Highlight NSImageView in NSView - xcode

I have a simple question. I have my NSView which is detecting drops (drag and drop). When user drops a link with image from browser, I detect that action, create NSImageView, initialize it on a place where user dropped it with some default frameSize and put the image from the link into it.
I would now like to highlight that NSImageView when user clicks on it. I also want to implement moving around that NSImageView in NSView but I'm pretty sure I will manage that. How do I highlight that exact NSImageView which was clicked? I haven't created earlier that NSImageView in interfacebuilder and assigned a special class for it so I can use drawRect, I have just created it dynamically...
Any help would be appreciated.

You can use NSImageView's setImageFrameStyle for highlighting.


Does Interface Builder's new IBDesignable attribute work with NSButton and other controls in Cocoa?

I have managed to get the IBDesignable/IBInspectable attributes working with direct subclasses of NSView but not with a direct subclass of NSButton. This is causing me to question if in fact the Cocoa implementation is somehow limited to NSView only.
Almost every example on the web (and Apple WWDC 2014 Xcode video) use NSView and then drag a custom view component from the library onto the canvas (and then change its class).
Is it possible to use IBDesignable with subclasses of NSControl and NSButton etc...? I have seen many examples on the web using UIButton.
If it is possible, then what are you supposed to drag from the library onto the canvas? It doesn't make sense for it to be a "custom view". On the other hand, there is no "custom control" available.
To be clear, I can get the IBInspectable attribute to show up at design time; but any changes don't seem to live render at design time.
The workaround is to wrap any custom NSButton I want to create within an NSView (via composition) but this seems like a bit of a hack...
I started playing around with a custom NSButton and NSButtonCell.
Dragging a button from the library onto the canvas and changing its class and the cell class doesn't live render. I think this is because Interface Builder still does a lot of custom things to setup NSButtonCell.
What works fine for me is dragging a custom view from the library onto the canvas and set its class. For this to work you need to setup the cell inside NSButtons -initWithCoder:.
Also I found a sample from Apple with a layer-backed custom Checkbox.
You need to drag an NSButton onto the view, then set the Custom Class to your specific NSButton descendant. Not sure why it doesn't work when you start with an NSView.
What can give you a hint is that the NSButton specific attributes aren't in the "Attributes Inspector". Hence there must be some setup at the time you drag the control onto the view.

iOS. How Do Enable a Transparent Image to Pass Touches to a UIButton Below it?

For an iPad app I am writing I have a container UIView with two subview that are UIView subclasses:
A UIImageView whose image has a portion of it cut away to reveal what is below it.
A UIButton below the UIImageView that is revealed through the cut away portion of the UIImageView.
Since the UIImageView overlaps the UIButton spatially it is preventing touches from reaching the UIButton even though the UIButon is fully visible due to the alpha matte cutout in the UIImageView. How do I allow the UIImageView to pass touches to it's sibling UIButton?
UIImageView usually won't block touches, UIViews do.
You can set the userInteractionEnabled property on the overlapping views to NO, then touches should go through them.
An other approach would be writing a custom hitTest that redirects the thouches to the button.
In addition to Bastian's answer it was also necessary for me to uncheck the Opaque drawing attribute in interface builder for my UIImageView
Even with user interaction enabled, which is the default value when placing a UIImageView in Interface Builder, the touches should pass through to your button underneath, even if your image view has a solid background. Something else must be going on like a UIView sitting on top of the button.
If you are trying to do something more complex to get touches to pass through to underlying views or a separate view controller whose view is underneath, I created this simple open source library:
The REAMDE and demo show how to use it.

Adding a custom view to toolbar

I'm struggling with Cocoa for 2 hours now without success. I want to add a custom view to the toolbar. So, I added a NSToolbar to the window (with IB), and added my view (which works perfectly). IB automatically created a NSToolbarItem.
I followed the instructions from Apple here: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Toolbars/Tasks/AddRemoveToolbarItems.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000755-BBCGJCDJ
The problem is that I don't know what to do now, the view doesn't show although it's label is displayed in the window.
Here's the code I use to draw (very simple, it's for testing purpose)
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
[[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:self.bounds] fill];
Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance.
I solved the problem.
I put my custom view in the root of the nib. I added a classic NSToolbarItem and created two outlets: one for the custom view and one for the NSToolbarItem. On -(void)awakeFromNib, I called setView: on the NSToolbarItem with the custom view.
According to some ressources on the internet, it is a bug with Interface Builder.
According to an Apple engineer in the discussion at http://www.mail-archive.com/cocoa-dev#lists.apple.com/msg35673.html, there is a bug in Interface Builder whereby "Custom Views" (NSViews created in IB) are not decoded properly when used as the view for an NSToolbarItem, and so do not appear in the toolbar. Other kinds of NSViews, such as NSButtons and NSBoxes, will work just fine as toolbar items: you can create these in Interface Builder and then drag them into the toolbar to make them into toolbar items.
(The discussion in the link above implies that the bug is down to how "Custom Views" are created from the XIB at runtime: using initWithFrame: instead of initWithCoder:. The discussion dates from 2009 but this still hasn't been fixed as of XCode 4.5/OS X 10.8.)
In my case I was using a regular NSView to wrap a set of controls (a volume slider and min/max buttons), rather than implementing a custom NSView subclass. I was able to avoid the problem by using an NSBox as the container instead of an NSView: I made the NSBox transparent, title-less and borderless, so it otherwise acted exactly like a plain NSView wrapper. This was a little more work in IB, but saved me the trouble of wiring up the view to the toolbar item programmatically.

NSTextView overlay causes oddities with first responder status

I have an NSTextView in an NSScrollView, and I am programmatically inserting an NSView subclass as a subview of the NSTextView. This NSView acts as an overlay, superimposing graphical information about the text beneath it.
I thought it was working quite well until I noticed that the text view does not respond to right clicks. Other operations (editing, selection) seem to work just fine.
Also, if the first responder is changed to a sibling of the scroll view (an outline view, for example) the text view does not regain first responder status from clicking on it. The selection will change in response to clicking, but the selection highlight is gray instead of blue (indicating that the text view is not the first responder).
If I offset the frame of the overlay subview, the text view behaves 100% normally in the area not overlapped by the overlay, but the overlapped area behaves incorrectly, as outlined above.
Steps To Replicate This Behavior on Mac OS X 10.6.4:
Create a plain old non-document-based Cocoa app.
Add an `NSTextView' IBOutlet to the app delegate .h.
Add an NSTextView to the window in MainMenu.xib. Connect the textView outlet.
Type in a bit of code:
In applicationDidFinishLaunching:
NSView *overlay = [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:textView.bounds];
[textView addSubview:overlay];
[overlay release];
Run the app, observe that right click in the text area does not work as it should, yet you can still otherwise interact with the text view.
Next, add an NSOutlineView to the window in the xib. Observe that once focus leaves the text area (if you click on the outline view) with the overlay in place, you cannot set the focus back to the text view (it will not become first responder again).
Is there some way I can enable the NSTextView to receive all of its events, even though my NSView overlay does not accept first responder or mouse events? I suspect this might be related to the field editor – perhaps it is ignoring events it thinks are destined to the overlay view?
You probably need to make your overlay an instance of a custom view class that forwards all events and accessibility messages to the text view. You may also need to convert any view-relative coordinates to the text view's coordinate system.
I don't have a lot of experience with it, but another possibility would be to use a Core Animation layer as an overlay.
A clean way to handle this is by making your overlay view a custom subclass of NSView, and then overriding the hitTest: method to always return nil. This will prevent the overlay view from participating in the responder chain. Instead, events will get sent automatically to it's superview or views higher up the view hierarchy. You might also want to override acceptsFirstResponder to return NO to be safe (in case it's accidentally set programatically).

buttons in interface buider

has anyone an idea if it is possible to create ellipse or polygon buttons in IB?
Directly, not without a library.
You can, however, create an NSView subclass which performs your shape drawing for you. You will need to implement the mouse events to perform clicks correctly. Drop an NSView on your window, set its class in the inspector to your custom-drawn NSView subclass, and you're set. Check out this tutorial.
You could also create a custom control, derived from NSControl. Check out this documentation.
