Linux source does not work in .sh file? - bash

I have a .sh ( and a .bash (sim_sources.bash) file.
The sim_sources.bash file is called from within the and should set an environment variable $ROBOT to a certain value. However the ROBOT variable never changes when I call ./ Is there a fundamental mistake in the way I am trying to do this? contains:
echo -n "sourcing sim_sources.bash..."
source /home/.../sim_sources.bash
echo "done."
sim_sources.bash contains:
# set the robot id
export ROBOT=robot
EDIT: Could you also propose a way to work around this issue? I would still need to set variables from with in the .bash file.
Thanks for your replys!
Finally I ended up solving it with a screen and stuffing commands to it:
echo -n "starting screen..."
screen -dmS "sim_screen"
sleep 2
screen -S "sim_screen" -p 0 -X stuff "source /home/.../sim_sources.bash$(printf \\r)"
sleep 5
screen -S "sim_screen" -p 0 -X stuff "source /home/.../$(printf \\r)"

You're setting the ROBOT variable in the script, but that's not available to parent processes (your spawning shell/command-prompt).
Exporting a variable e.g. export ROBOT=robot makes the variable available to the current process and child processes. When you invoke ./ you're invoking a new process.
If you simply source in your shell, that script runs as part of your shell process and then your variable will be available.

As Brian pointed out the variables are not available outside of the script.
Here a adapted script that shows this point:
echo -n "sourcing sim_sources.bash..."
. sim_sources.bash
echo $ROBOT
echo "done."
The workaround you are asking for is to start a new shell from the actual shell with the environmental values already set:
echo -n "sourcing sim_sources.bash..."
. sim_sources.bash
echo "done."
This results in:
bash-4.1$ printenv | grep ROBOT

I am on Ubuntu 16.04
I used /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash and it works !


How do I write a script that shows all aliases upon startup of terminal

I am a new user learning to use Linux. I am currently running Ubuntu 18.04 with several aliases created, and saved in the ~/.bashrc directory. I am trying to write a welcome script that also displays the current aliases upon start up. The current code I have is as follows:
#! /bin/bash
echo -e "\nWelcome $USER"
echo -e "Today's date is: \c"
echo -e "\vHave \vA \VGreat \vDay! \c"
echo -e "\nCurrent aliases for reference are:"
Upon startup, or running the script on it's own, the welcome message runs but the actual alias command does not?
First things first:
(...) saved in the ~/.bashrc directory. (...)
Well, I must point that .bashrc is a file, not a directory, and is part of the Bash startup files.
That said, the reason why running the alias command inside a script does not work as expected is that it is a shell builtin, and when invoking it from a script will not behave as if running it from your shell.
Hence, the quickest thing you can do is store your aliases in a different file, like ~/.bash_aliases and ensure it will be loaded by adding this to your .bashrc file:
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
source ~/.bash_aliases
And then read that file directly from your script:
#! /bin/bash
echo -e "\nWelcome $USER"
echo -e "Today's date is: \c"
echo -e "\vHave \vA \VGreat \vDay! \c"
echo -e "\nCurrent aliases for reference are:"
cat ~/.bash_aliases

With Bash or ZSH is there a way to use a wildcard to execute the same command for each script?

I have a directory with script files, say:
... etc
and would like to execute each script like:
$ ./scripts/ start
$ ./scripts/ start
without needing to know all the script filenames.
Is there a way to append start to them and execute? I've tried tab-completion as it's pretty good in ZSH, using ./scripts/*[TAB] start with no luck, but I would imagine there's another way to do so, so it outputs:
$ ./scripts/ start ./scripts/ start
Or perhaps some other way to make it easier? I'd like to do so in the Terminal without an alias or function if possible, as these scripts are on a box I SSH to and shouldn't be modifying *._profile or .*rc files.
Use a simple loop:
for script in scripts/*.sh; do
"$script" start
There's just one caveat: if there are no such *.sh files, you will get an error. A simple workaround for that is to check if $script is actually a file (and executable):
for script in scripts/*.sh; do
[ -x "$script" ] && "$script" start
Note that this can be written on a single line, if that's what you're after for:
for script in scripts/*.sh; do [ -x "$script" ] && "$script" start; done
Zsh has some shorthand loops that bash doesn't:
for f (scripts/*.sh) "$f" start

Shell script to set environment variables

I wish to write a shell script to export variables.
Below I have listed the script .
echo "Perform Operation in su mode"
export ARCH=arm
echo "Export ARCH=arm Executed"
export PATH='/home/linux/Practise/linux-devkit/bin/:$PATH';
echo "Export path done"
export CROSS_COMPILE='/home/linux/Practise/linux-devkit/bin/arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-';
echo "Export CROSS_COMPILE done"
But this doesn't seem to work properly. I have to individually execute the commands at the shell prompt instead.
You need to run the script as source or the shorthand .
source ./
. ./
This will run within the existing shell, ensuring any variables created or modified by the script will be available after the script completes.
Running the script just using the filename will execute the script in a separate subshell.
Please show us more parts of the script and tell us what commands you had to individually execute and want to simply.
Meanwhile you have to use double quotes not single quote to expand variables:
export PATH="/home/linux/Practise/linux-devkit/bin/:$PATH"
Semicolons at the end of a single command are also unnecessary.
So far:
echo "Perform Operation in su mode"
export ARCH=arm
echo "Export ARCH=arm Executed"
export PATH="/home/linux/Practise/linux-devkit/bin/:$PATH"
echo "Export path done"
export CROSS_COMPILE='/home/linux/Practise/linux-devkit/bin/arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-' ## What's next to -?
echo "Export CROSS_COMPILE done"
# continue your compilation commands here
For su you can run it with:
su -c 'sh /path/to/'
Note: The OP was not explicitly asking for steps on how to create export variables in an interactive shell using a shell script. He only asked his script to be assessed at most. He didn't mention details on how his script would be used. It could have been by using . or source from the interactive shell. It could have been a standalone scipt, or it could have been source'd from another script. Environment variables are not specific to interactive shells. This answer solved his problem.
Run the script as source= to run in debug mode as well.
source= ./
I cannot solve it with source ./ It says the source not found error.
Failed also when using . ./ It gives can't open
So my option is put it in a text file to be called in the next script.
echo "Perform Operation in su mode"
echo "ARCH=arm" >> environment.txt
echo "Export ARCH=arm Executed"
export PATH="/home/linux/Practise/linux-devkit/bin/:$PATH"
echo "Export path done"
export "CROSS_COMPILE='/home/linux/Practise/linux-devkit/bin/arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-' ## What's next to -?" >> environment.txt
echo "Export CROSS_COMPILE done"
# continue your compilation commands here
Tnen call it whenever is needed:
while read -r line; do
line=$(sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' <<<${line})
var=`echo $line | cut -d '=' -f1`; test=$(echo $var)
if [ -z "$(test)" ];then eval export "$line";fi
done <environment.txt
In my case, I gave extra spaces before and after =.
For example, in my shell file(say
I initially write
GIT_SHA = $(git rev-parse HEAD)
But I fixed it by using:
GIT_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
So please note that we should not give any spaces before and after the =.

OSX bash script works but fails in crontab on SFTP

this topic has been discussed at length, however, I have a variant on the theme that I just cannot crack. Two days into this now and decided to ping the community. THx in advance for reading..
Exec. summary is I have a script in OS X that runs fine and executes without issue or error when done manually. When I put the script in the crontab to run daily it still runs but it doesnt run all of the commands (specifically SFTP).
I have read enough posts to go down the path of environment issues, so as you will see below, I hard referenced the location of the SFTP in the event of a PATH issue...
The only thing that I can think of is the IdentityFile. NOTE: I am putting this in the crontab for my user not root. So I understand that it should pickup on the that I have created (and that has already been shared with the server)..
I am not trying to do any funky expect commands to bypass the password, etc. I dont know why when run from the cron that it is skipping the SFTP line.
please see the code below.. and help is greatly appreciated.. thx
export DATE=`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S`
export YYMMDD=`date +%y%m%d`
BYEbye ()
rm ${A}.file1${PDATE}
rm ${A}.file2${PDATE}
echo "Finished cleaning internal logs"
exit 0
echo "get -r *" >> ${A}.file1${PDATE}
echo "quit" >> ${A}.file1${PDATE}
eval mkdir ${FEED}${YDATE}
eval cd ${FEED}${YDATE}
eval /usr/bin/sftp -b ${A}.file1${PDATE} ${USER}#${HOST}
exit 0
Not an answer, just comments about your code.
The way to handle filenames with spaces is to quote the variable: "$var" -- eval is not the way to go. Get into the habit of quoting all variables unless you specifically want to use the side effects of not quoting.
you don't need to export your variables unless there's a command you call that expects to see them in the environment.
you don't need to call date twice because the YYMMDD value is a substring of the DATE: YYMMDD="${DATE:0:6}"
just a preference: I use $HOME over ~ in a script.
you never use the "file2" temp file -- why do you create it?
since your sftp batch file is pretty simple, you don't really need a file for it:
printf "%s\n" "get -r *" "quit" | sftp -b - "$USER#$HOST"
Here's a rewrite, shortened considerably:
FEED_DIR="$HOME/Dropbox/$(date +%Y%m%d)"
mkdir "$FEED_DIR" || { echo "could not mkdir $FEED_DIR"; exit 1; }
cd "$FEED_DIR"
echo "get -r *"
echo quit
} |
sftp -b - "${USER}#${HOST}"

How best to include other scripts?

The way you would normally include a script is with "source"
echo "The main script"
echo "The included script"
The output of executing "./" is:
The included script
The main script
... Now, if you attempt to execute that shell script from another location, it can't find the include unless it's in your path.
What's a good way to ensure that your script can find the include script, especially if for instance, the script needs to be portable?
I tend to make my scripts all be relative to one another.
That way I can use dirname:
my_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
I know I am late to the party, but this should work no matter how you start the script and uses builtins exclusively:
if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then DIR="$PWD"; fi
. "$DIR/"
. "$DIR/"
. (dot) command is an alias to source, $PWD is the Path for the Working Directory, BASH_SOURCE is an array variable whose members are the source filenames, ${string%substring} strips shortest match of $substring from back of $string
An alternative to:
scriptPath=$(dirname $0)
.. the advantage being not having the dependence on dirname, which is not a built-in command (and not always available in emulators)
If it is in the same directory you can use dirname $0:
source $(dirname $0)/
echo "The main script"
I think the best way to do this is to use the Chris Boran's way, BUT you should compute MY_DIR this way:
MY_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
To quote the man pages for readlink:
readlink - display value of a symbolic link
-f, --canonicalize
canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given
name recursively; all but the last component must exist
I've never encountered a use case where MY_DIR is not correctly computed. If you access your script through a symlink in your $PATH it works.
A combination of the answers to this question provides the most robust solution.
It worked for us in production-grade scripts with great support of dependencies and directory structure:
# Full path of the current script
THIS=`readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null||echo $0`
# The directory where current script resides
DIR=`dirname "${THIS}"`
# 'Dot' means 'source', i.e. 'include':
. "$DIR/"
The method supports all of these:
Spaces in path
Links (via readlink)
${BASH_SOURCE[0]} is more robust than $0
SRC=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd)
source "${SRC}/"
1. Neatest
I explored almost every suggestion and here is the neatest one that worked for me:
script_root=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
It works even when the script is symlinked to a $PATH directory.
See it in action here:
2. The coolest
# Copyright
script_root=$(ls -l /proc/$$/fd | grep "255 ->" | sed -e 's/^.\+-> //')
This is actually from another answer on this very page, but I'm adding it to my answer too!
3. The most reliable
Alternatively, in the rare case that those didn't work, here is the bullet proof approach:
# Copyright
myreadlink() { [ ! -h "$1" ] && echo "$1" || (local link="$(expr "$(command ls -ld -- "$1")" : '.*-> \(.*\)$')"; cd $(dirname $1); myreadlink "$link" | sed "s|^\([^/].*\)\$|$(dirname $1)/\1|"); }
whereis() { echo $1 | sed "s|^\([^/].*/.*\)|$(pwd)/\1|;s|^\([^/]*\)$|$(which -- $1)|;s|^$|$1|"; }
whereis_realpath() { local SCRIPT_PATH=$(whereis $1); myreadlink ${SCRIPT_PATH} | sed "s|^\([^/].*\)\$|$(dirname ${SCRIPT_PATH})/\1|"; }
script_root=$(dirname $(whereis_realpath "$0"))
You can see it in action in taskrunner source:
Hope this help someone out there :)
Also, please leave it as a comment if one did not work for you and mention your operating system and emulator. Thanks!
This works even if the script is sourced:
source "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/"
You need to specify the location of the other scripts, there is no other way around it. I'd recommend a configurable variable at the top of your script:
. $installpath/
echo "The main script"
Alternatively, you can insist that the user maintain an environment variable indicating where your program home is at, like PROG_HOME or somesuch. This can be supplied for the user automatically by creating a script with that information in /etc/profile.d/, which will be sourced every time a user logs in.
I'd suggest that you create a setenv script whose sole purpose is to provide locations for various components across your system.
All other scripts would then source this script so that all locations are common across all scripts using the setenv script.
This is very useful when running cronjobs. You get a minimal environment when running cron, but if you make all cron scripts first include the setenv script then you are able to control and synchronise the environment that you want the cronjobs to execute in.
We used such a technique on our build monkey that was used for continuous integration across a project of about 2,000 kSLOC.
Shell Script Loader is my solution for this.
It provides a function named include() that can be called many times in many scripts to refer a single script but will only load the script once. The function can accept complete paths or partial paths (script is searched in a search path). A similar function named load() is also provided that will load the scripts unconditionally.
It works for bash, ksh, pd ksh and zsh with optimized scripts for each one of them; and other shells that are generically compatible with the original sh like ash, dash, heirloom sh, etc., through a universal script that automatically optimizes its functions depending on the features the shell can provide.
[Fowarded example]
This is an optional starter script. Placing the startup methods here is just a convenience and can be placed in the main script instead. This script is also not needed if the scripts are to be compiled.
# load
# include directories to search path
loader_addpath /usr/lib/sh deps source
# load main script
echo '---- ----'
# remove loader from shellspace since
# we no longer need it
# main procedures go from here
# ...
echo '---- ----'
echo '---- ----'
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
What's best is scripts based on it may also be compiled to form a single script with the available compiler.
Here's a project that uses it: It can run portably with or without compiling the scripts. Compiling to produce a single script can also happen, and is helpful during installation.
I also created a simpler prototype for any conservative party that may want to have a brief idea of how an implementation script works: It's small and anyone can just include the code in their main script if they want to if their code is intended to run with Bash 4.0 or newer, and it also doesn't use eval.
Steve's reply is definitely the correct technique but it should be refactored so that your installpath variable is in a separate environment script where all such declarations are made.
Then all scripts source that script and should installpath change, you only need to change it in one location. Makes things more, er, futureproof. God I hate that word! (-:
BTW You should really refer to the variable using ${installpath} when using it in the way shown in your example:
. ${installpath}/
If the braces are left out, some shells will try and expand the variable "installpath/"!
I put all my startup scripts in a .bashrc.d directory.
This is a common technique in such places as /etc/profile.d, etc.
while read file; do source "${file}"; done <<HERE
$(find ${HOME}/.bashrc.d -type f)
The problem with the solution using globbing...
for file in ${HOME}/.bashrc.d/*.sh; do source ${file};done you might have a file list which is "too long".
An approach like...
find ${HOME}/.bashrc.d -type f | while read file; do source ${file}; done
...runs but doesn't change the environment as desired.
This should work reliably:
source_relative() {
local dir="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}"
[[ -z "$dir" ]] && dir="$PWD"
source "$dir/$1"
Using source or $0 will not give you the real path of your script. You could use the process id of the script to retrieve its real path
ls -l /proc/$$/fd |
grep "255 ->" |
sed -e 's/^.\+-> //'
I am using this script and it has always served me well :)
Of course, to each their own, but I think the block below is pretty solid. I believe this involves the "best" way to find a directory, and the "best" way to call another bash script:
scriptdir=`dirname "$BASH_SOURCE"`
source $scriptdir/
echo "The main script"
So this may be the "best" way to include other scripts. This is based off another "best" answer that tells a bash script where it is stored
Personally put all libraries in a lib folder and use an import function to load them.
folder structure contents
# Imports '.sh' files from 'lib' directory
function import()
local file="./lib/$"
local error="\e[31mError: \e[0mCannot find \e[1m$1\e[0m library at: \e[2m$file\e[0m"
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
source "$file"
if [ -z $IMPORTED ]; then
echo -e $error
exit 1
echo -e $error
exit 1
Note that this import function should be at the beginning of your script and then you can easily import your libraries like this:
import "utils"
import "requirements"
Add a single line at the top of each library (i.e.
Now you have access to functions inside and from
TODO: Write a linker to build a single sh file
we just need to find out the folder where our and is stored; just change your with this:
SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0)
SCRIPT_DIR="$(echo $0| sed "s/$SCRIPT_NAME//g")"
source $SCRIPT_DIR/
echo "The main script"
According man hier suitable place for script includes is /usr/local/lib/
Files associated with locally installed programs.
Personally I prefer /usr/local/lib/bash/includes for includes.
There is bash-helper lib for including libs in that way:
. /usr/local/lib/bash/includes/
include api-client || exit 1 # include shared functions
include mysql-status/query-builder || exit 1 # include script functions
# include script functions with status message
include mysql-status/process-checker; status 'process-checker' $? || exit 1
include mysql-status/nonexists; status 'nonexists' $? || exit 1
Most of the answers I saw here seem to overcomplicate things. This method has always worked reliably for me:
FULLPATH=$(readlink -f $0)
INCPATH will hold the complete path of the script excluding the script filename, regardless of how the script is called (by $PATH, relative or absolute).
After that, one only needs to do this to include files in the same directory:
Reference: TecPorto / Location independent includes
here is a nice function you can use. it builds on what #sacii made. thank you
it will let you list any number of space separated script names to source (relative to the script calling source_files).
optionally you can pass an absolute or relative path as the first argument and it will source from there instead.
you can call it multiple times (see example below) to source scripts from different dirs
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function source_files() {
local scripts_dir
if [ -d "$scripts_dir" ]; then
if [[ ! -d "$scripts_dir" ]]; then scripts_dir="$PWD"; fi
for script_name in "$#"; do
# shellcheck disable=SC1091 disable=SC1090
. "$scripts_dir/$"
here is an example you can run to show how its used
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function source_files() {
local scripts_dir
if [ -d "$scripts_dir" ]; then
if [[ ! -d "$scripts_dir" ]]; then scripts_dir="$PWD"; fi
for script_name in "$#"; do
# shellcheck disable=SC1091 disable=SC1090
. "$scripts_dir/$"
## -- EXAMPLE -- ##
# assumes dir structure:
# /
# scripts/
# nested/
# scripts/
cd /tmp || exit 1
tee <<- EOF > /dev/null
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export SIBLING_VAR='sibling var value'
# scripts/
mkdir -p scripts
tee scripts/ <<- EOF > /dev/null
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export CHILD_VAR='child var value'
# nested/scripts/
mkdir -p nested/scripts
tee nested/scripts/ <<- EOF > /dev/null
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export GRANDCHILD_VAR='grandchild var value'
source_files 'sibling'
source_files 'scripts' 'child'
source_files 'nested/scripts' 'grandchild'
echo "$CHILD_VAR"
rm -rf scripts nested
cd - || exit 1
sibling var value
child var value
grandchild var value
You can also use:
source "$PWD/"
