Multiple Image upload functionality in system configuration Magento - magento

How can we get Magento default Multiple mage upload functionality in system configuration section ?
Currently I am using adminhtml/system_config_backend_image backend model for single image upload. But I need multiple image functionality same as available in edit product section.

You can create new product attribute with type Media Image and scope Global.
It will appear within Images tab when you edit product.


How to use external urls for product images in Magento2

Need to display images for products without uploading on my server. I need to achieve:
Images are uploaded on another server
Images to be display on magento2 products
Is it possible that we add image URL attribute like: ImageURL1, ImageURL2 and import both the image URL while product upload and Call them on Magento2 Website.
Yes, you can add additional product attributes to store custom images from other server. But in order for them to be shown in your storefront, you'll need to adapt your product page templates, asking the product for this attributes and create the images with those URLs (when not empty values there).
Additionally if you'd like to serve all your media from a different server but only changing the domain part of the URL, you can use a CDN (content delivery network), which is supported by Magento out of the box, and can set setup in the Magento admin, menu STORES > Configuration > Web, groups "Base URLs" and "Base URLs (Secure)".
Hope that helps.

Joomla Slider which takes data from custom forms

I’m a newbie to Joomla and I want to add an image slider to my Joomla site.
When user click on an image in the joomla page, it should redirect to the backend web application (which is a JSP/Servlet webapp running in tomcat) with several parameters specific to that image. These parameters need to store in joomla along with the images.
1) I have to create a custom form in Joomla to upload an image and other parameters. But also I have to display the already entered records and allow user to edit/delete them.
2) These uploaded images should display in the image slider with their parameters.
Can anyone advise how should I approach this?
I created it my own way. Hope this helps to somebody.
I created a component of a grid with a form using component-creator. This is a free tool which is very useful in Joomla component generating. ( Or you can be a paid user for advanced features)
Then I installed the component and upload images with their parameters.
Then I created a custom module for image carousel. Details for these images were taken from the mysql database. I used jCarouselLite for the image slider.
Thanx :)

Browse multiple image simultaneously in Magento

I want to upload multiple image in one time.
Please suggest code for browse multiple image & upload it simultaneously in Magento-----------
What version of Magento are you on?
How are you trying to upload?
We use EE and have always had the option in product configuration to upload multiple product images.
Catalog/Manage Products/
Select the appropriate product
Images/Browse Files
Select what you want upload
Upload Files/Save or Save and Continue Edit
Depending on how your store is setup you may need to reindex and flush your cache.

How to add an extra field in magento admin panel to upload a pdf?

I'm new to magento. I need to give an option to upload the pdf in the add product page.
Just need to give the file upload option with extra field.
I'm using magento 1.7.
Thanks in advance.
There are two ways you can achieve this:
1. Easy one
Create a new product attribute, let's say product_pdf text field, and assign it to some group and attribute set. This field should now reflect in your admin's product page and allow you to save PDF name.
Then make a directory on your Magento (may be in media/pdf) and save all your PDFs if you have. If not, then each time you save the value in Product's custom attribute that we created (product_pdf), also upload the PDF manually at the location you created (media/pdf).
So whenever in frontend you want to show the PDF of product, you will always get the file name from product_pdf attribute and the location should be media/pdf.
2. Difficult/Lengthy one:
Create a file uploader in your Magento Admin's Manage Product screen. Here everything should be in your custom module, from creating a new field to uploading it.
I will not go far, but give you some place where you can exactly know how to go with it:

Adding Banner To Magento Product Page

Hi Everyone i am seek your expertise. I am working on a magento store and am wanting to add a banner to my product page like the image attached. This banner needs to be different on each product page so am wanting a way that i can either browse my computer for the image or add a url to the image location. I am thinking i need to create an attribute and then under Admin > Catalog > Manager Product > Images list i will be able to pull in the banner just like adding a new image product. Is this the correct way of doing it and if so, how can i specify on my template where the banner will be added (i.e at the top of the page). I have tryed to find some code where i can add so it knows that when i have this attribute to put it in that location. Any help would be much appreciated
Sorry without the actual code there is not much help you will get. But this is an idea you can use:
Yes your thinking it correctly. Although a more elegant way to do this would be by adding an option in the image grid as (banner). This will allow you to use the power of existing image processing and handling systems in magento.
Once this is done; simply add the code in template file for product view page (I am not sure whether this is a enterprise or community version or you are using a theme. It's best to enable the developer debugger option to view the template file path).
In terms of adding this code this should be fairly simple. You just need to check any image has been flagged as "banner" or not. Then do some resize to fit in the page and it should work.
Hi you can simply create a one new attribute for a product using for banner image and you can use that attribute on product view page, and the banner will be display on product page according to each banner attribute value specify in the admin. This will be very simple in use.
