Oracle SQL Developer- How to force 00:00:00 hour when inserting a new DATE value - settings

In my Oracle SQL Developer, i have a table with a column with DATE format. When i insert a new row into this table, and insert a new value in this column, it automatically suggestes me the current date with the current hour.
I would like that it automatically suggestes me current date, but with 00:00:00 hour . Is there some setting or parameter that i can set in my SQL Developer to have this result?

We can't able to insert 00:00:00 hours ... the hour value should be between 1 to 12...
we can use below query to insert 00:00:00 hours but the value will be changed to 12:00:00
( TO_DATE ('11/16/2017 00:00:00 ', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS '));

It seems to me that your DATE column is set with a DEFAULT of SYSDATE. This means, for any INSERT operations which do not specify a value in your DATE column, the current date and time will populate for that row. However, if INSERT operations do specify a value in your DATE column, then the specified date value will supersede the DEFAULT of SYSDATE.
If an application is controlling INSERT operations on that table, then one solution is to ensure the application utilizes the TRUNC() function to obtain your desired results. For example:
INSERT INTO tbl_target
However, if there are multiple applications or interfaces where users could be inserting new rows into the table, (e.g. using Microsoft Access or users running INSERT statements via SQL Developer) and you can't force all of those interfaces to utilize the TRUNC() function on that column during insertion, then you need to look into other options.
If you can ensure via applications that INSERT operations will not actually reference the DATE, then you can simply ALTER the table so that the DATE column will have a DEFAULT of TRUNC(SYSDATE). A CHECK CONSTRAINT can be added for further integrity:
ALTER TABLE tbl_target
CONSTRAINT tbl_target_CHK_dt CHECK(col_date = TRUNC(col_date, 'DDD'))
However, if users still have the freedom to specify the DATE when inserting new rows, you will want to use a TRIGGER:
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER tbl_target_biu_row
ON tbl_target
:NEW.col_date := TRUNC(SYSDATE, 'DDD');
END tbl_target_biu_row
This will take of needing to manage the application code of all external INSERT operations on the table. Keep in mind, the above trigger is also modifying the DATE column if a user updates the specified value column.


Oracle -- Datatype of column which can store value "13:45"

We need to store a value "13:45" in the column "Start_Time" of an Oracle table.
Value can be read as 45 minutes past 13:00 hours
Which datatype to be used while creating the table? Also, once queried, we would like to see only the value "13:45".
I would make it easier:
create table t_time_only (
time_col varchar2(5),
time_as_interval INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND invisible
generated always as (to_dsinterval('0 '||time_col||':0')),
constraint check_time
check ( VALIDATE_CONVERSION(time_col as date,'hh24:mi')=1 )
Check constraint allows you to validate input strings:
SQL> insert into t_time_only values('25:00');
insert into t_time_only values('25:00')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint (CHECK_TIME) violated
And invisible virtual generated column allows you to make simple arithmetic operations:
SQL> insert into t_time_only values('15:30');
1 row created.
SQL> select trunc(sysdate) + time_as_interval as res from t_time_only;
2020-09-21 15:30:00
Your best option is to store the data in a DATE type column. If you are going to be any comparisons against the times (querying, sorting, etc.), you will want to make sure that all of the times are using the same day. It doesn't matter which day as long as they are all the same.
CREATE TABLE test_time
time_col DATE
INSERT INTO test_time
VALUES (TO_DATE ('13:45', 'HH24:MI'));
INSERT INTO test_time
VALUES (TO_DATE ('8:45', 'HH24:MI'));
Test Query
SELECT time_col,
TO_CHAR (time_col, 'HH24:MI') AS just_time,
24 * (time_col - LAG (time_col) OVER (ORDER BY time_col)) AS difference_in_hours
FROM test_time
ORDER BY time_col;
Test Results
____________ ____________ ______________________
01-SEP-20 08:45
01-SEP-20 13:45 5
Table Definition using INTERVAL
create table tab
(tm INTERVAL DAY(1) to SECOND(0));
Input value as literal
insert into tab (tm) values (INTERVAL '13:25' HOUR TO MINUTE );
Input value dynamically
insert into tab (tm) values ( (NUMTODSINTERVAL(13, 'hour') + NUMTODSINTERVAL(26, 'minute')) );
you may either EXTRACT the hour and minute
EXTRACT(HOUR FROM tm) int_hour,
EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM tm) int_minute
or use formatted output with a trick by adding some fixed DATE
to_char(DATE'2000-01-01'+tm,'hh24:mi') int_format
which gives
Please see this answer for other formating options HH24:MI
The used INTERVAL definition may store seconds as well - if this is not acceptable, add CHECK CONSTRAINT e.g. as follows (adjust as requiered)
constraint "wrong interval" check (tm <= INTERVAL '23:59' HOUR TO MINUTE and EXTRACT(SECOND FROM tm) = 0 )
This rejects the following as invalid input
insert into tab (tm) values (INTERVAL '13:25:30' HOUR TO SECOND );
-- ORA-02290: check constraint (X.wrong interval) violated

Performance of date time concatenation into timestamp

Oracle 12C, non partitioned, no ASM.
This is the background. I have a table with multiple columns, 3 of them being -
The table has around 70 million records. What I want to do is concatenate the tran_date and the tran_time field and update the final_datetime field with that output, for all 70 million records.
This is the query I have -
update MYSCHEMA.MYTAB set FINAL_DATETIME = (to_timestamp( (to_char(tran_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') || ' ' ||to_char(TRAN_TIME,'HH24MISS') ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'))
At present (for one record)
TRAN_TIME=01-JAN-70 AM /*I need only the time part from this*/
Post the query - the FINAL_DATETIME needs to be
01-DEC-16 AM
The to_timestamp does require 2 character strings and I fear this will slow down the update a lot. Any suggestions?
What more can I do to increase performance? No one else will be using the table at this point, so, I do have the option to
Drop indices
Turn off logging
and anything more anyone can suggest.
Any help is appreciated.
I would prefer CTAS method and your job would be simpler if you didn't have indexes, triggers and constraints on your table.
Create a new table for the column to be modified.
CREATE TABLE mytab_new
SELECT /*+ FULL(mytab) PARALLEL(mytab, 10) */ --hint to speed up the select.
CAST(tran_date AS TIMESTAMP) + ( tran_time - trunc(tran_time) ) AS final_datetime
FROM mytab;
I have included only one(the final) column in your new table because storing the other two in the new table is waste of resources. You may include other columns in select apart from the two now redundant ones.
Read logging/nologging to know about NOLOGGING option in the select.
Next step is to rebuild indexes, triggers and constraints for the new table new_mytab using the definition from mytab for other columns if they exist.
Then rename the tables
rename mytab to mytab_bkp;
rename mytab_new to mytab;
You may drop the table mytab_bkp after validating the new table or later when you feel you no longer need it.

Not getting desired output in Oracle

Table creation query:
create table students(
student_no number,
student_name varchar2(20),
student_addres varchar2(25),
student_dob date
joining_time date
Insert query:
insert into students
values (1,'ram','chittoor',to_date('02/04/2012','dd/mm/yyyy'),to_date('01:21:45','hh:mi:ss))
result:1 row inserted
Query to check insert:
select * from students
student_no student_name student_address student_dob joining_date
.......... ............ ............... ........... ............
1 ram chittoor 2-apr-2012 1-jul-2012
Qhy are the time values not getting inserted properly?
Your date is inserted properly, the tool you're using just seems to show the date without the time potion, check your tool settings;
Oracle has no support for Time only format, only date and time. Here is an excerpt from Oracle type documentation:
In a time-only entry, the date portion defaults to the first day of
the current month
Which is the case, you you get 1-July.
Based on this info, you'll need to rethink your queries.
Here is working example
If you want to get the Time from joining_time column then your,
Select query should be
SELECT student_no,
TO_CHAR (joining_time, 'hh:mi:ss') AS joining_time
FROM students

oracle sql break out records

I have a table that has a StartDate and EndDate field, and also a ton of other fields. I need to break out each record by all the days between and including StartDate & EndDate into another table that looks exactly like the original except it has a CurrentDate field and 2 calculated fields. The CurrentDate field is the current date between StartDate and EndDate that I'm interating on.
My question is, since there are a ton of fields in this, is there any easy way from within my stored proc, to insert the entire row the cursor is currently on AND this 1 new column, without having to list out every single row in the insert statement? It's so tedious.
If your source and destination tables fit this profile:
Destination table columns are the same as your source table's columns, and
The new destination column is at the end
... then you could do something like this:
INSERT INTO dest_table
SELECT Source_Table.*, new_value
FROM Source_Table
WHERE Source_Table.PKValue = cursor.PKValue
If it's a case of your cursor resembling the destination table, something like this may work but note I haven't tested it:
destRow dest_table%ROWTYPE;
CURSOR fromSourceTable IS
SELECT <your existing select list>, NULL AS new_value
FROM <the rest of your cursor query>;
FOR destRow IN fromSourceTable LOOP
destRow.new_value = <the split date>;
INSERT INTO dest_table VALUES destRow;
END whatever;
I'm going out on a limb with the NULL AS new_value. If you have trouble try CAST(NULL AS DATE) AS new_value instead, and if you still have trouble try something like SYSDATE AS new_value. Again, this isn't tested but if you think it's promising and have trouble implementing I'd be happy to test it.
It's easy enough to densify the data in a single SQL statement. Assuming that you know a reasonable minimum and maximum range for your begin_date and end_date (I'll assume Jan 1, 2000 - Dec 31, 2020 for the moment but you can obviously adjust that)
WITH all_days AS (
SELECT date '2000-01-01' + level dt
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level <= date '2020-12-31' - date '2000-01-01'
SELECT <<list of colums from your table>>,
all_days.dt current_date
FROM your_table actual
JOIN all_days ON (actual.begin_date <= all_days.dt AND
actual.end_date >= all_days.dt)
If you don't want to hard-code the starting and ending dates, you can fetch them from your table as well. That just requires that you hit the table a second time which will generally be less efficient.

How to update a TIMESTAMP column to TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE in Oracle

I have a pair of columns that were unfortunately defined incorrectly as TIMESTAMP(6) instead of TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE. I would like to migrate those columns from the old, wrong datatype to the new, correct one. On top of that, the values appear to have been captured in E(S|D)T and I need the value in UTC.
So far, the best I've got is:
alter table OOPSIE_TABLE add (
NEW_COLUMN_A timestamp(6) with time zone,
NEW_COLUMN_B timestamp(6) with time zone
update OOPSIE_TABLE set
alter table OOPSIE_TABLE drop column (
alter table OOPSIE_TABLE rename column NEW_COLUMN_A to COLUMN_A;
alter table OOPSIE_TABLE rename column NEW_COLUMN_B to COLUMN_B;
Unfortunately, that leaves me with data that looks like 15-JUN-12 PM -04:00, when I want 15-JUN-12 PM UTC (or however Oracle would format it).
I've done select dbtimezone from dual; and it shows me +00:00, so I'm not sure how to proceed. Ideally, I would be able to do this in pure DML, and have it account for DST based on the old date values (which I'm sure are in the America/New_York timezone).
With a little help from #JustinCave, I arrived at the following solution, which accomplishes exactly what I wanted:
-- Rename the old columns so we can use them as a data source *AND* so
-- we can roll back to them if necessary.
alter table OOPSIE_TABLE rename column COLUMN_A to OLD_COLUMN_A;
alter table OOPSIE_TABLE rename column COLUMN_B to OLD_COLUMN_B;
-- Define COLUMN_A and COLUMN_B to have TIME ZONE support.
alter table OOPSIE_TABLE add (
COLUMN_A timestamp(6) with time zone,
COLUMN_B timestamp(6) with time zone
-- Populate the "new" columns with the adjusted version of the old data.
update OOPSIE_TABLE set
COLUMN_A = from_tz(OLD_COLUMN_A, 'America/New_York') at time zone 'UTC',
COLUMN_B = from_tz(OLD_COLUMN_B, 'America/New_York') at time zone 'UTC'
For me it looks good.
`SELECT SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(TIMESTAMP '2012-06-15 05:46:20 -04:00') FROM DUAL;`
2012-06-15 09:46:20
You simply live in country with 4 hour difference to UTC.
Also try something like:
SELECT to_char(new_column_a, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZD'), sys_extract_utc(new_column_a) FROM oopsie_table;
