal Solution.
Thanks in advance.
I believe you are looking for DateAdd
SELECT DATEADD(day, 30, '15 Dec 1988')
select dateadd(day,30,getdate())
this will take the current date(getdate())
add 30 days to it.
I would suggest creating a stored procedure to insert your data into your table with parameters of the values that needs to be inserted. you can then do your calculation based on your date parameter. Example:
Create Procedure InsertValidity
#City varchar(20),
#Area varchar(20),
#DatePosted datetime,
declare #DurationFrom datetime
set #DurationFrom = (select DATEADD(dd,30,#DatePosted)
insert into Validity (City, Area, ..., DatePosted, ... UserID)
values(#City, #Area, ..., #DatePosted,...#DurationFrom,...#UserID)
This should solve your problem. Just complete the script by replacing the ... with your other data then execute the stored procedure in your application.

how to insert date and time in oracle?

Im having trouble inserting a row in my table. Here is the insert statement and table creation. This is part of a uni assignment hence the simplicity, what am i doing wrong? Im using oracle SQL developer Version 3.0.04.'
The problem i am having is that it is only inserting the dd/mon/yy but not the time. How do i get it to insert the time as well?
VALUES ('102','Machanic Summer Savings',TO_DATE('22/April/2011 8:30:00AM','DD/MON/YY HH:MI:SSAM'),'3')
StaffNo NCHAR(4),
CampaignTitle VARCHAR(50),
DateTime DATE,
Hours VARCHAR(2)
Thanks for the help.
EDIT: This is making no sense, i enter just a time in the field to test if time is working and it outputs a date WTF? This is really weird i may not use a date field and just enter the time in, i realise this will result in issues manipulating the data but this is making no sense...
You can use
insert into table_name
(TO_DATE('2003/05/03 21:02:44', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'));
Hope it helps.
You are doing everything right by using a to_date function and specifying the time. The time is there in the database. The trouble is just that when you select a column of DATE datatype from the database, the default format mask doesn't show the time. If you issue a
alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd/MON/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'
or something similar including a time component, you will see that the time successfully made it into the database.
Try this:
...(to_date('2011/04/22 08:30:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'));
Just use TO_DATE() function to convert string to DATE.
For Example:
create table Customer(
CustId int primary key,
CustName varchar(20),
DOB date);
insert into Customer values(1,'Vishnu', TO_DATE('1994/12/16 12:00:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss'));
create table Customer(
CustId int primary key,
CustName varchar(20),
DOB date);
insert into Customer values(1,'kingle', TO_DATE('1994-12-16 12:00:00', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mi:ss'));
