How to go about making a form in magento which requires image upload - magento

I am new to magento so basically unable to figure out a solution for a current problem at hand. We have an eCommerce store built on top of magento. Now, we need to have a form in which the user can fill in some details and upload their image. How can this be effectively done in magento.
As of now, I am thinking of having a form page with upload php script and then save the details in CSV text file. Is this the right way to go for it. Also, we might need to add this information as a customer and use it later.
Actually we are starting a monthly item delivery system for which we need to have customers information and photo. Just throw some light on the issue and let me know how to go about it. Thanks

Check the below link, it show how to upload and saved a image in Magento.


How customer can upload the image in product magento?

I want to upload the image at the front end of the product view page
but i don't know how to do these so if anybody know the answer then replay me.
I see the some extension but its not work properly
Thanks in advance.
Magento has out of the box custom options. You can add new custom options with type file.
Check it, possible it helps in your case.

magento google calendar integration

I am new to magento, and working on already installed magento system. The thing is, we have integrated google calendar with our magento booking system. But, nowdays, the bookings are not getting pushed into the calendar.I also checked the configuration settings, and the username password for Google calendar are correct. So, when I go to any product, then the dropdownlist for google calendar doesnt pop up anything. Please I need some help in bringing this calendar back.
I think you could open Firebug and try to click in the calender, then select the element which stands in your way. It could be something wrong with the HTML or CSS.
Besides that, keep in mind don't overwrite the original file as it will be overwritten again on next update. Create a new file and include this instead via layout xml.
Hopes that can help.

How to add an extra field in magento admin panel to upload a pdf?

I'm new to magento. I need to give an option to upload the pdf in the add product page.
Just need to give the file upload option with extra field.
I'm using magento 1.7.
Thanks in advance.
There are two ways you can achieve this:
1. Easy one
Create a new product attribute, let's say product_pdf text field, and assign it to some group and attribute set. This field should now reflect in your admin's product page and allow you to save PDF name.
Then make a directory on your Magento (may be in media/pdf) and save all your PDFs if you have. If not, then each time you save the value in Product's custom attribute that we created (product_pdf), also upload the PDF manually at the location you created (media/pdf).
So whenever in frontend you want to show the PDF of product, you will always get the file name from product_pdf attribute and the location should be media/pdf.
2. Difficult/Lengthy one:
Create a file uploader in your Magento Admin's Manage Product screen. Here everything should be in your custom module, from creating a new field to uploading it.
I will not go far, but give you some place where you can exactly know how to go with it:

Adding Banner To Magento Product Page

Hi Everyone i am seek your expertise. I am working on a magento store and am wanting to add a banner to my product page like the image attached. This banner needs to be different on each product page so am wanting a way that i can either browse my computer for the image or add a url to the image location. I am thinking i need to create an attribute and then under Admin > Catalog > Manager Product > Images list i will be able to pull in the banner just like adding a new image product. Is this the correct way of doing it and if so, how can i specify on my template where the banner will be added (i.e at the top of the page). I have tryed to find some code where i can add so it knows that when i have this attribute to put it in that location. Any help would be much appreciated
Sorry without the actual code there is not much help you will get. But this is an idea you can use:
Yes your thinking it correctly. Although a more elegant way to do this would be by adding an option in the image grid as (banner). This will allow you to use the power of existing image processing and handling systems in magento.
Once this is done; simply add the code in template file for product view page (I am not sure whether this is a enterprise or community version or you are using a theme. It's best to enable the developer debugger option to view the template file path).
In terms of adding this code this should be fairly simple. You just need to check any image has been flagged as "banner" or not. Then do some resize to fit in the page and it should work.
Hi you can simply create a one new attribute for a product using for banner image and you can use that attribute on product view page, and the banner will be display on product page according to each banner attribute value specify in the admin. This will be very simple in use.

How do I create a Magento module or widget that will appear on the shopping cart page?

I’m having a lot of trouble understanding how to create a module that will add an extra button to the shopping cart page. I found lots of info on payment modules and stand-a-lone page modules, but nothing for this.
I simply need to add a button underneath the regular “Checkout” button that can post item data to another website. I’ve created a module but can’t get Magento to recognize it and display the button on that spot. Any help would be greatly appreciated, even just sending me to an existing tutorial that I haven’t been able to find. Thanks.
A custom module is probably overkill for this. Module means a very specific thing in Magento. It's a mechanism for inserting custom code into Magento's standard operations. All you want to do is add a button to the cart page. Editing the file at
(substitute your theme/site name if not using base or default)
is the place you'll want to start looking. Just find the phtml file that corresponds to the place you want to insert your custom HTML and have at it.
