Browse multiple image simultaneously in Magento - image

I want to upload multiple image in one time.
Please suggest code for browse multiple image & upload it simultaneously in Magento-----------

What version of Magento are you on?
How are you trying to upload?
We use EE and have always had the option in product configuration to upload multiple product images.
Catalog/Manage Products/
Select the appropriate product
Images/Browse Files
Select what you want upload
Upload Files/Save or Save and Continue Edit
Depending on how your store is setup you may need to reindex and flush your cache.


How to use external urls for product images in Magento2

Need to display images for products without uploading on my server. I need to achieve:
Images are uploaded on another server
Images to be display on magento2 products
Is it possible that we add image URL attribute like: ImageURL1, ImageURL2 and import both the image URL while product upload and Call them on Magento2 Website.
Yes, you can add additional product attributes to store custom images from other server. But in order for them to be shown in your storefront, you'll need to adapt your product page templates, asking the product for this attributes and create the images with those URLs (when not empty values there).
Additionally if you'd like to serve all your media from a different server but only changing the domain part of the URL, you can use a CDN (content delivery network), which is supported by Magento out of the box, and can set setup in the Magento admin, menu STORES > Configuration > Web, groups "Base URLs" and "Base URLs (Secure)".
Hope that helps.

Multiple Image upload functionality in system configuration Magento

How can we get Magento default Multiple mage upload functionality in system configuration section ?
Currently I am using adminhtml/system_config_backend_image backend model for single image upload. But I need multiple image functionality same as available in edit product section.
You can create new product attribute with type Media Image and scope Global.
It will appear within Images tab when you edit product.

Transferring / Migrating an entire Catalog in Magento

I've been trying to transfer the entire catalog from one Magento server to another and I've been experiencing some significant problems.
I can get most of the catalog data across, but I always end up missing something like product swatches, product categories or a product's custom options. To get these across I then end up building my own scripts that queries Magento, writes the data to a CSV file of my own design, and then write another script that will add this data to the other server.
Ive been asking the other developers in house, and apparently this is how they do every migration. They spend ages building lots of custom scripts just to transfer the catalog across, and apparently the different Magento sites are so different they have to build entirely new scripts when they transfer the next site.
Is this a common experience for everybody?
I feel like there must be a better way. Does anybody know of a better way to transfer the entire catalog (not just the products, but everything) to another server? Can we not just copy across the entire SQL Database?
You can export the products using Magento export wizard by going into System -> import/export ->export
Then from export settings select Entity type Products and Export File Format as CSV
After getting the CSV file you can import the whole catalog using the Magento same wizard or You can use data flow.
The other option around to import bigger catalogs in Magento is to Use Magmi.
I hope this will help
There are many ways you can migrate your magento store from one server to another.
If you want to transfer complete magento site, then you should try with database import/export. Its easy and fast process. You can follow Site Ground tutorial for this
If you want to transfer only data such as product, catalog, customers, orders etc, then you can try magmi importer its easy and fast for importing data. Also you can try magento data flow profiles as well.

How to go about making a form in magento which requires image upload

I am new to magento so basically unable to figure out a solution for a current problem at hand. We have an eCommerce store built on top of magento. Now, we need to have a form in which the user can fill in some details and upload their image. How can this be effectively done in magento.
As of now, I am thinking of having a form page with upload php script and then save the details in CSV text file. Is this the right way to go for it. Also, we might need to add this information as a customer and use it later.
Actually we are starting a monthly item delivery system for which we need to have customers information and photo. Just throw some light on the issue and let me know how to go about it. Thanks
Check the below link, it show how to upload and saved a image in Magento.

bulk importing magento

I need help with importing bulk products to a store in our magento multi-store configuration. the products should have the names, images, categories, descriptions, custom options (sizing with fixed pricing). I created a csv and was able to successfully upload products but the sizing did not show along with the pricing. Also the images did not appear on front end. I uploaded into media/import and edited in the three csv columns. I also created a direct under the letter system for example if the image name started with ab I would created directory a/b/image.jpg and put them in the three areas of the csv. any help is greatly appreciated.
Try: Magmi Mass Importer
Better than spending the $$ on Unirgy RapidFlow if you don't have any budget.
Please download Magmi Plugin.
And put Magmi under the root direcotry of your site
and run
Now configure the magmi according to your requirment.
(Note: you need to put csv file under the var/import)
It you want to Upload images You need also magmi image plugin
Download link:
Try adding one of the products to be imported manually. Then export it from the admin panel and see what corrections should be made to the csv.
